HavenElytra - Combined Chestplates and Elytras [Discontinued] icon

HavenElytra - Combined Chestplates and Elytras [Discontinued] -----

Transferring enchants, lore, attributes such as Armor, and the rest of the ItemMeta.

v2.0.0.259 New updates, and more to come
!! Upgrading from HavenElytra v1 to v2 will require some manual config updating!
Please take a backup before upgrading the plugin.
(Changes requiring manual updating, are mainly changing messages.yml to lang.yml)

HavenElytra has been rewritten using the latest version of ValorlessUtils, and newer methods I learned while developing other plugins.
Many things have changed, such as how data is stored, how GUI is handled, and how the code is set up.
This update requires ValorlessUtils v1.5.8.219 or newer.

Added: ValorlessUtils version is checked on load, to avoid incompatibility with older versions.

Added: PlaceholderAPI support.

Added: Command ' /havenelytra convert' to convert v1 elytras to v2.
In addition will the following message be sent, if a v1 elytra is being used: 'Please convert this elytra with /havenelytra convert.'

Added: Language 'pl_pl' (Polish).

Added: You can now set the volume and pitch of 'sound', in GUI files.

Changed: messages.yml is now lang.yml.
You can simply rename the file, or have the plugin generate the new file.

Changed: lang.yml entry 'combined-elytra-lore' no longer accepts '%s', but now uses '%chestplate%'.

Changed: lang.yml entry 'combine-fail' has been changed to '%plugin% &cCombination failed!\nElytra is already combined.'.
(Was: '%plugin% &cCombination failed!\nElytra missing, or is already combined.')
Whether the item is missing or not, is no longer cared about.

Changed: lang.yml entry 'separate-fail' has been changed to '%plugin% &cSeparation failed!\nElytra is not combined.'.
(Was: '%plugin% &cSeparation failed!\nElytra missing, or is not combined.')
Whether the item is missing or not, is no longer cared about.

Fixed: New Update warning now shows the correct plugin name.

Fixed: Default 'sound' in gui-separate.yml is now correctly 'BLOCK_ANVIL_USE'.

Removed: 'interact' value on all 'gui' entries.

You will not have to change on any of the existing GUI files, as the setup remains the same, where the "behind the scenes" has been changed.
----------, Mar 26, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,657
First Release: May 1, 2023
Last Update: Jun 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
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