At the end of this month, I will be celebrating 10 years here on Spigot. KitPvP recently marked its 8th anniversary in July, and I want to extend a special thank you to everyone who has contributed in countless ways to make KitPvP what it is today. Your support over the years has meant the world to me. Thank you all for being a part of this journey! =) New Features in 2.2.4:
1.21 Support
Forward compatibility for items/materials in future server versions
New Fixes in 2.2.4:
Fix 1.20+ opening sign editing when interacting with KitPvP signs
Fixed Witch Potion Switcher not working on 1.21+ (NoClassDefFoundError org/bukkit/potion/Potion error)
This is the last version where the /kp export command (command used to port the legacy stats.yml to SQL) will be included in the plugin. After this update, it will be removed. It is highly encouraged to update to this latest version and use the new storage method.
New Features in 2.2.1:
1.19 Support
Reintroduced MySQL support, optimized and better than ever
If you don't use MySQL; no worries, KitPvP will automatically use SQLite instead as in previous versions
New abilities folder to allow for custom abilities to be shared across multiple kits. Custom kit abilities must be migrated to folder for custom abilities to function, example of new ability file here
AbilitiesRequireKit config option to toggle whether a kit is needed to use abilities
AddOverflowItemsOnKit config option to add items to the player inventory whose designated slots were already occupied
DropRemainingOverflowItemsOnKit config option to drop any remaining new kit items at a player's feet if a player's inventory is full
%kitpvp_level_prefix% placeholder which displays the level prefix from the levels.yml for a player based on their level
Customizable Arrow Return amount option in config.yml
PlaceholderAPI placeholders can now be used in Scoreboard title
Added %uuid% placeholder to command format plugin-wide
PreviewMenuTitle option added to messages.yml for language translation
PreviewMenuPotionEffectsItemName added to messages.yml for language translation
PreviewMenuBackArrowItemName added to messages.yml for language translation
New Changes in 2.2.1:
Changed ability permission from kp.ability.kitName to kp.ability.abilityName
New Fixes in 2.2.1:
Fixed Arrow Return being triggered by shooting non-kitted players
Fixed Arrow Return being triggered by shooting self
The storage of stats is no longer in a yml file. To update to the new storage method, use /kp export. This new storage method is extremely efficient and will greatly improve server performance.
New Features in 2.1.8:
1.17 Support
Leaderboards (finally!)
Guide for creating Leaderboard holograms can be found here
Max Health kit option: max health is now automatically recorded and saved with /kp create
Optional Experience-To-Level-Up under each Level section to customize how much experience is required for a specific level (example)
PreventArenaSignUseWithKit option to toggle usage of the arena sign depending on whether a player has a kit selected
PreviewMenuBackArrowCommands in the config.yml to customize the commands that are run when clicking the “Back” arrow in the preview menu
Useful for servers that use external menu plugins for their kit menu
New Commands in 2.1.8:
/kp setstats [username] [identifier] [amount] - set the stats of any player (online or offline)
/kp stats [username] - now works with offline players
/kp export - not a new command, but now exports stats.yml into new storage format
New Permissions in 2.1.8:
kp.command.setstats - gives access to /kp setstats [player] [type] [amount]
New Changes in 2.1.8:
MySQL support has temporarily been removed
SQLite is now the new storage system for stats; flat file stats.yml removed
Improved signs, no longer needs signs locations stored in flat file
Added stats caching to improve performance
New Fixes in 2.1.8:
Fixed potions not being colored in 1.8 servers
Fixed any item of the Leave item material being unplaceable globally
Fixed kit item not working if material was built-in ability material (example: nether star)
Fixed Trickster kitted players being able to switch with players in protected WorldGuard regions
Fixed health not being reset to full upon kit clearing
Fixed circumstantial Witch NPE console error
Fixed circumstantial Player Tracker NPE console error
If you are updating from anything older than 2.1.6, please make sure you have followed the update instructions for 2.1.6 before using this version. If you do not do this, you will experience errors.
Manual file changes should no longer be required after this update.
New Features in 2.1.7:
WorldGuard support: abilities can no longer be used in non-pvp regions
New Fixes in 2.1.7:
Fixed error on player hit
Fixed Trickster ability not working
Fixed error with Witch ability
Fixed all soup signs becoming empty
Fixed some files constantly regenerating or reverting to defaults
Fixed error on Chat
Fixed all “Clear” preferences being ignored
Fixed problem preventing creating new kits if the kits folder was empty
Fixed TNT animation to display correctly on newer server versions
Fixed some levels.yml-related configuration issues causing Chat errors
Fixed incorrectly formatted Cooldown format causing errors when running /kp create
Fixed some arena items not properly handling some material types
In addition to the aforementioned documentation, the
entire Wiki page now features in-depth details and explanations of each configuration file. Before reaching out on the Discord or to me, please be sure to review them thoroughly.
This is mostly a bug fixing update. Please be sure to read the
2.1.1 update notes to ensure you are up-to-date on all the latest changes.
Please note that all kits that currently use potion items of any sort should be remade. Additionally, the "Potions" section under each kit and the "Potions" section under each ability has been renamed to "Effects". Lastly, potions no longer use "Level", but rather "Amplifier" (example here)
New Features Added in 2.1.2:
Support for Tipped Arrows & Lingering Potions
Offhand item saving when creating a kit
Certain commands (such as giving kits or clearing kits) can now be run from console
New Permissions Added in 2.1.2:
kp.cooldownbypass - permission to bypass the kit cooldown
New Fixes Added in 2.1.2:
Fixed signs not working
Fixed IllegalArgumentException error when accessing messages
Fixed ability items being placeable (such as Fighter Health Packs)
Fixed Thunderbolt & Vampire abilities not working
If you have any issues, please leave a comment on the Discussion page or PM me before leaving a bad review.
Support for custom arena items under "Items" in the config.yml (guide)
Customizable delay under GiveSoupOnKill (for servers that use tridents in kits)
TrackBelowY option to track only players under a certain y coordinate (for servers that have high up spawn and not track those players)
TNT section to config.yml to disable custom throwable TNT (for servers using Bomber kit, make sure to change your TNT item in the kit to use the matching display name as in the config.yml for it to work again)
ResetKillStreakOnLeave arena option to toggle resetting the kill streak when a player leaves
scoreboard.yml placeholders
PlaceholderAPI placeholders
New Commands in 2.1.1:
/kp kit [kit] [player] to allow selecting kits for other players
/kp clear [player] to allow clearing kits for other players
New Changes in 2.1.1:
Removed ForceSurvivalOnJoin arena option
New Fixes in 2.1.1:
Fixed abilities doing damage in WorldGuard regions protected with invincible true and pvp false
Fixed player glitching on respawn after dying on some servers
Fixed no damage from fire or explosions with no kit even with NoKitProtection disabled
Fixed GiveSoupOnKill always filling the players inventory regardless of amount specified in config
Fixed Player Tracker tracking players in spectator mode
Fixed most (if not all) projectile deaths not correctly crediting killers
If you have any issues, please leave a comment on the Discussion page or PM me before leaving a bad review.
View Permission to hide kits or items that a player does not have permission to
PlaceholderAPI Expansion
Command Aliases
/spawn -> /kp spawn
/kits -> /kp kits
/kit name -> /kp kit name
/stats -> /kp stats
New Changes Added in 2.0.0:
Optimized the plugin a ton, recoded various core parts of the plugin, should now run like a feather on your server
Disabled Death, Kill, & Respawn Commands by default
Commented all the config files with brief recommendations
NearestPlayerTeleporter "No Players Online" is now customizable
Removed %vault_prefix% from the default levels.yml chat format, which caused a "Conversion = v" chat error if you did not have Vault or PlaceholderAPI installed
New Fixes Added in 2.0.0:
Fixed Scoreboard disappearing randomly
Fixed Sound errors
Fixed last hit doing significant amount of damage
Fixed arrow health message displaying when shooting yourself
Fixed death not occuring properly when dying from:
Blood Suckers
Ender Pearls
Fixed Kill & Death Commands having the incorrect player assigned to each placeholder
Fixed "... could not save file ..." message in console
Fixed Soldier Guns doing damage to players without a kit
Fixed Health Packs being able to be placed if OP
Fixed TNT being able to be placed if OP
If you have any issues, please leave a comment on the Discussion page or PM me before leaving a bad review.
You must remove or rename your previous KitPvP folder in order to receive all of the new capabilities of 1.2.6 since there have been some file changes. If you do not do this, the plugin will not function correctly.
If you have problems, suggestions, or bugs to notify me about, please consider joining our brand new KitPvP Discord. On the Discord, I also provide early access Beta builds with new features and kits.
New Features Added in 1.2.6:
PvP Leveling System
Kill Commands
Death Commands
New Commands Added in 1.2.6:
/kp menu - Opens the Kit Menu
New Improvements Added in 1.2.6:
Simplified the commands system in configuration files
New Permissions Added in 1.2.6: - Gives access to /kp menu
New Fixes Added in 1.2.6:
Spawn not working from external worlds
"Could not save... " warning messages from console
Players with no kit dying to Bomber's TNT
Coming Soon:
More Kits
If you have any issues, please leave a comment on the Discussion page or PM me before leaving a bad review.