This is mostly a bug fixing update. Please be sure to read the
2.1.1 update notes to ensure you are up-to-date on all the latest changes.
Please note that all kits that currently use potion items of any sort should be remade. Additionally, the "Potions" section under each kit and the "Potions" section under each ability has been renamed to "Effects". Lastly, potions no longer use "Level", but rather "Amplifier" (example here)
New Features Added in 2.1.2:
Support for Tipped Arrows & Lingering Potions
Offhand item saving when creating a kit
Certain commands (such as giving kits or clearing kits) can now be run from console
New Permissions Added in 2.1.2:
kp.cooldownbypass - permission to bypass the kit cooldown
New Fixes Added in 2.1.2:
Fixed signs not working
Fixed IllegalArgumentException error when accessing messages
Fixed ability items being placeable (such as Fighter Health Packs)
Fixed Thunderbolt & Vampire abilities not working
If you have any issues, please leave a comment on the Discussion page or PM me before leaving a bad review.