HavenElytra - Combined Chestplates and Elytras [Discontinued] icon

HavenElytra - Combined Chestplates and Elytras [Discontinued] -----

Transferring enchants, lore, attributes such as Armor, and the rest of the ItemMeta.

Added: You can now specify if the combined elytra should have its own Custom Model Data, and whether each material type should too.
Code (YAML):
# Custom Model Data of the combined elytra.
# If diabled, the combined elytra will inherit the CMD of the original elytra.
: false
: 12070
# Should each material type have their own?
: false
: 12071
: 12072
: 12073
: 12074
: 12075
: 12076
----------, Jun 19, 2024

Added: You can now choose what items should take damage when separating the combined elytra. (If the combined has taken damage)
Code (YAML):
# Should the items take damage when separated?
# Otherwise they get fully repaired.
: true
: true
: false
Updated: Command Handling has been changed, and should now be callable through other plugins.
----------, May 12, 2024

Fixed: Should Vault fail to integrate for what ever reason, players can still combine/separate for free, instead of being completely unable to.
There seems to be an issue integrating Vault when it is standalone.
But as soon as I installed EssentialsX, it integrated just fine...

Fixed: Small typo in lang.yml value "can-afford".
----------, Apr 23, 2024

Added: Vault integration, you can now specify a cost to combine/separate.
You'll have to specify the cost in the gui yourself.
These will be added automatically upon loading.

Code (YAML):

# Requires Vault.
# Ignored if 0.
: 0

# Requires Vault.
# Ignored if 0.
: 0
Code (YAML):

: ' %plugin% &cYou do not have enough money.'
: ' %plugin% &a$%cost% has been taken from your balace.'

Fixed: Items are no longer repaired when separating, the elytra will keep the durability.
This was an oversight.

NOTE: I've noticed the typo in 'balance', but I won't post an update just fixing that typo, so please change that yourself :)
Thank you for understanding.
----------, Apr 10, 2024

!! Upgrading from HavenElytra v1 to v2 will require some manual config updating!
Please take a backup before upgrading the plugin.
(Changes requiring manual updating, are mainly changing messages.yml to lang.yml)

HavenElytra has been rewritten using the latest version of ValorlessUtils, and newer methods I learned while developing other plugins.
Many things have changed, such as how data is stored, how GUI is handled, and how the code is set up.
This update requires ValorlessUtils v1.5.8.219 or newer.

Added: ValorlessUtils version is checked on load, to avoid incompatibility with older versions.

Added: PlaceholderAPI support.

Added: Command ' /havenelytra convert' to convert v1 elytras to v2.
In addition will the following message be sent, if a v1 elytra is being used: 'Please convert this elytra with /havenelytra convert.'

Added: Language 'pl_pl' (Polish).

Added: You can now set the volume and pitch of 'sound', in GUI files.

Changed: messages.yml is now lang.yml.
You can simply rename the file, or have the plugin generate the new file.

Changed: lang.yml entry 'combined-elytra-lore' no longer accepts '%s', but now uses '%chestplate%'.

Changed: lang.yml entry 'combine-fail' has been changed to '%plugin% &cCombination failed!\nElytra is already combined.'.
(Was: '%plugin% &cCombination failed!\nElytra missing, or is already combined.')
Whether the item is missing or not, is no longer cared about.

Changed: lang.yml entry 'separate-fail' has been changed to '%plugin% &cSeparation failed!\nElytra is not combined.'.
(Was: '%plugin% &cSeparation failed!\nElytra missing, or is not combined.')
Whether the item is missing or not, is no longer cared about.

Fixed: New Update warning now shows the correct plugin name.

Fixed: Default 'sound' in gui-separate.yml is now correctly 'BLOCK_ANVIL_USE'.

Removed: 'interact' value on all 'gui' entries.

You will not have to change on any of the existing GUI files, as the setup remains the same, where the "behind the scenes" has been changed.
----------, Mar 26, 2024

Added: All items involved in combination or separation, are now required to be fully repaired.

Added: If the player's inventory is full when items are returned, they're dropped on the ground below the player.

Added: All open HavenElytra GUIs open as the server is reloaded or shut down, will close and return all items.

HavenElytra is one of my first plugins, and therefore outdated code wise.
If I am to do more or better updates, I'll have to rewrite the plugin to use newer methods, and the latest update of ValorlessUtils.
The plugin still works as is though.
----------, Mar 25, 2024

Missed a config value.


This update requires ValorlessUtils v1.3.0.130 in order to translate!
I've upgraded from a very simple translation system, to a bigger better one, which doesn't require manual translations.
If you're updating from you have to change the language value from "english" to "en_us". Same goes for the other languages. (See below for more info)

Chestplate in the combined elytra lore is now translated to the defined language.
You can request other languages added, I just did a few.
(Bag in the picture is translated to Russian)
Code (YAML):
# Language used when translating material and item names.
## Supported languages:
# English (US) --------- en_us
# English -------------- en_gb
# Danish --------------- da_dk
# German --------------- de_de
# Spanish -------------- es_es
# French --------------- fr_fr
# Turkish -------------- tr_tr
# Dutch ---------------- nl_nl
# Japenese ------------- ja_jp
# Korean --------------- ko_kr
# Chinese (Simplified) - zh_cn
# Russian -------------- ru_ru
: 'en_us'
You still have to translate lang.yml yourself.

I also added an Update checker :)
----------, Jun 27, 2023

This update requires ValorlessUtils v1.3.0.130 in order to translate!
I've upgraded from a very simple translation system, to a bigger better one, which doesn't require manual translations.
If you're updating from you have to change the language value from "english" to "en_us". Same goes for the other languages. (See below for more info)

Chestplate in the combined elytra lore is now translated to the defined language.
You can request other languages added, I just did a few.
(Bag in the picture is translated to Russian)
Code (YAML):
# Language used when translating material and item names.
## Supported languages:
# English (US) --------- en_us
# English -------------- en_gb
# Danish --------------- da_dk
# German --------------- de_de
# Spanish -------------- es_es
# French --------------- fr_fr
# Turkish -------------- tr_tr
# Dutch ---------------- nl_nl
# Japenese ------------- ja_jp
# Korean --------------- ko_kr
# Chinese (Simplified) - zh_cn
# Russian -------------- ru_ru
: 'en_us'
You still have to translate lang.yml yourself.

I also added an Update checker :)
----------, Jun 27, 2023

Added bStats to the plugin.
----------, Jun 18, 2023

An error will now be shown in the console when a GUI files has not been set up yet, instead of saying nothing.
(Checked when the GUI is opened.)
----------, May 26, 2023

The GUI templates found on GitHub are now generated on startup in

The config value of 'filler' is now accepted as lowercase.
----------, May 25, 2023

Reverted a change that didn't work.
----------, May 25, 2023

Added support for Hex colors.
Hotfix to the Language "english".
----------, May 25, 2023

The combined lore placed on combines Elytras will now translate to different languages.
As I do not speak these languages, all translations are taken from Minecraft's own language files.

Code (Text):

# What language the chestplates should translate to.
# Supports: English, Danish, German, Turkish, Spanish, French.
language: 'english'
Discovered a bug. For english, leave Language empty
----------, May 25, 2023

fixed typo on some config code.
----------, May 25, 2023

Each GUI can now have their own name and size.

Please check https://github.com/Valorless/HavenElytra/tree/main/src/main/resources/templates if you're unsure of anything regarding the configs.
----------, May 25, 2023

----------, May 25, 2023

You can now choose what types of chestplates can be combined.

When updating from 1.3.0, please make sure you also update ValorlessUtils, otherwise you may get unexpected results.
----------, May 24, 2023

I've fixed the issue with the validation system for the config files.
The new update requires ValorlessUtils v1.1.1.104 in order to work, as the main fix was located in the library.
ValorlessUtils on Spigot
ValorlessUtils on GitHub
----------, May 23, 2023

The templates written on the main page have been fixed and updated. They should all work now.

- You can now choose what item the GUI should be filled with as a filler.

- New Permissions: havenelytra.combine, havenelytra.separate. Needed in order to access their respected menus.

- The text that appears in the lore of a combined elytra, saying the name of the chestplate it is combined with, is now customizable.

As I've found a bug with the config validation system in my library, please add these to your config files for them to work:
no-permission: '&cSorry, you do not have permission to do this.'

# ## NOTE: You cannot change %s. %s is used when formatting messages.
# You may move %s around, but cannot rename it.

# Text written in the item's lore to tell what item it's bound with.
# %s - Name of the Chestplate.
combined-elytra-lore: '&7+ [%s&7]'
# Set to AIR to remove filler blocks
----------, May 23, 2023

- Elytra Combinations now support custom attributes, and attributes outside of Armor, Armor Toughness, and Knockback Resistance.

- /havenelytra reload should correctly reload the GUI again.

- Removed a bunch of unused code, which became obsolete during the previous update.

- Fixed some minor mistakes found here and there, these shouldn't have affected the plugins performance, but have been fixed nontheless.
----------, May 23, 2023

CustomModelData from the elytra is now correctly transferred to the combined elytra.

GUI menus updated to allow CustomMode data, and better performance.
GUI menus are now within the same container, and no longer resets the mouse when changing menu.
Back button is now available.

Due to the new GUI update, all menus will be the same size, controlled by gui-main.yml
----------, May 18, 2023

A flaw was discovered in the plugin while using it on my server.
HavenElytra now uses and stores information differently to create the combined items and restoring them.
This change has fixed the issue that rose after I updated the plugin to 1.19 from 1.18.
Apologies to anyone else who experienced this issue.

With the new changes among other things, applying new enchants to the elytra will transfer over to the chestplate when separated again.
Lore is also generated differently.
Unsafe enchants now work.

- Meta data is now stored on the elytra of both items, and used to restore them to their original state. In addition any enchant that were not already on the chestplate, will be applied when separated.
(I.E not having unbreaking before the merge, but enchanting it on afterwards)
- Lore from both items are now visible on the elytra.
- Fixed a bug causing the GUI to throw errors in 1.19.
- '&d+ <Chestplate_Name>' has been changed to '&a+ &7[<Chestplate_name>]'
- Errors are no longer thrown when attempting to separate a regular elytra.
----------, May 4, 2023

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,654
First Release: May 1, 2023
Last Update: Jun 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
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