Missed a config value.
This update requires ValorlessUtils v1.3.0.130 in order to translate!
I've upgraded from a very simple translation system, to a bigger better one, which doesn't require manual translations.
If you're updating from you have to change the language value from "english" to "en_us". Same goes for the other languages. (See below for more info)
Chestplate in the combined elytra lore is now translated to the defined language.
You can request other languages added, I just did a few.
(Bag in the picture is translated to Russian)
Code (YAML):
# Language used when translating material and item names.
## Supported languages:
# English (US) --------- en_us
# English -------------- en_gb
# Danish --------------- da_dk
# German --------------- de_de
# Spanish -------------- es_es
# French --------------- fr_fr
# Turkish -------------- tr_tr
# Dutch ---------------- nl_nl
# Japenese ------------- ja_jp
# Korean --------------- ko_kr
# Chinese (Simplified) - zh_cn
# Russian -------------- ru_ru
: 'en_us'
You still have to translate lang.yml yourself.
I also added an Update checker