Added: Vault integration, you can now specify a cost to combine/separate.
You'll have to specify the cost in the gui yourself.
These will be added automatically upon loading.
Code (YAML):
# Requires Vault. # Ignored if 0. combine-cost: 0
# Requires Vault. # Ignored if 0. separate-cost: 0
Code (YAML):
cannot-afford: '
%plugin% &cYou do not have enough money.' can-afford: '
%plugin% &a$%cost% has been taken from your balace.'
Fixed: Items are no longer repaired when separating, the elytra will keep the durability.
This was an oversight.
NOTE: I've noticed the typo in 'balance', but I won't post an update just fixing that typo, so please change that yourself
Thank you for understanding.