ChatColor icon

ChatColor -----

Change the style and color of your chat!

Custom Colours!
v1.12 - Custom Colours!


Make sure to read it all, there are some important changes!
  • Added a brand-new custom colours system!
    • You can now define custom pre-set colours via. permissions that can be used in commands & the GUI system.
    • Also added customisable rainbow colours as part of this! (It's been a long time coming for this..)
  • How-to:
    • New config file: custom-colors.yml
    • Currently, custom colours can only be added through the config, please take a look at it to add more :)
    • Custom rainbows are defined like this:
      You can add as many/few colours as you would like. &l&m is an example of where you would put modifiers. There are two example rainbow colours included, as well as a GUI page for them!
    • Another example custom colour would be:
      &#123456&l for a hex custom colour, meaning you can now restrict players to using specific hex colours instead of having all of them.
    • To give players access to a custom colour, use the permission:
      chatcolor.custom.<name>, with the name being the one you create in the config.
    • Important: The previous 'custom' colour system has been renamed to 'groups'. You will need to change any permissions you had set as chatcolor.custom.<name> to<name> to keep this functionality. All commands related to groups are the same, except with /chatcolor group instead of /chatcolor custom.
    • Note: The rainbow chat colour has been removed as it is replaced by the custom colour functionality. To allow players to use it, give them the permission chatcolor.custom.bright-rainbow for the default rainbow.
  • To use a custom colour, run the command:
    /chatcolor %<name>, for example /chatcolor %bright-rainbow
  • For GUI entries, simply use the name of the custom colour as the 'data' field for the item in the config.
  • Note: Players are not able to change modifiers on custom colours, to avoid them gaining access to modifiers/colours they may not have access to without the custom colour.
Other Changes:
  • Hex colours now use the format &#RRGGBB instead of #RRGGBB to make it more clear it's a colour code.
  • Changed the listener priority to LOWEST, to hopefully fix some bugs people are having with other plugins overriding it.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where using /chatcolor reload would break the plugin for all online players until they relog.
  • Fixed a bug stopping the plugin from working on anything <MC 1.13.
Any questions or issues, please DM me or leave a comment as usual! Hope you all enjoy the update ^-^
----------, Aug 3, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 85,869
First Release: May 2, 2016
Last Update: Aug 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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