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Customisable GUI & MC 1.17 Support!
v1.10.5 - Customisable GUI & 1.17 Support

  • Added an all-new customisable GUI!
    • You can define you own GUIs to contain as many colours as you want.
    • Hex colours are supported, simply use #RRGGBB format as the 'data' entry for any item in the GUI (see example hex colours gui).
    • Default GUIs are in gui.yml, please follow the format described in the config for creating your own ones!
    • color-unavailable, modifier-unavailable, color-active, color-inactive, modifier-active, modifier-inactive are all optional (you only need these for GUIs that have colours/modifiers in them respectively). If they are missing where needed, a default version will be used for any missing items.
    • Important: You cannot use the same material for color-unavailable and anything else - this will cause anything using that material to behave like an unavailable colour. Try and use different materials for everything, if you can.
  • Updated the plugin to work with MC 1.17 (there was a small bug causing incompatability).
As always, if there are any bugs, please let me know! I will be away for around 2 weeks but will fix anything when I return.
----------, Jun 13, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 85,765
First Release: May 2, 2016
Last Update: Aug 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
87 ratings
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