Ez Chest Shop | A different player shop plugin icon

Ez Chest Shop | A different player shop plugin -----

Probably the best and the easiest [Player] chest shop plugin in the entire Minecraft history

And finally, 1.17 update is out ^_^
Hello folks!

and here we are with a lot of updates that 1.3.0 contains and this is just a massive update. I really worked hard for this one and it took me a month and a half for coding it, debugging, and beta testing...
This one is going to be a long update log but if you don't have time and just want that 1.17 support, download the latest version of the plugin, and don't forget to leave a like or comment down there.

Pretty straight and forward let's see what has been added and removed during these 2 months...

First of all, let's start with storage and database system:
Previously, I used to save the ownership of a player in the chest shop using the username of the player, but now, everything is in UUID, so it supports username change now. Don't worry! If you install 1.3.0, the plugin automatically replaces the old storing method and replaces it with a new UUID system so it still works even if you used to have older versions.

Admin shop(server shop) now in EZ chest shop:
A lot of people requested adding the admin shop to the plugin, although the main reason that I created this plugin was not to make it for admins but only for players, because of requests, I decided to add this feature so you can add it to your server:
/ecsadmin create 100 50
This way, the chest shop won't need any storage and therefore it never goes out of stock because it doesn't check for the chest's storage.
There are also some limitations in the settings section of the admin shop (server shop) and it is intentional.

Whole new section: Settings GUI:
The settings section is just an inevitable part of the new update and has a lot to explain.
Again, I listened to people who came to my discord server and suggested cool stuff: the settings section is a part of the chest shop that owners and admins of the chest shop can config depending on what they want. it has settings like:
Toggling Message for buy and sell: this happens when a customer buys or sells something from the chest shop and it notifies the owner and admins of the chest shop that the customer bought this quantity of this item.

Disabling buy and sell buttons: a lot of people complained about not being able to disable the buy and sell buttons, so now you can disable or enable them using this section of the plugin.

Adding/removing admins for chest shop and sharing profit with them: Now you can trust people who like and let them access chest shop storage, settings section(except adding removing admins and profit share button). You can now even share your profit with your admins: [HOW IT WORKS?]: 1 owner and 3 admins of chest shop: total price divided by 4[3+1) | basically sharing the profit of each BUY transaction equally to owner and admins.

Last 53 transactions:
Yes! , whoever buys or sells anything to you, you and your admins are now able to see it in a clean GUI form. It contains various data from the time, amount, buy/sell, total price and etc.

Nice floating item:
from this update, you'll see a nice floating item for the item that is being sold in the chest shop. Unfortunately, there is no option for disabling this but for the next 1.3.1 update, I'll add it.

A new event for developers:
PlayerTransactEvent is added so you can use it. note that it's not cancelable.

ecs.admin is now even more dangerous:
well, yes. because of updates, whoever has ecs.admin can easily abuse and dupe the profit. just be careful with whom you are giving this permission.

This is the last version that I'm supporting 1.2.4 and below so if you are using these versions or below, update the plugin immediately or expect no support if anything goes wrong.

Relatively all messages are added to languages.yml so you can change it.
----------, Jul 13, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 22,855
First Release: Mar 21, 2021
Last Update: May 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
55 ratings
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