- Are now handled a different way (not killed but only moved, on respawn, for example) But you shouldn't really see it, since the changes are mainly in the code. Instead of spawning an holo near the chest and finding it later to kill it, the holo is in a java object and the entity is now registered and managed correctly.
- Are killable if bugged with
/lc removeallholo
This command only removes lootchest holograms without chests under them. Holograms are bugged when server crashes or if its process is killed.
- Are now more configurable: Now you can edit how the timer is displayed on the hologram, if you chose to display it. There's a format for it in config, just like a chat format.
You can now define a radius so that if there's monsters around the player, he won't be able to open the chest. Default set to 0 (disabled)
Breaking chest:
I changed the chest breaking to naturally breaking when you loot it, but some guys told me it was really bad for their minigame. So there's now an option for it in config (Destroy_Naturally_Instead_Of_Removing_Chest)
If you set this to false, the chest will not be dropped, whatever the way it got destroyed.
Other things:
- Improved chest names completion for commands
- Added GriefPrevention compatibility for chest spawning.
- Chat messages can now have multiple lines with \n (both the messages in config.yml and lang.yml)