This is the last version where the /kp export command (command used to port the legacy stats.yml to SQL) will be included in the plugin. After this update, it will be removed. It is highly encouraged to update to this latest version and use the new storage method.
New Features in 2.2.1:
1.19 Support
Reintroduced MySQL support, optimized and better than ever
If you don't use MySQL; no worries, KitPvP will automatically use SQLite instead as in previous versions
New abilities folder to allow for custom abilities to be shared across multiple kits. Custom kit abilities must be migrated to folder for custom abilities to function, example of new ability file here
AbilitiesRequireKit config option to toggle whether a kit is needed to use abilities
AddOverflowItemsOnKit config option to add items to the player inventory whose designated slots were already occupied
DropRemainingOverflowItemsOnKit config option to drop any remaining new kit items at a player's feet if a player's inventory is full
%kitpvp_level_prefix% placeholder which displays the level prefix from the levels.yml for a player based on their level
Customizable Arrow Return amount option in config.yml
PlaceholderAPI placeholders can now be used in Scoreboard title
Added %uuid% placeholder to command format plugin-wide
PreviewMenuTitle option added to messages.yml for language translation
PreviewMenuPotionEffectsItemName added to messages.yml for language translation
PreviewMenuBackArrowItemName added to messages.yml for language translation
New Changes in 2.2.1:
Changed ability permission from kp.ability.kitName to kp.ability.abilityName
New Fixes in 2.2.1:
Fixed Arrow Return being triggered by shooting non-kitted players
Fixed Arrow Return being triggered by shooting self