ChatColor icon

ChatColor -----

Change the style and color of your chat!

v1.15.1 - Bug Fixes

  • Internally tweaked how colours are handled to reduce the chance of plugin errors
  • Fixed a bug where having a default or group colour would cause all messages to be blank
  • Fixed a bug where invalid custom colours in the GUI would cause bugged items to appear
  • Fixed a bug where invalid materials would cause the entire inventory to not display
----------, Aug 16, 2024

v1.15 - GUI Rework & Additional Features

  • Fully supports 1.21, Spigot, Paper, and Purpur
  • Internally reworked how colours are handled within the plugin's code
  • Rewritten gradient generator, it is much more accurate (almost 1-1 with Birdflop)
  • GUI feature completely rewritten!
  • Default GUI layout reworked to look nicer, new custom colours added (check them out!)
  • Simplified default no-permission messages
  • Added customisable sound effects to the GUI
  • Added ability to hide no-permission items from the GUI
  • Added ability to create 'dynamic' GUIs that cluster available colours in untaken item slots
  • Added ability to use player heads in the GUI
  • Added ability to add item-specific no-permission lore for GUI items
  • Added enchantment effect to the selected colour in the GUI
  • Added ability to use special colours in GUI item names and lores (e.g., &u, &g)
  • Added ability to use custom colour names in GUI titles and item names (e.g., "%hotInventory Title")
    • Note: you can only use them at the start of the text!
  • Added permissions for specific hex colours
    • e.g., chatcolor.color.123456
  • Added a new placeholder, %cc_modifiers_spaced%, that returns a player's active modifiers with spaces between them
    • e.g., "&a&l&n" becomes "l n"
  • Added a new setting, remove-inaccessible-colors, which will remove colours & modifiers that players no longer have permission for when they chat
  • Added auto reconnect to database connections
  • Tidied up a couple of default messages (made them more concise)
  • Fixed a bug where new players would not load correctly when using the YAML storage option until setting their colour
  • Fixed a bug where you required incorrect permissions to use custom colours by command
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't select hex colours from a command
  • Fixed a bug where ignore-symbol-prefixes didn't work with single character messages

This will probably be one of the last feature updates to the plugin, so I hope you enjoy! If you have any issues, as usual please join my support Discord server linked on the plugin page :)
----------, Jul 20, 2024

v1.14.3 (2) - Hotfix


  • Removed the '&' symbol from the ignore-symbol-prefixes setting.
This was causing issues with using colour codes in chat.
----------, May 6, 2024

v1.14.3 - Increased Plugin Compatibility

  • Added /chatcolor clear, removing the user's chat colour completely.
    • The permission for this is chatcolor.clear.
  • Added a new setting: ignore-symbol-prefixes.
    • When true, will not colour any messages that start with symbols.
  • Added the ability to exclude set placeholders from being coloured.
    • For example, you could exclude [item], {item}, etc., from being coloured.
    • You can add placeholders in config.yml.
  • For developers:
    • Added a ChatColorEvent to the plugin, fired each time ChatColor is about to modify a message. You can cancel this to stop the plugin from acting on a given message.
    • For the moment, you would need to install the jar to your local repository to use this.
  • Removed player-list file functionality.
    • This is due to large amounts of lag caused on servers with a big playerbase.
    • The only downside to this is you cannot change the colour of players that are offline.
  • Fixed two bugs relating to setting hex colours from commands:
    • Using '&' at the start would be valid, but would add an extra '&' into the colour.
    • The colour name would be 'null' when replacing the [color-name] placeholder.
  • Fixed a bug where hex colours were not validated in a case-insensitive manner for custom and group colours.
This should allow you all to fix most of the compatibility issues that have been reported, such as plugins that display items, balance, etc., in chat, as well as any plugins using chat commands.

As always, report any issues or suggestions in the Discord support server :)
----------, May 6, 2024

v1.14.2 - MariaDB Support


  • Added support for MariaDB databases.
    • The MariaDB driver supports both MySQL and MariaDB - please report any issues with this as soon as discovered!
----------, Feb 17, 2024

v1.14.1 - Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a bug where when using the YAML storage option, rejoining the server would reset your colour to your previous colour.
  • Fixed a bug where setting players' colours from the console would result in incorrect behaviour or straight up not work.
----------, Feb 9, 2024

Hi all,

I've had some reports that the Google Drive link wasn't working well, so I've managed to reduce the filesize and upload directly to Spigot. Nothing else changed!
----------, Feb 1, 2024

v1.14 - SQL Update

I know a lot of you have been asking for this for years, so here it is!

  • Added MySQL database support as a storage option (finally!)
    • This adds config values to config.yml that you can use to connect to a database.
  • Reworked & refactored several parts of code to enable this update, and to make the plugin function more logically (and not drive me insane).
  • The plugin no longer modifies chat events that have been cancelled. This should hopefully improve some plugin conflicts (whoops).
  • Improved /chatcolor reload functionality, now it works properly, and is easier to expand in the future.
  • Updated and added new placeholders, the affected placeholders are as listed:
    • cc_color_name
    • cc_colored_color_name
    • cc_full_color_name
    • cc_colored_full_color_name
    • cc_modifier_names
    • cc_modified_modifier_names
    • cc_full_modifier_names
    • cc_modified_full_modifier_names
  • Here is a visual representation of these placeholders, from top to bottom:
  • Added a [color-name] placeholder to the following messages:
    • current-color
    • set-own-color
    • set-others-color
    • player-set-your-color
  • This is now the default placeholder in these messages and has the same functionality as the cc_colored_full_color_name placeholder shown above.
  • Removed a possible error if a player sent a message before their data was loaded.
  • Fixed a bug introduced last update where setting another player's colour instead set a 'nullnull' prefix on their messages.

Thank you to all of you reporting bugs, issues, and suggesting improvements through the Discord! It's much appreciated and the plugin wouldn't be where it is today without your support.

Aside from minor changes and a bit of a GUI rework, there isn't much left in the pipeline for this plugin, so if you have any fresh ideas, please send me a DM or join the server and post a message!

Please report any issues or bugs with this update to me through the Discord server in the plugin description. Thanks!
----------, Jan 29, 2024

v1.13.4 - Default-to-GUI Setting & Minor Fixes

  • Added a new setting, command-opens-gui. When set to true, running /chatcolor will open the GUI instead of telling you your colour.
  • Fixed some messages that were either missing a prefix, colour, or both!
  • Refactored some code internally that was quite gross.
  • Default confirm-timeout value changed to 15 seconds.
  • Fixed a bug where legacy colour codes (a, b, c, etc.) couldn't be used in gradient colours.
  • Fixed a bug where /chatcolor reset would not reset the GUI or custom colours. Please make sure to backup your configs if you use this!

That's all for now, but stay tuned for the long-awaited SQL support update coming very soon!
----------, Jan 19, 2024

v1.13.3 - Command Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Gradient & rainbow colours can now be set from the /chatcolor command, e.g. /chatcolor &u[#ff0000,#00ff00,#0000ff]&l
    • There is a new permission for this, chatcolor.special, which allows a player to use ALL rainbow and gradient colours, via command
    • Specific ones should be set using custom or group colours
  • Added a placeholder for a player's active group (%cc_group%)

  • Fixed a bug where you could not use capital letters in custom colour names
  • Fixed a bug where you could not add any hex, rainbow, or gradient custom or group colours from in-game
    • Side note: Adding group colours from in-game now uses the longhand method e.g. &a&l so that you can use rainbows and gradients as well
  • Plugin is now compiled against 1.20.4

That's all for now! Hope you've all had a brilliant Christmas & New Year! All the best for 2024.
----------, Jan 14, 2024

v1.13.2 - 1.20 Update & Bug Fixes


  • Plugin is now built natively alongside 1.20.2.
  • Updated PlaceholderAPI dependency version.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking items in a player's inventory would interact incorrectly with the ChatColor GUI.
  • Added permission nodes to the plugin.yml - this helps with autocompletes when adding permissions with plugins like LuckPerms.
----------, Dec 7, 2023

v1.13.1 - Placeholder Changes & Fixes

  • Added two placeholders:
    • %cc_color_name% - this will be replaced by the colour code / name for the player, for example if they have &c, it will be c. Custom colours will be, for example, %bright-rainbow, and hex colours will be, for example, #123456.
    • %cc_modifier_names% - same as color_name but for modifiers, for example if they have &l&m, it will be lm.
  • Fixed existing placeholders for hex colours that weren't working as expected.
Many thanks to Arnold for the suggestion!
----------, Feb 15, 2023

v1.13 - Gradient Colours & GUI Tweaks


  • Updated to 1.19.3 (older versions still work).
  • Added gradient colours to the custom colours, used like so:
    Code (Text):
    • One example is now included on fresh installs.
    • See here for an example of what they look like!
    • Note: This currently only works with hex colours.
  • Added FILLER items to GUIs. Just set the type value to FILLER and set the material as usual to create items that do nothing in the GUI (make it look pretty!). Example:
    Code (YAML):
    : FILLER
  • Added lore to items in GUIs, see below for example (picture):
    Code (YAML):
    : COLOR
    : 9
    : '&9Blue'
       - ''
        - '&7&oUnlocked with rank &b [Knight ] &7&o!'
Minor Changes & Bug Fixes:
  • Removed redundant GUI-based messages in messages.yml
  • Removed broken placeholders
    • This was all text-based placeholders, e.g. 'full-color-text'. I don't think these were very useful anyway.
    • Important Note: Rainbow colours and gradient colours DO NOT WORK with placeholders, and there is no way around this (that I know of).
  • Fixed a bug where trying to select a custom colour from the GUI while having a normal colour & modifiers selected would instead select white as the colour.
  • Fixed a bug where the CC2 prefix was not being displayed for the no-permissions message when trying to use admin commands without permission.

Thank you all for your ongoing support :) if anyone has any further ideas / comments / bugs (or needs support), please let me know on my Discord! Join here:
----------, Feb 15, 2023

v1.12.4 - Modify Custom Colors from In-game + Bug Fixes


  • Updated to 1.19.2.
  • Added the ability to add, remove, and list custom colors from in-game (please check the main page for more info in the commands section).
  • Fixed a bug where players with deleted/invalid custom colors set would show 'null' as their color.
    • Also fixes any edge cases related to deleted/invalid custom colors.
  • Fixed a bug where custom Spigot jars would not load due to a version parsing error (please let me know if this still doesn't work).
  • Fixed a bug where invalid custom colors were treated as valid as long as part of it was valid.
----------, Aug 26, 2022

v1.12.3 - Customisable Event Priority & 1.18 Support


  • Updated to 1.18.1 API version.
  • Fixed several messages missing the prefix to do with custom colours.
  • Added customisable listener priority: this can be changed in config.yml as a setting!
    • Please see here for more information on accepted values.
    • In short, HIGHEST will make ChatColor get the event last, and LOWEST (default) will make ChatColor get the event first (overriding other plugins).
    • If you are having issues with ChatColor overriding other plugins, try using a value closer to HIGHEST.
  • Players with the chatcolor.use-color-codes permission will no longer be able to use hex colours in chat without also having chatcolor.use-hex-codes.
That's all for now, more coming soon(ish)! :)
----------, Feb 19, 2022

v1.12.2 - Plugin Upgrade Bug Fix

  • Fixed a bug where upgrading from version x.x (e.g. 1.12) to x.x.x (e.g. 1.12.1) would cause the plugin to crash on startup.
----------, Aug 6, 2021

v1.12.1 - Custom Colours Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug allowing players without permission to use all custom colours.
  • Fixed bug with cc_full_color placeholder not working with custom colours.
Let me know if there's anything else! :)
----------, Aug 4, 2021

v1.12 - Custom Colours!


Make sure to read it all, there are some important changes!
  • Added a brand-new custom colours system!
    • You can now define custom pre-set colours via. permissions that can be used in commands & the GUI system.
    • Also added customisable rainbow colours as part of this! (It's been a long time coming for this..)
  • How-to:
    • New config file: custom-colors.yml
    • Currently, custom colours can only be added through the config, please take a look at it to add more :)
    • Custom rainbows are defined like this:
      You can add as many/few colours as you would like. &l&m is an example of where you would put modifiers. There are two example rainbow colours included, as well as a GUI page for them!
    • Another example custom colour would be:
      &#123456&l for a hex custom colour, meaning you can now restrict players to using specific hex colours instead of having all of them.
    • To give players access to a custom colour, use the permission:
      chatcolor.custom.<name>, with the name being the one you create in the config.
    • Important: The previous 'custom' colour system has been renamed to 'groups'. You will need to change any permissions you had set as chatcolor.custom.<name> to<name> to keep this functionality. All commands related to groups are the same, except with /chatcolor group instead of /chatcolor custom.
    • Note: The rainbow chat colour has been removed as it is replaced by the custom colour functionality. To allow players to use it, give them the permission chatcolor.custom.bright-rainbow for the default rainbow.
  • To use a custom colour, run the command:
    /chatcolor %<name>, for example /chatcolor %bright-rainbow
  • For GUI entries, simply use the name of the custom colour as the 'data' field for the item in the config.
  • Note: Players are not able to change modifiers on custom colours, to avoid them gaining access to modifiers/colours they may not have access to without the custom colour.
Other Changes:
  • Hex colours now use the format &#RRGGBB instead of #RRGGBB to make it more clear it's a colour code.
  • Changed the listener priority to LOWEST, to hopefully fix some bugs people are having with other plugins overriding it.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where using /chatcolor reload would break the plugin for all online players until they relog.
  • Fixed a bug stopping the plugin from working on anything <MC 1.13.
Any questions or issues, please DM me or leave a comment as usual! Hope you all enjoy the update ^-^
----------, Aug 3, 2021

v1.11 - GUI Legacy Compatability

  • Added compatability changes for legacy (<1.16) MC versions. Should now support down to 1.8 again.
  • Added a new section to the GUI config for displaying when hex colours are not available (if you're using <1.16). I would advise deleting gui.yml and allowing the plugin to generate a new one with the added section, or you can manually add the section like so (to each GUI with colours):
- '&cHex colors are only supported on 1.16+.'
material: BARRIER
  • As such, any hex colours in GUIs in legacy versions will not be usable, but will display as such. Any display names with hex colours in will be displayed as white.
  • Side note: updated plugin to v1.11 (major update, should have done with the GUI update itself).
Let me know if there's anything else that needs fixing, I'm around for a few more hours :)
----------, Jun 14, 2021

v1.10.6 - GUI Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where hex colour permissions were not being checked correctly, leading to no hex colours being available in the GUI unless opped.
  • Fixed a bug where the 'already selected' message was not being displayed when trying to select a colour that is currently selected.
Let me know if you find any more!
----------, Jun 14, 2021

v1.10.5 - Customisable GUI & 1.17 Support

  • Added an all-new customisable GUI!
    • You can define you own GUIs to contain as many colours as you want.
    • Hex colours are supported, simply use #RRGGBB format as the 'data' entry for any item in the GUI (see example hex colours gui).
    • Default GUIs are in gui.yml, please follow the format described in the config for creating your own ones!
    • color-unavailable, modifier-unavailable, color-active, color-inactive, modifier-active, modifier-inactive are all optional (you only need these for GUIs that have colours/modifiers in them respectively). If they are missing where needed, a default version will be used for any missing items.
    • Important: You cannot use the same material for color-unavailable and anything else - this will cause anything using that material to behave like an unavailable colour. Try and use different materials for everything, if you can.
  • Updated the plugin to work with MC 1.17 (there was a small bug causing incompatability).
As always, if there are any bugs, please let me know! I will be away for around 2 weeks but will fix anything when I return.
----------, Jun 13, 2021

v1.10.4 - Bug Fix & 1.16.4 Support

  • Fixed a bug where the console would be spammed with debug messages (CURRENT, etc.).
  • Updated the plugin to build alongside 1.16.4 and is tested working.
Sorry there hasn't been any major update recently, I've got rather a lot of uni work to do :(
----------, Jan 2, 2021

v1.10.3 - Small Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the console/chat would be spammed with plugin debugging messages.
  • Fixed a bug where players could use '&&a', for example, to bypass permissions needed to use color codes.
  • Fixed a bug where an error would be thrown when an inventory with no title was closed.
----------, Nov 20, 2020

v1.10.2 - Confirm Command Moved, Default Color Toggling, Bug Fixes

  • The /confirm command has been moved to /chatcolor confirm due to reported conflicts with Towny and possibly others.
  • Added default-color-enabled setting to toggle whether default color enforcement is enabled (true by default).
  • Fixed a bug which disabled hex colours on 1.16 and above.
  • Fixed a bug which was causing default colors to actually not work at all.
  • GUI customisation coming soon!
----------, Sep 21, 2020

v1.10.1 - Backwards Compatability Support (MC 1.15 and lower)

  • The plugin is now fully compatible with MC versions 1.15 and lower!
  • Note: Hex colours only work on 1.16 :)
  • More coming soon!
----------, Sep 16, 2020

v1.10.0 - Hex Colours & Small Optimisations

  • Updated plugin to allow hex colours!
    • You can use hex colours anywhere you'd expect to use normal '&' colours, and of course with the /chatcolor command.
    • e.g. In chat, simply type #RRGGBB in front of any text to colour it in hex!
    • Rainbow sequences also work with hex, please list colours one after another without spaces like before :)
    • Please use the 'chatcolor.use-hex-codes' permission to allow people to use hex codes!
  • Please see this page for more information on hex colours: Click
  • Fixed a bug where the plugin would error when changing rainbow-sequence from in-game.
  • I will be adding a GUI page / sign UI to allow you to set a hex colour from the GUI soon!
  • If you have any more ideas please leave a comment :)
----------, Sep 14, 2020

v1.9.6 - Custom Colours Implementation Fix

  • Added checks for wildcard (*) permissions before trying to apply custom colours.
    • This means that you can now use * and chatcolor.* permissions without having to worry about your chatcolor being messed up!
    • Note: You cannot use a custom colour yourself if you have a wildcard permission that includes chatcolor.custom.*.
  • Fixed a small bug with placeholders that would try to display rainbow chat colour when using the %cc_color% placeholder, it will now display nothing (not possible to show the colour).
As always, if you have any suggestions please leave a comment!
----------, Sep 12, 2020

v1.9.5 - Updated to Minecraft 1.16.3!

  • Updated the plugin to work with Minecraft version 1.16.3 :)
    • Note: The plugin does not work with version 1.15.2. If there is still demand for 1.15, I'll make a separate version for 1.15. Please leave a comment if you still want it!
  • More coming soon!
----------, Sep 11, 2020

v1.9.4 - More Placeholders, Bug Fixes!

  • Added new placeholders to the messages.yml file.
    • You can now use [color-text] to show a more verbose colour output in colour-based messages, instead of [color]!
  • Fixed a bug where upgrading from earlier versions caused a NullPointerException due to a missing setting.
    • This is now correctly handled on plugin startup.
    • Additionally, any problems with 'force-custom-colors' should now be fixed as well. Keep up the reports!
  • Fixed a bug where doing /chatcolor reload reset all players colours back to the last save.
That's all for now! Keep the reports and suggestions going :)
----------, Aug 24, 2019

v1.9.3 - More Placeholders, @p Support, Bug Fix

  • Added the following placeholders:
    • %cc_full_color_text_plain%
    • %cc_modifiers_text_plain%
    • %cc_color_text_plain%
  • These are the same as before, but without the text itself being coloured.
  • Added support for using @p as in command blocks to set the colour of the nearest player to the command block.
  • Fixed a bug where if you set your colour to nothing, by accident or manually, it would cause the plugin to break for you. It will now be set to default colour if found to be empty.
If you find any more bugs, or have any suggestions, please let me know!
----------, Jul 27, 2019

v1.9.2 - Bug Fixes!

  • Fixed a bug where new settings (i.e. the 'force-custom-colors' setting) would not be added on a plugin upgrade (from 1.8.0 -> 1.9.0).
  • Fixed a bug where /chatcolor reload was asking for multiple arguments.
Thanks to everyone helping with finding bugs!
----------, Jul 26, 2019

v1.9.1 - Critical Bug Fix

  • Fixed a critical bug with the custom-colours system.
    • If you were OP, you would always be set to the first custom colour in the config, unless 'force-custom-colors' was set to false, giving the effect that your colour was being reset.
    • This will not have affected normal players.
  • Important Note! You cannot use the 'chatcolor.*' permission! This will cause this to happen anyways, even with this fix.
Thanks to everyone who messaged me about this!
If you find anything else please message me again :)
----------, Jul 26, 2019

v1.9.0 - Bug Fixes, Custom Colours and More!

  • Added permission-based custom colours!
    • This will be useful when you want a certain permission (or group) to be set to a chat colour.
    • You can create custom colours with /chatcolor custom add <name> <colour>.
    • For example: /chatcolor custom add Member 7 o
    • This would create a custom colour called 'Member' and set it to grey and italic.
      • If you give a player/group the permission 'chatcolor.custom.Member' (case-sensitive), then their chat colour will be permanently set to the colour you created.
        • If you set a player/group to a colour, they will not be able to change their chat colour.
        • You can disable this behaviour by changing the 'force-custom-colors' setting to FALSE.
          • This will allow players to change their chat colour as normal, however default colour behaviour will be different (see below).
  • You can remove custom colours with /chatcolor custom remove <name>, and list them with /chatcolor custom list.
  • If anyone needs help with this, send me a DM! I understand it may be a bit confusing.
  • You can now do /chatcolor [player] default to set yours, or another player's, chat colour back to the default.
    • If you have been set to a custom colour, it will set your chat colour back to the custom colour.
  • Bug fixes:
    • The method I used for deciding if the config is out-of-date (below plugin version 1.7.9) was not working, so I have fixed it. This may have caused your config.yml to be reset on server launch for plugin version 1.8.0. I apologise for any inconvenience caused.
    • Fixed a few incorrect messages being sent, related to permissions for using colours/modifiers.
    • Optimised a few messages in relation to the previous fix:
      • no-color-perms
      • no-mod-perms
  • These will no longer be coloured to show the modifier/colour the permission is lacking for, it will just show the character representing it.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Merged all 'chatcolor.admin.*' permissions into a single permission, 'chatcolor.admin'.
If you have any ideas for the plugin, please send me a message or leave a comment!
----------, Jul 19, 2019

v1.8.0 - New Command, Message Placeholder Changes, Bug Fixes!

  • New command: /chatcolor <add/remove> <modifier>
    • Allows you to add or remove a modifier from your chat color without having to re-set your whole colour.
    • Example usage: /chatcolor add l or /chatcolor remove l
  • Greatly improved placeholders in plugin messages:
    • A lot of messages now use [color], [modifier] and [setting] placeholders where necessary.
    • This allows you to further customise your messages (looks a lot cleaner too, I think!).
    • Important Notice: The message called 'this' has been removed - this means you need to either delete messages.yml and allow the plugin to generate the new default config with all the placeholders (or just remove the affected messages and reload the plugin), or add the placeholders yourself. The affected messages are:
      • invalid-color ([color] placeholder)
      • invalid-modifier ([modifier] placeholder)
      • invalid-setting ([setting] placeholder)
      • set-own-color ([color] placeholder)
      • set-others-color ([color] placeholder)
      • player-set-your-color ([color] placeholder)
  • Tweaked a few other messages to look nicer (no-color-perms, no-mod-perms).
    • To see these changes, you must remove the messages mentioned from the config, and then reload/restart the server.
  • Created new logic for colouring [color] and [modifier] placeholders in messages in order to remove the 'this' message, looks cleaner and can now have more message after the coloured text.
    • Before, you had to have [color] at the end of the message. This is no longer the case!
  • Bug fixes/miscellaneous:
    • Fixed 'save-interval' setting not being set correctly from in-game.
    • Fixed incorrect messages being sent when running the main /chatcolor command.
    • Fixed a bug where trying to set an invalid colour would cause an internal error.
    • Updated the bStats link in startup messages to point to the plugin's page (must delete message & reload to see this).
That's all for now! If you have any ideas for what I could do with this plugin in the future, please leave a comment or message me :)

Thanks for the support!
----------, Jul 16, 2019

  • Added PlaceholderAPI support! Please check the plugin's description for the available placeholders.
    • If you have any ideas for more placeholders, please message me or leave a comment and I'll add them ASAP :)
There will be another update soon, adding a useful command :) stay tuned!
If you have any ideas for the plugin, please let me know ^-^

Thanks for supporting my plugin!
----------, Jul 14, 2019

v1.7.11 - Bug Fixes!

  • Corrected the 'use-colour-codes' permission to the American spelling, 'use-color-codes' for plugin consistency.
  • Fixed a bug where using '&' in chat would remove all chat colour from your message.
That's all for now! Post any suggestions or bugs in the comments :)
----------, Jul 5, 2019

Hello all,

I made a mistake in the spelling of the permission 'chatcolor.use-color-codes' - it is currently under the British English spelling, 'chatcolor.use-colour-codes'. Please make sure you use this instead.

It will be fixed in the next update.

----------, Jul 3, 2019

v1.7.10 - Reload Re-Added, New 'save-interval' Setting

  • /chatcolor reload can now be used to reload all configs while running.
    • Please Note: It uses the same message (reloaded-messages) to tell you it worked - it's recommend you change the message to avoid confusion, as it currently tells you it only reloaded the messaged.
  • New setting: save-interval. This sets the time between saves for the plugin.
  • Fixed the incorrect colouration of messages shown by /confirm.
That's all! If you have any suggestions or bug reports, please post them in the comments!
----------, Jul 3, 2019

v1.7.9 - Major Code Refactoring, More Customisability & Better Configs

  • Configs have been separated into config.yml and messages.yml.
    • Don't worry - your old config will be saved to a separate file to allow you to copy across anything you want to save!
    • The messages.yml file has been split into sections to improve readability - should make finding the message you want to change easier.
    • Removed defcol.yml, merged into config.yml.
  • Players now require a permission, chatcolor.use-color-codes, in order to use & colour codes in the chat, even with color-override disabled.
  • More customisable messages have been added to make the plugin even more customisable!
  • Now using a timestamp as the default colour code instead of a random number.
  • Very large changes to code structure and functionality.
    • Switched from statics to dependency injection in a lot of cases.
    • Improved config loading/saving system significantly.
    • Re-coded how the plugin's messages & strings are stored.
    • More commented code.
    • Cleaned up the main class, removing functionality that shouldn't have been in it to a different class.
That's all for now! If you have any suggestions or bug reports, please leave them in the comments.
----------, Jul 2, 2019

v1.7.8 - 1.14.2 Support & Small Changes

  • Added compatability for Minecraft version 1.14.2 (tested only for 1.14.2, 1.14.3 should also be okay).
  • Merged a pull request from GitHub (thanks AlexTMjugador!):
    • Code refactoring
    • More customisable messages/strings (specifically, the GUI)
    • Rainbow chat colour now selectable in the GUI
  • Small code formatting changes.
Tested on Minecraft versions 1.8.9 and 1.14.2 (everything between should work fine).
That's all for now.

Got an idea? Leave a comment on the plugin page!
----------, Jun 30, 2019

v1.7.7 - Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where using modifiers and the rainbow chat colour did not work.
  • Fixed a bug with color overrides (it should now work as intended).
  • Fixed another bug with color overrides specifically when using rainbow chat color.
----------, Feb 21, 2019

v1.7.6 - GUI Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where items could be put into the picker GUI, and would cause error messages.
  • Fixed a bug where permissions were not correctly checked when opening the GUI.
  • Fixed a bug where the plugin would ignore other chat-colouring plugins and always colour the chat.
  • Changed the item used to represent an unavailable colour to a barrier item for clarity.
If you find any other bugs, please let me know in the comments!
----------, Jan 20, 2019

v1.7.5 - Color Selection GUI & Bug Fixes

  • Added a new color-selection GUI for you to easily change your color!
    • Use /chatcolor gui to access it.
  • Fixed critical bug which incorrectly displayed colors unless using another chat-coloring plugin like EssentialsChat.
    • The plugin now works correctly by itself without any other plugins needed.
  • Fixed incorrect behaviour of the 'color-override' setting - the plugin will now correctly override other colors in chat when set to true.
That's all for now, thanks again for supporting me by using this plugin!
----------, Jan 18, 2019

Trying to correct the jarfile.
----------, Nov 16, 2018

Hello Spigot,

I have not updated this plugin on Spigot in a long time, but have been on Bukkit. This update brings it inline with the Bukkit version. A lot of things hav changed, I'll try and find all the update logs:

v1.7.4 - Customisable Prefix

  • The prefix for messages is now customisable! It can be found in the plugin.yml file.
  • To compensate for this, all help commands for the plugin will now display a message, with a link to the plugin web page.
v1.7.3 - Bug Fixes!

Miscellaneous Changes
  • (Updated to version 1.12.2, other versions should still work)
  • Updated the plugin description to match the content of the plugin:
    • Removed twitter details (inactive).
    • Added info for auto-save and command-name settings.
    • Added correct info for help commands, enable and reloadmessages as well as /chatcolor available.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed rainbow chat colour not working correctly.
  • Fixed color-override setting to work correctly (default is now true).
  • Fixed /chatcolor available not showing the colours (and showing weird numbers).
  • Fixed /chatcolor not showing the correct colours after reloading the server.
  • Fixed /chatcolor <player> <color> not working at all.
  • Added /chatcolor help (alias of /chatcolor commandshelp)
Version 1.7.2 - bStats Metrics Switchover
  • Just a small update, the plugin is now using bStats for metrics as mcstats seems to no longer be active.
  • As always, you can disable it by setting 'stats' in the config to false. (Please don't :c)
Version 1.7.1 - Major Update: Data Caching, More Commands, Better Functionality + Major Code Improvements!
  • First and foremost, I have now rewritten how the plugin accesses stored data, meaning that files are only read / written to when you start your server, shut the server down, and optionally every 5 minutes.
    • To go with this, a new setting, auto-save, has been added. If true (default), it will save all data to files every 5 minutes, to prevent loss of data in case of a crash. If false, it will only save data when you shut the server down.
    • Thanks to shop1126 for pointing out the lag on players joining :)
  • Command Changes:
    • /chatcolor available - New command, shows all your available colors and modifiers. (Thanks V3rtexITA!)
    • /chatcolor enable - New command, attempts to reload all data and enable the plugin in case of an internal crash.
    • /chatcolor settingshelp - New command, shows help for all the settings contained within the plugin.
    • /chatcolor commandshelp - Renamed /chatcolor cmdhelp. Updated for new commands.
    • /chatcolor permissionshelp - Rename /chatcolor permhelp. Updated for new permissions.
    • /chatcolor reloadmessages - New command in place of /chatcolor reload, will now only reload messages.
    • Note: Do not make any non-messages changes to the config while the server is running. Changes will not be saved.
  • Miscellaneous Changes:
    • New error-related messages all involved in this update. These include messages if the plugin fails to initially load data at startup.
    • The setting color-override will now start messages with the player's chat color, even when it is false.
    • Various code improvements and small fixes.
Version 1.7.0 - Minor Improvements
  • Minor code improvements.
  • Plugin is now verified working on MC versions 1.11.x down to 1.9.x, using PermissionsEx for permissions.
Version 1.6.9 - Bug Fix
  • Fixed a bug where /chatcolor cmdhelp would not work at all.
  • Plugin has been updated to MC version 1.11, but it still works down to 1.8.x.
  • New features coming soon!
----------, Nov 10, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 85,765
First Release: May 2, 2016
Last Update: Aug 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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