LootChest icon

LootChest -----

Respawnable chests with particles, menu, hologram.

butchbottom's donation update - Fixes, spawn protection time, event, spawn on water.
It is named like this because without the quite good donation of this guy, I would have been too much lazy to fix these bugs and add these features.

- Added config option to prevent chest from spawning on water (for randomspawn only, obviously)
- Added config option to set a protection time for a chest after its spawn
- Added /lc setprotection [chest] [time] to edit this protection time for each chest
- LootChest is now throwing a very simple LootChestSpawnEvent, containing the LootChest object (you can get anything from it) but only at the end of a chest spawning (it cannot be canceled)

- Rewritten spawning methods and some related methods, this may have added/solved some bugs
This also may have improved performances, but not that much I think.
- Fixed name of Type menu, wich was name of time menu
- Fixed 1.19 compatibility/console error on respawn
- Fixed copy menu: in some versions, we couldn't copy a chest from the second page of the menu
- Fixed items menu: in some versions, we couldn't remove items from it, or only by replacing them.
- Fixed armorstand issues with other plugins (incompatibilities only due to me)
- Fixed 1.7 compatibility: ended usage of "getonlineplayers" function, correctly blocked holograms/worldborder ----checks, disabled the new thread for particles only in 1.7,
- Fixed console colors
- Limited names of menus to 32 characters because it throwed an error in some versions, and because more than 32 characters was ugly anyway.
- Fixed completion showing all chests, even those that failed to load
- Changed a little the code/behavior of menus, fixed a bug in some versions when second page of a menu wouldn't be activated, and when you couldn't copy chest but simply take items from the menu
- Maybe fixed some weird characters ('Â') in messages in some versions/forks, because of file character encoding and compilation

Known bugs:
- changing type of the chest will drop its content on the ground, don't know why
- Performances issues and hologram bugs in unloaded chunks may not have been solved
- In 1.7 console, each messages is now making a new line (sorry)
----------, Jan 2, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 128,650
First Release: Oct 13, 2018
Last Update: Jan 3, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
161 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings