Hey people,
We are here with update 1.4.4 and this one is just another huge update that many were waiting for. A lot of features were added and I have to credit 99% of the update to ElitoGame and his contributions.
I directly go to the changelogs:
- Added new ability to rotate your hologram to all sides of the chest in chest shop settings GUI
- Added all supported Language configs into the plugin inside translations/Locale_**.yml
- Added Config Option: language. One of: "Locale_EN", "Locale_DE", "Locale_ES", "Locale_CN" and new language, Persian(Farsi) "Locale_FA". Default is Locale_EN
- Restructured all 4 Language files, making them organized by topics in a hierarchical order.
- Changed all Lore sections to work with Lists. Reading Lists is now handled via the StreamAPI
- "Created" new Command /checkprofits (/cp), check out all profits you made while you were offline.
- Modified the PlayerTransactEvent, adding new/easier accessible values.
- fixed issues with buying/selling ItemStacks that would stack up over their natural stack limit.
Added a bunch of new Configuration options and fixed some typos, including:
- holo-structure and holo-structure-adminshop are now more interactive with disabling, however, this means these settings will no longer be copied over from previous versions.
- holo-line-spacing allows users to define the spacing with a double multiplier based on the default values.
- Under display.number-format, admins can set how decimals are displayed in chat/holograms and guis.
- In settings.defaults, the default values when creating a shop can be defined.
- Also in settings, zero-price-equals-disabled automatically sets a shop to disabled if it is using a price of 0 during creation.
- buy-greater-then-sell can be enabled, which prevents players from accidentally setting up a shop that will be a permanent loss.
- And finally, for settings, shulkershop-lore can be enabled, making dropped shulkershops more distinguishable by having some lore.
- The last configuration I added is how many lines of content should be displayed per page.
- fixed bugs where double chests could be registered as shops from both chests. (Also fixed for a combination of /ecsadmin and /ecs)
- LanguageManager now has Lists support
- help message is now configurable as a List and has MineDown support.
- Implemented WorldGuard custom Flags:
Available Flags are: ecs-create-shop, ecs-create-admin-shop, ecs-remove-shop, ecs-remove-admin-shop, ecs-use-shop, ecs-use-admin-shop.
- Added new possible hologram placeholders to define the max buy/sell amount using the same calculation as with the custom amount. (so player balances and inventories are considered too!)
- Added new admin permissions: ecs.admin is still the op overriding everything permission, however, all sub commands as well as Admin GUI view have got their own permission options now. ecs.admin.create, ecs.admin.remove, ecs.admin.reload, ecs.admin.view
- probably fixed unknown transaction event errors for players being offline
In the end, many hours of work go for this free plugin, consider at least rating or liking this resource and if not me, at least thank
for these perfect updates.