v1.15 - GUI Rework & Additional Features
- Fully supports 1.21, Spigot, Paper, and Purpur
- Internally reworked how colours are handled within the plugin's code
- Rewritten gradient generator, it is much more accurate (almost 1-1 with Birdflop)
- GUI feature completely rewritten!
- Default GUI layout reworked to look nicer, new custom colours added (check them out!)
- Simplified default no-permission messages
- Added customisable sound effects to the GUI
- Added ability to hide no-permission items from the GUI
- Added ability to create 'dynamic' GUIs that cluster available colours in untaken item slots
- Added ability to use player heads in the GUI
- Added ability to add item-specific no-permission lore for GUI items
- Added enchantment effect to the selected colour in the GUI
- Added ability to use special colours in GUI item names and lores (e.g., &u, &g)
- Added ability to use custom colour names in GUI titles and item names (e.g., "%hotInventory Title")
- Note: you can only use them at the start of the text!
- Added permissions for specific hex colours
- e.g., chatcolor.color.123456
- Added a new placeholder, %cc_modifiers_spaced%, that returns a player's active modifiers with spaces between them
- e.g., "&a&l&n" becomes "l n"
- Added a new setting, remove-inaccessible-colors, which will remove colours & modifiers that players no longer have permission for when they chat
- Added auto reconnect to database connections
- Tidied up a couple of default messages (made them more concise)
- Fixed a bug where new players would not load correctly when using the YAML storage option until setting their colour
- Fixed a bug where you required incorrect permissions to use custom colours by command
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't select hex colours from a command
- Fixed a bug where ignore-symbol-prefixes didn't work with single character messages
This will probably be one of the last feature updates to the plugin, so I hope you enjoy! If you have any issues, as usual please join my support Discord server linked on the plugin page