If you are updating from anything older than 2.1.6, please make sure you have followed the update instructions for 2.1.6 before using this version. If you do not do this, you will experience errors.
Manual file changes should no longer be required after this update.
New Features in 2.1.7:
WorldGuard support: abilities can no longer be used in non-pvp regions
New Fixes in 2.1.7:
Fixed error on player hit
Fixed Trickster ability not working
Fixed error with Witch ability
Fixed all soup signs becoming empty
Fixed some files constantly regenerating or reverting to defaults
Fixed error on Chat
Fixed all “Clear” preferences being ignored
Fixed problem preventing creating new kits if the kits folder was empty
Fixed TNT animation to display correctly on newer server versions
Fixed some levels.yml-related configuration issues causing Chat errors
Fixed incorrectly formatted Cooldown format causing errors when running /kp create
Fixed some arena items not properly handling some material types