Language.yml added + Hologram delay is customizable now
Hey there, Thanks to your suggestions, I added the
Language.yml file so you can now edit every single message/gui message in plugin (except /ecs & /ecsadmin). You can apply your edits and execute /ecsadmin reload for an instant update.
The second update is about the hologram delay for disappearance after activity. You can easily change the timer in config.yml. the default value is 10 seconds. Note that If you haven't touched config.yml yet, I
recommend deleting the old config.yml and let the new one generate. I say this because of YML files' limitation as to when you add a new option in a previously generated YML file, it removes all descriptions(comments) in the file. Don't worry it doesn't reset old configs, I repeat it
only removes comments. If you don't want to delete the old config, you can still use the configuration section with comments which I keep updated on the spigot page of the plugin.
Not forget to mention that the plugin size decreased for around 20 kilobytes by removing useless stuff.