Hello Spigot,
I have not updated this plugin on Spigot in a long time, but have been on Bukkit. This update brings it inline with the Bukkit version. A lot of things hav changed, I'll try and find all the update logs:
v1.7.4 - Customisable Prefix
- The prefix for messages is now customisable! It can be found in the plugin.yml file.
- To compensate for this, all help commands for the plugin will now display a message, with a link to the plugin web page.
v1.7.3 - Bug Fixes!
Miscellaneous Changes
- (Updated to version 1.12.2, other versions should still work)
- Updated the plugin description to match the content of the plugin:
- Removed twitter details (inactive).
- Added info for auto-save and command-name settings.
- Added correct info for help commands, enable and reloadmessages as well as /chatcolor available.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed rainbow chat colour not working correctly.
- Fixed color-override setting to work correctly (default is now true).
- Fixed /chatcolor available not showing the colours (and showing weird numbers).
- Fixed /chatcolor not showing the correct colours after reloading the server.
- Fixed /chatcolor <player> <color> not working at all.
- Added /chatcolor help (alias of /chatcolor commandshelp)
Version 1.7.2 - bStats Metrics Switchover
- Just a small update, the plugin is now using bStats for metrics as mcstats seems to no longer be active.
- As always, you can disable it by setting 'stats' in the config to false. (Please don't :c)
Version 1.7.1 - Major Update: Data Caching, More Commands, Better Functionality + Major Code Improvements!
- First and foremost, I have now rewritten how the plugin accesses stored data, meaning that files are only read / written to when you start your server, shut the server down, and optionally every 5 minutes.
- To go with this, a new setting, auto-save, has been added. If true (default), it will save all data to files every 5 minutes, to prevent loss of data in case of a crash. If false, it will only save data when you shut the server down.
- Thanks to shop1126 for pointing out the lag on players joining

- Command Changes:
- /chatcolor available - New command, shows all your available colors and modifiers. (Thanks V3rtexITA!)
- /chatcolor enable - New command, attempts to reload all data and enable the plugin in case of an internal crash.
- /chatcolor settingshelp - New command, shows help for all the settings contained within the plugin.
- /chatcolor commandshelp - Renamed /chatcolor cmdhelp. Updated for new commands.
- /chatcolor permissionshelp - Rename /chatcolor permhelp. Updated for new permissions.
- /chatcolor reloadmessages - New command in place of /chatcolor reload, will now only reload messages.
- Note: Do not make any non-messages changes to the config while the server is running. Changes will not be saved.
- Miscellaneous Changes:
- New error-related messages all involved in this update. These include messages if the plugin fails to initially load data at startup.
- The setting color-override will now start messages with the player's chat color, even when it is false.
- Various code improvements and small fixes.
Version 1.7.0 - Minor Improvements
- Minor code improvements.
- Plugin is now verified working on MC versions 1.11.x down to 1.9.x, using PermissionsEx for permissions.
Version 1.6.9 - Bug Fix
- Fixed a bug where /chatcolor cmdhelp would not work at all.
- Plugin has been updated to MC version 1.11, but it still works down to 1.8.x.
- New features coming soon!