The all-in-one battle plugin featuring Custom Kits, Custom Abilities, Leaderboards, & much more.
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Version History
KitPvP 2.0.8 has been released!
New Features Added in 2.0.8:
1.15 Support
Rhino Kit
Upgraded Example Kit (remove previous Example.yml to get updated version)
MySQL storage stats support
Kit item updates:
Supports custom skulls
Supports custom item durability
Supports potions (regular, splash potions, even lingering!)
Supports data (such as enchanted golden apples)
“Amount” under “GiveSoupOnKill” to customize how many soups are given for a kill
“Time” under “Death -> Title” to customize the death respawn countdown
"Enabled" under Soups to disable them via config.yml
ClearKitOnCommandSpawn to toggle clearing your kit when doing /kp spawn
Support for vanilla enchant names in kit files
Message for Thunderbolt and Vampire abilities when not clicking a player
New Changes in 2.0.8:
Better 1.9+ support for dual-wielding fixing numerous issues
“Other” section renamed to “Arena” to specify those settings only apply to any KitPvP arena world
Default kit files can now be deleted and will not regenerate
Removed kp.givekititem and kp.giveleaveitem for being pointless and causing too many issues
PlayerSelectKitEvent to API for developers (more events to come)
New Fixes in 2.0.8:
Fixed deaths not occurring properly with Soldier Gun’s, bows / arrows, and tridents
Fixed players not getting credited with kills from knocking players in the void
Fixed soups and give soup on kill working outside of the arena
Fixed KillStreaks working in worlds outside of the KitPvP world
Fixed bows not doing damage in certain configurations
Fixed PreventFallDamage disabling fall damage in all worlds even outside the arena
Fixed being able to place kit item
Fixed being able to place Fighter’s Ender Chest ability
Fixed Witch potion always going to the second slot
Fixed players respawning with fire still on if they died while on fire
Fixed most built-in abilities having messages which could not be disabled
Fixed infinite soups in the offhand in 1.9+ servers, no longer requiring OldCombatMechanics
Fixed inventory always clearing even if not leaving a KitPvP arena
Fixed commands in the config.yml requiring no space after the “:”
Fixed lores not having color codes
Fixed sounds on 1.11+ not working
Fixed kit signs not working and throwing errors
Fixed kit potion effects being one level higher than specified in the kit
Fixed respawn items not being given when FancyDeath is disabled
Fixed kit previewing not displaying all item information (enchantments, potion data, etc.)
Fixed respawn screen not showing even when FancyDeath is disabled
If you have any issues, please leave a comment on the Discussion page or PM me before leaving a bad review.
Dec 21, 2019
View on SpigotMC
Resource Information
Total Downloads:
First Release:
Jul 29, 2016
Last Update:
Sep 22, 2024
All-Time Rating:
326 ratings
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