HavenElytra - Combined Chestplates and Elytras [Discontinued] icon

HavenElytra - Combined Chestplates and Elytras [Discontinued] -----

Transferring enchants, lore, attributes such as Armor, and the rest of the ItemMeta.

v1.3.0.165 Fixes and Features
The templates written on the main page have been fixed and updated. They should all work now.

- You can now choose what item the GUI should be filled with as a filler.

- New Permissions: havenelytra.combine, havenelytra.separate. Needed in order to access their respected menus.

- The text that appears in the lore of a combined elytra, saying the name of the chestplate it is combined with, is now customizable.

As I've found a bug with the config validation system in my library, please add these to your config files for them to work:
no-permission: '&cSorry, you do not have permission to do this.'

# ## NOTE: You cannot change %s. %s is used when formatting messages.
# You may move %s around, but cannot rename it.

# Text written in the item's lore to tell what item it's bound with.
# %s - Name of the Chestplate.
combined-elytra-lore: '&7+ [%s&7]'
# Set to AIR to remove filler blocks
----------, May 23, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,657
First Release: May 1, 2023
Last Update: Jun 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
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Downloads: ------
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