BentoBox (BSkyblock, AcidIsland, SkyGrid, CaveBlock, AOneBlock, Boxed) icon

BentoBox (BSkyblock, AcidIsland, SkyGrid, CaveBlock, AOneBlock, Boxed) -----

Powerful, community-driven, scalable and expandable plugin for island-type games.

This is a release for 1.21.3 and beyond.

✔️ Minecraft 1.21.3 only. For older versions, use BentoBox 2.6.0, or earlier
✔️ Java 17, but recommend to run on Java 21
✔️ Addons will need to be updated to work on 1.21.3 - download them
❌ Note that Multiverse is not compatible with the Boxed game mode addon

It's a good idea to use our download site where you can pick and choose add-ons:

  1. Use MC 1.21.3 or later
  2. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  3. Stop the server
  4. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  5. Download the latest versions of all your addons and put them in the Addons folder
  6. Restart the server
  7. You should be good to go!
  • locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • special attention needed.
What's Changed
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.7.0...3.0.1

  • [​IMG]
  • [​IMG]
  • [​IMG]
  • [​IMG]
tastybento, Archerymaister, and 2 other contributors
----------, Nov 26, 2024

Summary of changes
  • New admin command - resethome - this will reset a player's default home to the overworld default, or close to it. Useful if a player mistakenly sets their home in the nether or end, even after all the warnings!
  • New admin command - setmaxhomes which sets the maximum number of homes for the island.
  • Enabled Ops to access Oraxen items, like sitting on chairs, etc. Previously, only island members or owners could do this.
  • Minor improvements to teleporting, such as better notifications.
  • Option to add clickable text and hover text to locale output. See below.
Clickable text and hover text
You can now make any chat text sent to the user clickable or provide hover text. To use it you add commands to the text in the locale file. Recognized commands are:

  • [run_command: <command>] - Runs the specified command when the message is clicked.
  • [suggest_command: <command>] - Suggests the specified command in the chat input.
  • [copy_to_clipboard: <text>] - Copies the specified text to the player's clipboard.
  • [open_url: <url>] - Opens the specified URL when the message is clicked.
  • [hover: <text>] - Shows the specified text when the message is hovered over.
The commands can be placed anywhere in the message and will apply to the entire message component. If multiple commands of the same type are provided, only the first one encountered will be applied. Unrecognized or invalid commands enclosed in square brackets will be preserved in the output text.

Example usage:
message: "Hello [run_command: /help] World! [hover: This is a hover text!]"

The above message will display:

Hello World!

  • Clicking: Runs the /help command when clicked.
  • Hover: Shows "This is a hover text!" when hovered.
Clicking and hovering only applies to text shown in chat.

✔️ Minecraft 1.21, 1.20.6, earlier versions maybe.
✔️ Java 17, but recommend to run on Java 21
✔️ Addons may need to be updated to their latest version to work with this version of BentoBox
❌ Note that Multiverse is not compatible with the Boxed game mode addon

It's a good idea to use our download site where you can pick and choose add-ons:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop the server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Download the latest versions of all your addons and put them in the Addons folder
  5. Restart the server
  6. You should be good to go!
  • locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • special attention needed.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2.5.4...2.6.0
----------, Oct 5, 2024

Summary of fixes
  • Blueprints and mobs saving bug fixed
  • Purging improvements
  • Performance improvements when users log out
  • The Command Rank GUI in settings now have locale text that can be customized for each command in the list.
  • Creeper damage flag - previously this flag prevented all block damage and damage to the user. Now creepers can still hurt users but will not remove blocks if this flag is on. Note, Creeper Griefing (where a visitor causes a Creeper to explode) still causes no damage.
  • Add a BentoBox config option to allow the plugin to run even if island distances are different to the config settings. Previously this would disable BentoBox to avoid weirdness, but it can be overridden. Do not use it unless you know what you are doing.
  • Other minor bug fixes
✔️ Minecraft 1.21, 1.20.6, earlier versions maybe.
✔️ Java 17, but recommend to run on Java 21
✔️ Addons may need to be updated to their latest version to work with this version of BentoBox
❌ Note that Multiverse is not compatible with the Boxed game mode addon

It's a good idea to use our download site where you can pick and choose add-ons:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop the server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Download the latest versions of all your addons and put them in the Addons folder
  5. Restart the server
  6. You should be good to go!
  • locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • special attention needed.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2.5.3...2.5.4
----------, Sep 22, 2024

This release includes a number of bug fixes and optimizations.

  • A Major Bug was fixed where the island spawn (made by running the admin command setspawn) was not surviving a server restart.
  • [friendly_name] and [gamemode] were not being substituted in locale text as expected. The friendly name is the name of the Game Mode.
  • Since the wandering trader arrived on the scene a few years ago, he has been treated as any other villager, but after requests from admins, the wandering trader is now freely available for anyone to trade with on any island
  • Players could be invited by accident if a player ran the team invite command with no name. The last invited player would be invited. Other changes were made to clean up invites and make them work better.
  • A memory leak bug was fixed with the caching done in the Head Getter, which would be run any time a panel was requested with heads in it.
✔️ Minecraft 1.21, 1.20.6, earlier versions maybe.
✔️ Java 17, but recommend to run on Java 21
✔️ Addons may need to be updated to their latest version to work with this version of BentoBox
❌ Note that Multiverse is not compatible with the Boxed game mode addon

It's a good idea to use our download site where you can pick and choose add-ons:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop the server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Download the latest versions of all your addons and put them in the Addons folder
  5. Restart the server
  6. You should be good to go!
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2.5.2...2.5.3
----------, Sep 3, 2024

✔️ Minecraft 1.21, 1.20.6, earlier versions maybe.
✔️ Java 17, but recommend to run on Java 21
✔️ Addons may need to be updated to their latest version to work with this version of BentoBox
❌ Note that Multiverse is not compatible with the Boxed game mode addon

It's a good idea to use our download site where you can pick and choose add-ons:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop the server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Download the latest versions of all your addons and put them in the Addons folder
  5. Restart the server
  6. You should be good to go!
What's Changed
New Contributors
----------, Aug 28, 2024

This release is for the latest versions of Minecraft, and also brings in experimental support for Multipaper, a fork of Paper that enables multiple servers to run the same worlds. If you plan on using Multipaper, join our Discord server and let us know because addons will also need to be adjusted and it'll be good to know which ones to do.

Other new features:
  • BentoBox no longer loads all islands into RAM so for servers with a lot of islands, the memory footprint should be lower. As players join, their islands will be cached until the next server reboot, so plan to do that every so often.
  • Purging of islands now includes team islands - it didn't before.
  • NPC's can now hit players and won't be prevented by PVP rules.
  • Updates to Chinese language files.
  • Added %[gamemode]_visited_island_rank% placeholder.
  • New flag - handle tamed animals by @TreemanKing
✔️ Minecraft 1.21, 1.20.6, earlier versions maybe.
✔️ Java 17, but recommend to run on Java 21
✔️ Addons may need to be updated to their latest version to work with this version of BentoBox
❌ Note that Multiverse is not compatible with the Boxed game mode addon

It's a good idea to use our download site where you can pick and choose add-ons:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop the server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Download the latest versions of all your addons and put them in the Addons folder
  5. (Optional) Move or delete the BentoBox/locales folder to have the plugin save updated language files.
  6. Restart the server
  7. You should be good to go!
What's Changed
New Contributors
----------, Jul 1, 2024

This release fixes a bug in 2.2.0 where mobs were not being pasted from blueprints (MythicMobs were, but hey, not normal mobs!) and also adds some new features:
  • Team members can now have multiple islands too - it's a setting in BentoBox config.yml if you wish to enable it.
  • Blueprints can now be given a max-usage setting. This is only enabled when players are allowed to make multiple island. So, for example, it's possible to limit players to only one of each type of island. There is also an option to hide any island blueprints if they have been used up. Don't forget that permissions can also be used to hide or show island blueprint options.
✔️ Minecraft 1.20.x
✔️ Java 17
✔️ Addons may need to be updated to their latest version to work with this version of BentoBox

It's a good idea to use our download site where you can pick and choose add-ons:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop the server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Download the latest versions of all your addons and put them in the Addons folder
  5. (Optional) Move or delete the BentoBox/locales folder to have the plugin save updated language files.
  6. Restart the server
  7. You should be good to go!
What's Changed
  • Enables hiding of setting flags by Ops when in another world
  • Sort player's islands by age so they are always in the same order. This makes the list of islands with a number by them always consistent
  • Adds support for multi islands to the admin range command
  • Add feature to limit blueprint availability.
  • Remove restrictions on having multiple islands for team members.
  • Added placeholders for island names and member lists
  • Limit blueprint pasting to world y coords.
  • Remove player from island, not all islands when kicked.
  • Make sure it's the user's island that the target is being kicked from.
  • Fix bug with MythicMobs changes
----------, Apr 15, 2024

This release adds support for MythicMobs to be included in island blueprints. It also fixes bugs and adds features with a lot of improvements around Teams and team management:
  • All the team will be shown in the GUI, along with Trusted and Coop members.
  • When kicking players through the GUI, you no long have to perform the action twice to confirm.
  • Admin commands to manage teams have been rewritten to be multi-island aware. Disbanding teams, Setting the owner, etc. now work much better. Team fix command has been retired.
  • An exploit was fixed where non-island members could be made members without them accepting invites.
Other changes:
  • The maximum number of homes a player can have is now applied per island.
  • If players prevented use of crafting tables, then visitors were not able to access their own inventory (because it has a tiny crafting part to it)
✔️ Minecraft 1.20.x
✔️ Java 17
✔️ Addons may need to be updated to their latest version to work with this version of BentoBox

It's a good idea to use our download site where you can pick and choose add-ons:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop the server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Download the latest versions of all your addons and put them in the Addons folder
  5. (Optional) Move or delete the BentoBox/locales folder to have the plugin save updated language files.
  6. Restart the server
  7. You should be good to go!
----------, Mar 16, 2024

This is a hot fix release to fix a bug with accepting team invites using the team GUI.

✔️ Minecraft 1.20.x
✔️ Java 17
✔️ Addons may need to be updated to their latest version to work with this version of BentoBox

It's a good idea to use our download site where you can pick and choose add-ons:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop the server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Download the latest versions of all your addons and put them in the Addons folder
  5. (Optional) Move or delete the BentoBox/locales folder to have the plugin save updated language files.
  6. Restart the server
  7. You should be good to go!
What's Changed
----------, Mar 2, 2024

✔️ Minecraft 1.20.x
✔️ Java 17
✔️ Addons may need to be updated to their latest version to work with this version of BentoBox

It's a good idea to use our download site where you can pick and choose add-ons:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop the server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Download the latest versions of all your addons and put them in the Addons folder
  5. (Optional) Move or delete the BentoBox/locales folder to have the plugin save updated language files.
  6. Restart the server
  7. You should be good to go!
What's Changed
  • New placeholder to provide counts of team members
  • Adds multi-island support for the Admin Register and Unregister commands
  • Fix for other admin commands to avoid removing players from more than one island when used. Also removed the Admin team fix command because it was not multi-island aware and could cause issues.
  • Bukkit paste for Admin Blueprint pasting and if the player is near the island to be pasted
  • Better disbanding of teams via admin command
  • Change respawn point to the default home on the island.
  • Temporarily removed support for the deletion of ItemsAdder CustomBlocks because it was causing lag when deleting.
  • Remove deprecated methods from IslandsManager and IslandCache
Full Changelog: 2.0.0...2.1.0
----------, Feb 26, 2024


This is a major release with big changes to the plugin! The top new feature is that players can now have more than one island in a world!

Players can create additional islands by running the create command, for example /island create. To teleport to different islands, they can use the island go command. If the island has a name, then they can use that, otherwise BentoBox will randomly assign a number to the island, e.g., "BoxManager's island 2".

By default players have only have one island, but you can enable more in the BentoBox config.yml, for example:

# The default number of concurrent islands a player may have.
# This may be overridden by individual game mode config settings.
concurrent-islands: 10

Players can also be given the permission [gamemode].island.number.[number] where [gamemode] is the name of the game mode being played, and [number] is how many islands the user is allowed, e.g., bskyblock.island.number.10.

Game modes may in the future allow island number setting directly in their configs, but for now it's mostly global or via perms.

Other changes:
  • New Team Management GUI - use the teams command to view and manage your teams, invites, etc.
  • Loads of language translation updates
  • Customizable GUI panels:
    • Team Panel
    • Team Invite Panel
    • New Island Panel
    • Language Panel
    • You can find them in plugins/BentoBox/panels. The files have comments in them.
✔️ Minecraft 1.20.4
✔️ Java 17
✔️ Addons may need to be updated to their latest version to work with this version of BentoBox

It's a good idea to use our download site where you can pick and choose add-ons:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop the server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Download the latest versions of all your addons and put them in the Addons folder
  5. (Optional) Move or delete the BentoBox/locales folder to have the plugin save updated language files.
  6. Restart the server
  7. You should be good to go!
  • locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • special attention needed.
What's Changed
New Contributors
----------, Feb 4, 2024

This is a bug fix release. The main fix is for an exploit where players could cause projectile damage on an adjacent island if it was allowed on the island they were in. Now damage checks are done on where the damage occurs and not where the shooter is.

✔️ Minecraft 1.20.1
✔️ Java 17
✔️ Addons may need to be updated to their latest version to work with this version of BentoBox

It's a good idea to use our download site where you can pick and choose add-ons:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop the server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Download the latest versions of all your addons and put them in the Addons folder
  5. Restart the server
  6. You should be good to go!
What's Changed
  • Exploit fix - Judge location of damage by location of entity not user (commit: 170c31f)
  • Various code refactoring to reduce complexity, improve maintenance
  • Improve or added automated tests for compilation
Full Changelog: 1.24.0...1.24.1
----------, Aug 6, 2023

This is a bug fix release. The main fix is for an exploit where players could cause projectile damage on an adjacent island if it was allowed on the island they were in. Now damage checks are done on where the damage occurs and not where the shooter is.

✔️ Minecraft 1.20.1
✔️ Java 17
✔️ Addons may need to be updated to their latest version to work with this version of BentoBox

It's a good idea to use our download site where you can pick and choose add-ons:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop the server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Download the latest versions of all your addons and put them in the Addons folder
  5. Restart the server
  6. You should be good to go!
What's Changed
  • Exploit fix - Judge location of damage by location of entity not user (commit: 170c31f)
  • Various code refactoring to reduce complexity, improve maintenance
  • Improve or added automated tests for compilation
Full Changelog: 1.24.0...1.24.1
----------, Aug 6, 2023

New in this release
Support for Minecraft 1.20.1. This includes adding protection for:

  • Chiseled Bookshelves - adding or removing books
  • Brushing of suspicious sand and gravel
  • Calibrated sculk sensors are protected as well as sculls sensors
  • Editing of signs, front and back. If sign is waxed then they are not editable by anyone.
  • Boats and rafts
  • Other new materials in 1.20.x
Other changes:

  • Bug fix: Multiverse supported again. It stopped working after a server reboot causing super-flat.
  • BentoBox bbox perms command added to show effective perms as registered by addons. This is only shown in the console.
  • API: Adjust priority of PlayerInteraction event listener to NORMAL
  • API: Add API to enable gamemodes to register ownership over additional worlds
  • API: New IslandInfoEvent that gets called when a player runs the info command. Enables addons to show additional info.
  • API: New IslandNameEvent that gets called when a player names or renames their island.
✔️ Minecraft 1.20.1
✔️ Java 17
✔️ Addons may need to be updated to their latest version to work with this version of BentoBox

It's a good idea to use our download site where you can pick and choose add-ons:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop the server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Download the latest versions of all your addons and put them in the Addons folder
  5. Restart the server
  6. You should be good to go!
  • locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • special attention needed.
What's Changed
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.23.2...1.24.0

  • [​IMG]
  • [​IMG]
tastybento and ThexXTURBOXx
----------, Jul 16, 2023

✔️ Minecraft 1.17.x to 1.18.1, but optimized with NMS for 1.18.x
✔️ Java 16, runs on Java 17

If you are on BentoBox 1.19.0 then do this:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. (OPTIONAL) As there are a number of locale differences, we recommend you delete (or move) the BentoBox/locales folder so that all the files can be regenerated. If you customized any of the files, then you'll need to merge in your changes.
  5. Restart the server
  6. You should be good to go!
  • locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • special attention needed.
What's Changed
New Features
  • Add an admin delete homes command by @tastybento #1900 This admin command removes all homes from a specified island.
  • ⚙️Optimize safe location searching with configurable range limit #1892 by @HSGamer
Locale Updates
Bug Fixes
API Related
Full Changelog: 1.19.0...1.20.0
----------, Feb 22, 2022

This is a bug fix release. See the upcoming BentoBox 1.19.x for Minecraft 1.18.x support.

✔️ Minecraft 1.17.x to 1.18.1, but optimized with NMS for 1.18.x
✔️ Java 16, runs on Java 17

If you are on BentoBox 1.18.1 then do this:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Restart the server
  5. You should be good to go!
  • locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • special attention needed.
Change Log
Bug Fixes
  • Make BlockEndDragon support custom max world height (#1888) - Use max world height instead of magic 255 value.
  • Send PVP toggle messages only to on-island players. (#1885)
  • Work with Minecraft 1.18.x
Full Changelog: 1.18.1...1.19.0
----------, Dec 13, 2021

This is a bug fix release. See the upcoming BentoBox 1.19.x for Minecraft 1.18.x support.

✔️ Minecraft 1.17.1 (for 1.16.5 compatibility use the 1.16.x release)
✔️ Java 16

This release does mostly work on Minecraft 1.18 except for not being optimized when pasting or deleting islands. Also, the admin range command will cause a bug.

If you are on BentoBox 1.18.0 then do this:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Restart the server
  5. You should be good to go!
  • locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • special attention needed.
Change Log
Bug Fixes
  • Remove dead paper forks (#1884) (commit: 2d03252)
  • Fixes console teleporting. (commit: 6b6ab71)
  • Added snapshot repo to Maven info. (commit: f3a7ed1)
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.18.0...1.18.1
----------, Dec 5, 2021

This is a bug fix release and also updates and cleans up the BentoBox API.

✔️ Minecraft 1.17.1 (for 1.16.5 compatibility use the 1.16.x release)
✔️ Java 16

If you are on BentoBox 1.17.3 then do this:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Restart the server
  5. You should be good to go!
  • locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • special attention needed.
Change Log
Bug Fixes
  • Sometime island teleport home command did not work. (Commit: 930433b)
  • When deleting an island, 1 block around two of the edges could sometimes be left depending on the size of the island. (Commit: 3c65194) #1863
  • Island info command was mis-stating the island protection coordinates by 1 (Commit: b5fd992)
  • Island range perms could be 2x island distance #1851 (Commit: 3dd9e97) This could allow protection ranges to be much greater than the island range and therefore overflow into adjacent islands.
  • User.getInstance can no longer be called with a null - this will throw an exception
  • You cannot use User#getPlayer if the User is not a player, e.g., the console. Check that it is a player before trying. The same is true with offlinePlayer. Similarly, you cannot ask for a user's location if the user is not a player. #1856
  • Deprecated events, like IslandEvents and TeamEvents were removed. If you write your own events then make sure you implement handlers for them!
  • Removed the unused WorldEdit hook. (#1853)
  • Fix "ugly" enchant name. (#1858)
  • Added API to get a translation without color conversion (Commit: af3c0a8) Enables to get the translation without converting colors to Bukkit colors.
----------, Nov 9, 2021

Newer updates might not always be released on SpigotMC. If you want to stay current with BentoBox and addons' development and updates, please join our Discord server.

This has been a long time since the previous release that got published on SpigotMC. Yet, tastybento and the BentoBoxWorld contributors did not idle.

BentoBox 1.16.0 has been released, a new gamemode, Boxed (based on the idea from the Captive Minecraft maps), has finally made its way to the public and most addons got an update.

Please make sure to check out the changelogs on GitHub and the documentation, you will find a lot of useful information there. Moreover, tastybento released an in-depth video showcasing Boxed on our YouTube channel.

I, Poslovitch, am busy with school and charity work. Since BentoBox is currently linked to my account, it's hard for me to find time to publish these "resource updates" on a regular basis. So, once again, if you want to stay in touch with the rest of the team and our amazing contributors (you definitely should!), make sure to join the Discord server. You'll get support, info about the latest releases and you'll be able to chat with us.
----------, Mar 8, 2021

BentoBox 1.14.2 is a "hot fix" release to resolve an infinite loop bug when using the admin Blueprints to display the bounding box using particles. It can cause endless console spam when trying to paste a blueprint or set a blueprint pos1/pos2 bounding box.

Which Minecraft versions are compatible with this release?
Compiled against: Spigot 1.16.1.
Tested on: 1.16.1 and 1.15.2.

Support BentoBoxWorld
As a user, you're the one that keeps us thrilled to make continuous updates and improvements to all the BentoBoxWorld products. This is a voluntary and time-consuming yet exciting hobby.

So don't hesitate to join our Discord server and give us a hug, a “Thank You”. And if you feel that extra-generosity rushing in, tip us on PayPal or become a sponsor of tastybento, that's really much appreciated! (Donors get a special rank on our Discord server!) ❤️
----------, Jul 16, 2020

BentoBox 1.14.1 introduces bug fixes and a major performance improvement amid some tweaks.

Thanks to everyone for your awesome support! ❤️

Which Minecraft versions are compatible with this release?
Compiled against: Spigot 1.16.1.
Tested on: 1.16.1 and 1.15.2.

Support BentoBoxWorld
As a user, you're the one that keeps us thrilled to make continuous updates and improvements to all the BentoBoxWorld products. This is a voluntary and time-consuming yet exciting hobby.

So don't hesitate to join our Discord server and give us a hug, a “Thank You”. And if you feel that extra-generosity rushing in, tip us on PayPal or become a sponsor of tastybento, that's really much appreciated! (Donors get a special rank on our Discord server!) ❤️

Feature / Tweaks
  1. Improved performances for heads in panels (@BONNe, #1446).
  1. Tweaked colors of the "click-to-switch" message for the mode button in the Settings Panel.
  2. Added '(Right/Left) Click to open/toggle/cycle' in flags' description layouts.
  1. Fixed code smells (#1444).
  2. Fixed POSTGRESQL databases (#1449).
----------, Jul 13, 2020

BentoBox 1.14.0 celebrates BentoBox's third birthday which occurred on May 21st (). This update introduces the Minecraft 1.16.1 support, as well as notable API additions for Addons, various quality of life improvements and lots of little tweaks for those who want to get the most out of BentoBox. And, as usual, we improved performances and fixed lots of bugs!

Thanks to everyone for your awesome support! ❤️

Which Minecraft versions are compatible with this release?
Compiled against: Spigot 1.16.1.
Tested on: 1.16.1 and 1.15.2.
Upgrading from 1.15.2? See below for edits you'll need to make to config.yml files.

  • ⚠️ deprecated/removed API.
  • need special attention.
  1. Made the setowner commands call a RANK_CHANGE event for the previous owner (#1342, #1349).
  2. Added @table annotation to let addons choose the database table name for their DataObjects (#1348).
  3. Gamemode addons are now enabled first (#1368).
  4. ⚠️ Removed deprecated (as of 1.6.0) SafeSpotTeleport.Builder.overrideGamemode().
  5. Added WorldSettings#getOnRespawnCommands() (BentoBoxWorld/AOneBlock#27, #1374)
  6. Added stacktrace to addon's onLoad if there's a LinkageError (#1362, #1399).
  7. Added FlagsManager#unregisterFlag.
  8. HeadGetter will replace more than one of the same head if in a panel when it is obtained async.
  9. Added LocalesManager#isLocaleAvailable(Locale) (#1411).
Feature / Tweaks
  1. Fixed code smells.
  2. Added support for MongoDB URIs to connect to databases (@Cleymax, #1311, #1330).
  3. Changed the Setting Flags category's icon to COMPARATOR.
  4. Added some protection when executing on-join and on-leave commands (BentoBoxWorld/BSkyBlock#315).
  5. Added output of the top level commands registered under BentoBox in /bentobox help.
  6. The general.database.prefix-character config option is no longer limited to a single character (#1348).
  7. Added/improved some config comments.
  8. Added config option to let admins choose the item that fills the gaps in the panels (#1344).
  9. Added a sound when resetting flags to default by clicking on the TNT in the Island Settings panel.
  10. Added a new default placeholder for gamemodes: %[gamemode]_owns_island% (#1355).
  11. Improved paging layout for panels.
  12. Improved the default "commands actions" to allow executing other plugins' commands (#1359, #1369).
  13. Improved asynchronous location loading for home teleporting (#1241, #1381).
  14. Implemented Minecraft 1.16.1 support (#1416).
  15. Protected breeding of Hoglins and Striders (#1418, #1419).
  16. Protected breaking minecarts / boats by their respective flags (#1430).
  17. Auto-translation of PIG_ZOMBIE to ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN for 1.16.1 upgrading.
  18. Added BREAK_HOPPERS protection flag (#1331).
  19. Pasting of islands is done using async methods throughout.
  20. Added ability to replace [name] by the island owner's name when pasting an entity from a blueprint.
  21. Improved head caching - heads will be cached only for 3 minutes, then refreshed async if required. Server was garbage collecting them, causing lag when doing things like /is top (BentoBoxWorld/Level#159).
  22. Split the animal/monster spawn flags to "natural" and "spawners" (#1351).
  23. Player is not teleported to their island until all their islands are pasted (world, nether and end).
  24. Added language selection using /[player_command] lang [language code] (as alternative to GUI) (#1411).
  25. Added protection for redstone wires under the REDSTONE flag (#1421).
  26. Added protection for breeding Bees.
  1. Improved creeper damage and creeper griefing protection explanations.
  2. Fixed typo in en-US.yml.
  3. Tweaked spanish translation to disambiguate "roca de base" into "bedrock".
  1. Fixed NPEs with "fake" players having null UUIDs.
  2. Fixed race condition with asynchronous SafeSpotTeleport causing issues when creating the island (BentoBoxWorld/BSkyBlock#312).
  3. Fixed purge not calculating player logins correctly (#1333).
  4. Fixed duplicate addons loading (#1339).
  5. Fixed NPEs with worlds having null names (#1336).
  6. Fixed commands no longer working for players who disconnected from the server while mounted (#1341).
  7. Fixed player heads not being loaded properly if the player name had color codes in it (#1343).
  8. Fixed addon api-version compatibility check (#1346).
  9. Improved handling of formatting errors in localizations (#1290).
  10. Fixed glass panes in panel headers not having an empty name (#1344).
  11. Fixed Flags alphabetical sort not working properly due to the text color.
  12. Fixed missing permission not showing for the multi sethome command (#1367).
  13. Fixed UTF-8 handling for comments in YAML files (#1372).
  14. Fixed admin blueprint delete command (#1382).
  15. Fixed lightning from firing blocks if FIRE_IGNITE is not set for visitors (#1383).
  16. Fixed the island ban command sending a no-permission message instead of an insufficient-rank message.
  17. Fixed Elytra protection - players could still teleport into an island and be able to fly (#1403).
Removed features
  1. Removed Schem (our BentoBox pre-Blueprint homemade format) to Blueprint conversion.
  2. Removed fetching credits for non-installed addons from GitHub.
----------, Jul 11, 2020

In a nutshell: many new features and some bug fixes on BentoBox; new gamemode: AOneBlock!


BentoBox 1.13.0 - "Opening the Gates"
Full changelog is available on GitHub.


BentoBox 1.13.0
gets the ball rolling. It is the first major update of the Future development cycle of 2020 Q2. It brings in a lot of awesome and quality-of-life features for players, admins and addon developers! In the full changelog on GitHub, you will find the usual changelog, but also an overview of the new features as well as a detailed walkthrough of the API improvements for addons.

Alongside this update, you should update your addons to take advantage of all the new features. Updates for official addons will be progressively released over the next few weeks.

We are also officially launching our new documentation website! Basically, the contents of all the Wikis on each of our repositories have been moved to this website so that it can be more easily read and updated.

Overview of some new features

Keep player's old island when they reset their island
An option is added to the gamemodes' config, allowing admins to decide whether BentoBox should delete the players' islands when they reset theirs. If enabled, whenever a player resets their island, it is going to create a new one and leave the old one unowned. The player won't have access to it, but it will remain in the server's worlds. Those islands can be later definitely removed from the worlds by purging unowned islands. This might come in handy to be able to give players their island back if they accidentally deleted it; or to avoid deletion occurring while the server is running with players.

This feature was implemented by @Poslovitch and was requested in #1188.

Coop and Trust limitations
Prior to this release, players could coop or trust unlimited amount of fellow players to their island.
Specific options to define how many players can be cooped or trusted on an island are added to the gamemodes' config files, and similarly to the team size, you can assign permissions to players to allow them to coop or trust more players. Those permissions are the following: [gamemode].coop.maxsize.<number> and [gamemode].coop.maxsize.<number>.

This feature was implemented by @Cleymax in #1267 and was requested in #1065.

Player UUIDs in admin commands
In some cases, depending on the server setup, a player's UUID can change. This leads to some inconvenience when trying to re-register them to their own island. This new feature allows admins to use player UUIDs in most admin commands, such as follows:


This feature was implemented by @tastybento in #1298 and was requested in #1297.

Prefixes in localizations
Admins and addon developers can now define prefixes in the localization files that can be used virtually anywhere throughout the entirety of BentoBox and addons' localization files. As this feature allows for an unlimited amount of prefixes, admins and addon developers can also choose which message uses a specific prefix. Moreover, prefixes can be translated. Currently, only the BentoBox prefix is part of the default locales. That's up to you to add more, if you wish .


A detailed guide about this new feature is being worked on and will be made available on the docs soon.

This feature was implemented by @Poslovitch and was requested in #1086.

An admin command to set an island's spawn point
In case the spawn point on an island is not where you'd like it to be, you will now be able to change it using this new command: /[admin_command] setspawnpoint. Easy to use!

This feature was implemented by @BONNe in #1295 and was requested in #937.

Change the behavior of the main player command
New options in gamemodes' config allow admins to define the behavior of the main player command. Admins can finally decide which subcommand should be executed when players have or do not have an island on the gamemode!

This feature was implemented by @BONNe in #1293 and was requested in #498.


  1. Added some nullability annotations.
  2. Added AdminPurgeStatusCommand to allow admins to view the current purge's status (#1254).
  3. SafeSpotTeleport now requires the use of its Builder.
  4. Added IslandEvent.IslandRankChangeEvent (@Cleymax, #1135, #1260).
  5. Improved error message if BentoBox fails to save an Addon's config.
  6. Added CompositeCommand#setHidden(boolean) to enable commands to be hidden from help and tab-complete (#1300, #1301).
  7. Implemented ability to set an amount for a PanelItem: added #getAmount() and #setAmount(int) in PanelItemBuilder (@BONNe, #1299).
  8. Added AdminSetSpawnPointCommand to change an island's spawn point (@BONNe, #937, #1295).
  9. Made IslandsManager#getSafeHomeLocation(...) return null if the world is not an island world (#1306).
  10. Added Addon#reloadConfig() (@YellowZaki, #1302).
  11. Added DefaultPlayerCommand and DefaultAdminCommand (@BONNe, #498, #1293).
  12. Added 4 new methods in WorldSettings: getAdminCommandAliases(), getPlayerCommandAliases(), getDefaultPlayerAction(), getDefaultNewPlayerAction() (@BONNe, #498, #1293).
  13. ⚠️ Deprecated the saveObject() method for databases (#1308).
  14. Added saveObjectAsync() method for databases (#1308). This new method makes use of a CompletableFuture, making (async) saves into the database much easier to handle.
  15. Implemented placeholder permissions for addons (#1303, #1305). Addons will no longer need to see their permissions updated each time there is a new gamemode. They can use [gamemode] in their permissions to automatically register the permissions on all available gamemodes.
  16. Added 2 new methods in WorldSettings: getMaxCoopSize() and getMaxTrustSize() (@Cleymax, #1065, #1267).
Features / Tweaks
  1. Added %[gamemode]_island_members_list% and %[gamemode]_visited_island_members_list% placeholders (#1243, #1246).
  2. Improved/Fixed EXPERIENCE_PICKUP flag on Paper servers (@KennyTV, #1256).
  3. IslandResetCommand now requires the [gamemode].island.reset permission (#1207).
  4. Removed support for MVdWPlaceholderAPI - you can still use our placeholders through PlaceholderAPI.
  5. Added %[gamemode]_on_island% placeholder (@Cleymax, #1168, #1259).
  6. Updated copyright info in about command.
  7. Added BREAK_SPAWNERS (PROTECTION) flag (@N0tMyFaultOG, #1130, #1263).
  8. Added a single character prefix to database tables (#1277, #1278).
  9. Added a config option to keep islands when players reset them (#1188).
  10. Made use of the "spawn protected" message when the island is a spawn.
  11. Allowed player UUIDs to be used in admin commands (#1297, #1298).
  12. Added prefixes in localizations and added a default prefix for BentoBox (#1086).
  13. Added coop and trust limits and related permissions: [gamemode].trust.maxsize.number and [gamemode].coop.maxsize.number (@Cleymax, #1065, #1267).
  14. Removed unused tab-completion for the /bentobox reload command.
  15. Added /bentobox reload locales command to only reload locales (#1245).
  1. Updated locales to remove some outdated stuff.
  2. Made some tweaks to en-US.
  3. Updated Spanish (es) translation (@SrAcosta, #1239).
  4. Improved purge-related messages.
  5. Improved description of CREEPER_GRIEFING flag (@N0tMyFaultOG, #1201, #1264).
  6. Updated license dates in startup message (@N0tMyFaultOG, #1266).
  7. Emphasized that natural spawning is toggled for mobs and animals (#1284).
  8. Updated Polish (pl) translation (@workonfire, #1289).
  1. Fixed player-not-cooped message key (@KennyTV, #1251).
  2. Fixed spawn islands that could be purged when running an unowned islands purge (#1255).
  3. Fixed Paintings protection (#1273).
  4. Fixed inventory (etc.) being cleared even though the player cannot teleport to his island (#1280).
  5. Fixed cannot-kick message key.
  6. Fixed MySQL databases not being properly saved on shutdown (#1292).
  7. Fixed torches being considered as "safe blocks" (#1296).
  8. Fixed IslandsManager#getSafeHomeLocation(...) throwing a NPE if the world is not an island world (#1306).
  9. Fixed the confirmation warning message showing twice in AdminRegisterCommand when reserving an island spot for a player.
----------, May 1, 2020

In a nutshell: tweaks, API additions and bug fixes on BentoBox, performance improvements on TwerkingForTrees, bug fixes on SkyGrid, and many more!

What comes next?
We are currently reviewing our roadmap for the following months. We are planning to focus our efforts on polishing BentoBox. The current worldwide situation is leading to an increase of servers using BentoBox. Those are newcomers we want to welcome warmly into the BentoBoxWorld community through the implementation of a more user-friendly experience overall.


BentoBox 1.12.0 - "The Future is Next"
Full changelog is available on GitHub.

BentoBox 1.12.0
polishes existing features and fixes bugs while we are concluding the Addons Initiative 2020 and moving towards our next roadmap for 2020 Q2 : Future. Through performance improvements and API additions, this update leads BentoBox to the path of becoming the sturdiest plugin capable of running island-based gamemodes, which is our dearest wish.

Alongside this update, you should not need to update your gamemode addons.

  1. Added nullability annotations in various locations.
  2. Added ConfigEntry#needsRestart().
  3. Added #getOldIsland() in island reset-related events (@Draww, #1178, #1179).
  4. Added IslandEvent.IslandPreclearEvent (#1200).
  5. Added IslandEvent.IslandReservedEvent.
Features / Tweaks
  1. Added LIMIT_MOBS flag (WORLD_SETTING) (#1133, #1155).
  2. Added ver alias to version commands.
  3. Added %[gamemode]_deaths% placeholder (#1197).
  4. Prevent island height to be set outside Minecraft's allowed values (BentoBoxWorld/SkyGrid#39).
  5. Sped up the "new island spot" search (BentoBoxWorld/CaveBlock#44).
  6. Added use-ssl config option to toggle SSL when connecting to SQL databases (@BONNe, #1206).
  7. Set the spawn island protection range to be the max by default.
  8. When pasting an island, load each required chunk asynchronously (Paper only).
  9. Updated bStats integration: removed metrics config option, improved the "Players per server" chart (@N0tMyFaultOG, #1225).
  10. Added protection for bee nests and hives (#1237).
  1. Updated Italian (it) localization (@xion87, #1194).
  2. Updated Turkish (tr) localization (@OverBrave, #1196).
  1. Ignored colors when checking panel names (#1202).
  2. Fixed ClassCastException occurring when handling projectiles launched by blocks (#1211).
  3. Fixed Addon#saveResource() not overwriting files properly.
  4. Fixed TeamEvent.TeamKickEvent#getPlayer() not returning the kicked player (#1216).
  5. Fixed any island member being able to reset the island settings (#1219).
  6. Fixed automated island creation on joining (#1221).
  7. Fixed a rare ConcurrentModificationException that could occur when unloading addons classes.
  8. Fixed NullPointerException that could occur with misnamed default language.
  9. Fixed splash potion PvP handling (@KennyTV, #1230).
  10. Fixed handling of negative perms for value setting (BentoBoxWorld/Limits#73).
----------, Mar 21, 2020

In a nutshell: Czech translation and bug fixes on BentoBox; bug fixes and new translations on Chat and Limits.


BentoBox 1.11.1 - "Internationally Unglitched"
Full changelog is available on GitHub.

BentoBox 1.11.1
adds a few features but most notably fixes bugs. We also made sure that some of our long-established features underwent some fine-tuning. In a nutshell, this update is mostly the result of a meticulous work with a resolute attention to details. Beyond becoming feature-rich, we want BentoBox to be a stable, trustworthy tool for you to use on the long-term. Therefore, while this update might not be as exciting as others, we believe it is a necessity to assess the quality of our work from time to time to ensure we are not heading for trouble. Thanks to everyone who help us in that monumental task.

Alongside this update, you should not need to update your gamemode addons. However, we recommend you to reset your locales, if you have not customized them. This can be achieved by deleting the locales folder.

  1. Improved and fixed javadocs.
Features / Tweaks
  1. Added success messages for IslandSetnameCommand and IslandResetnameCommand (#1164).
  2. Made AdminWhyCommand send debug messages to the issuer if it is a player (#1126).
  3. Added a new permission for bypassing delayed commands: [gamemode].mod.bypassdelays (#1136).
  4. Significantly improved performances when generating chunks on Paper servers (#1180).
  5. Added a message sent if scooping obsidian fails due to nearby obsidian blocks.
  6. Added a message sent to all players on an island when PVP is toggled (#1081).
  1. Added Czech (cs) translation (Polda18, #1156).
  2. Updated Latvian (lv) translation (BONNe, #1171).
  3. Updated the PISTON_PUSH flag's description to better reflect its actual behavior (#1162).
  4. Updated the FLINT_AND_STEEL flag's description to also tell about campfires.
  5. Updated French (fr) translation (#1189).
  1. Fixed AdminTeleportCommand not allowing to be used in console (#1158).
  2. Fixed End Portal teleportation causing the player to fall under the island if entering the End Portal with a high velocity (#1118).
  3. Fixed PVP related messages not using their dimension-related counterparts.
  4. Fixed island center coordinates correction not working properly when using customized start-x, start-z values (#1169).
  5. Fixed a discrepancy in descriptions about the behavior of the PISTON_PUSH flag (#1162).
  6. Fixed a NPE caused by external plugins incorrectly interacting with the Bukkit API (#1172).
  7. Fixed an event concurrency with external plugins overriding the Nether Portal teleportation destination (#1101).
  8. Fixed the addon API-version checking algorithm (#1176, #1177).
  9. Fixed critical performance issues when generating chunks (#1180, SPIGOT-5573).
  10. Fixed DYE protection being always called when interacting with Sheep.
  11. Fixed code smells.
  12. Fixed BREEDING protection not catching breeding of newer animals (Pandas, Foxes...) or with some items (Golden Carrots, ...).
  13. Fixed exceptions occurring when using AddonsManager#getClassByName().
----------, Feb 15, 2020

In a nutshell: API additions, tweaks, 1.15.2 compatibility, German and French translations and bug fixes on BentoBox; a new addon: ExtraMobs; improvements on the download website.


BentoBox 1.11.0 - "January Update"
Full changelog is available on GitHub.

BentoBox 1.11.0
brings new API features, tweaks and bug fixes!

As we made some changes to permissions, you will need to update your gamemode addons.

  1. AddonEventBuilder#build() now fires the event (#1111).
  2. AddonEvent.AddonEnableEvent, AddonEvent.AddonDisableEvent, AddonEvent.AddonLoadEvent, AddonEvent.AddonGeneralEvent and AddonEvent.AddonEventBuilder have been made static (#1111).
  3. Added some nullability annotations.
  4. Improved Javadocs.
  5. Added IslandEvent.IslandProtectionRangeChangeEvent (@BONNe_LV, #1109).
  6. Added api-version field to addon.yml to allow addons to specify a minimum required BentoBox version (#1131). Subsequently added AddonDescription#getApiVersion().
  1. Made the %[gamemode]_island_name% and %[gamemode]_visited_island_name% use the default island name ("Owner's island") if the island has no custom name (#1108).
  2. Made redstone operate on island if staff members are present, even if the OFFLINE_REDSTONE flag is active and no island members are online (#1102).
  3. Prevented loading Blueprint Bundles that have duplicate uniqueIds (#1117).
  4. Added new messages when the player enters or exits his own island (#1084). E.g. "Entering your island", instead of "Entering [owner]'s island".
  5. Applied minor tweaks to the Blueprint Bundle Editor panel.
  6. Made changes to the island protection range permission on island ownership changes. If the new owner has no perms (and the previous one did), then the range will not be reset. Previously, it was always resetting to the default range.
  7. Added minimum required database versions in comments into config for databases (#1149).
  8. Fixed typos in the config.yml file.
  9. Added 1.15.2 to the list of compatible versions (#1150).
  1. Added German (de) translation (@xXjojojXx, #1123).
  2. Updated Latvian (lv) translation (@BONNe_LV, #1124).
  3. Improved colors in English (en-US) localization.
  4. Update some admin commands descriptions in English (en-US) to better explain their behavior (#1140).
  5. Fixed typos in English (en-US) localization.
  6. Updated French (fr) translation (@AFGAME, #639).
  1. Improved tab completion for AdminSetrankCommand (/[admin] setrank (...)) (#787).
  2. Added an optional island owner argument to AdminSetrankCommand (/[admin] setrank <player> <rank> [island owner]) to allow admin to trust or coop players on another player's island (#787).
  3. Improved the success message for AdminSetrankCommand (/[admin] setrank (...)) (#787).
  4. Added an optional island owner argument to AdminGetrankCommand (/[admin] getrank <player> [island owner]) (#1106).
  5. Improved the /bentobox version layout to convey a bit more information about worlds.
  6. Added an optional player to teleport argument to AdminTeleportCommand (/[admin] tp <player> [player to teleport]) to teleport another player to the player's island (#1120).
  7. Added explicit permissions to team commands (#1144, #1146):
    • IslandTeamInviteAcceptCommand.
    • IslandTeamInviteCommand.
    • IslandTeamInviteRejectCommand.
    • IslandTeamKickCommand.
    • IslandTeamLeaveCommand.
    • IslandTeamSetownerCommand.
  1. Fixed commands not being prevented from being executed if the player falls (#1103).
  2. Fixed some API events being called twice (#1110, #1111).
  3. Fixed unregistering island causing trusted players to lose their own islands (#1096).
  4. Fixed island offset settings in gamemodes' config not working properly (#1105).
  5. Fixed "duplicate key" error occurring when BentoBox tries to load blueprint bundles that have the same uniqueId (#1117).
  6. Fixed ConcurrentModificationException when using MySQL (#1128, #1141). Note that the GSON serialization is now made on the main thread.
  7. Fixed deleted islands' spots not being considered as free spots for new islands (#1147).
  8. Fixed POSTGRESQL database (#1093, #1142).
  9. Fixed gamemode subcommands not inheriting permissions from parent commands (this was the case of most admin commands).
  10. Fixed the IslandTeamUntrustCommand not using the [gamemode] permission. It was using the [gamemode] permission instead.

Download website

  • A new addon is now available to be picked when creating a custom preset: ExtraMobs.
  • Addon descriptions have been improved to be more explanatory.
----------, Jan 26, 2020

In a nutshell: bug fixes, minor additions and 1.15.1 compatibility on BentoBox; two new addons: Chat and Border; new features and fixes on TwerkingForTrees; improvements on the download website.


BentoBox 1.10.0 - "The Journey continues..."
Full changelog is available on GitHub. It contains more detailed instructions to optimize performances.

BentoBox 1.10.0 is mostly a bug fix release with some minor additions. Gamemode addons should be updated in order to make use of all the new features.

Exactly one year ago, on January 3rd, 2019, BentoBox 1.0 was released. As you might already know, I tend to pick meaningful names for the releases I publish. The Beginning of a long Journey.... Here we are a year later, counting 1218 additional commits and innumerous hours of work put into this project.

This is incredible.

  1. Added WorldSettings#isPasteMissingIslands() and IslandWorldManager#isPasteMissingIslands(World) (#1063).
  2. Added nullability annotations to IslandsManager public methods, User#hasPermission(...) and User#getSender(...).
  3. Improved Javadocs.
  4. Added AdminRangeAddCommand and AdminRangeRemoveCommand (#1072).
  5. Added Util#isInteger(...).
  6. Added support for floats in config files (BentoBoxWorld/TwerkingForTrees#6).
  7. Made NewIsland.Builder#reason(Reason) enforce the reason to be either CREATE or RESET.
  8. Added WorldSettings#isTeleportPlayerToIslandUponIslandCreation() and IslandWorldManager#isTeleportPlayerToIslandUponIslandCreation(World) (#1032).
  9. Updated PlaceholderAPI dependency to 2.10.4.
  10. Added AdminBlueprintRenameCommand (#1082).
  1. Added LECTERN (PROTECTION) flag (#1094). It prevents players from taking or placing a book on the lecterns while still allowing them to read the book.
Gamemode additions
  1. Added config option to toggle the on-the-fly pasting of nether/end islands. In some cases, this could be exploited by players to get an infinite amount of resources (#1063).
  2. Added add and remove subcommands for the admin range command (#1072).
  3. Added config option to toggle whether the player should be teleported to his island upon its creation (#1032).
  4. Added rename subcommand for the admin blueprint command (#1082).
Performances and stability
  1. Reworked how spots for new islands are found (#1057).
  2. Improved the reliability of some commands requesting an integer as a parameter.
  3. Tweaked the GitHub download feedback to be less spammy.
  1. Fixed timeout crashes when trying to find a free spot for a new island (#1057).
  2. Fixed the message being incorrect when trusting a player (#1073).
  3. Fixed the accept command for non-team invites (i.e. trust or coop) (@sgdc3).
  4. Fixed the admin range set/reset commands not working if the target is in a team.
  5. Fixed entities being damaged by TNTs or Creepers regardless of the protection (#1075).
  6. Fixed Chorus being able to grow outside islands even if trees were prevented from growing outside islands' protection range (#1079).
  7. Fixed Chorus Flowers not being protected from breaking if hit by an arrow or a trident (#812). Note it can cause the block to flicker or to turn into a ghost block. The Bukkit API does not provide a way to actually cancel the block breaking, therefore we need to resort to an efficient yet unaesthetic way to prevent this.
  8. Fixed issue with addons disabling themselves in the onEnable (#1090).
  9. Fixed code smells.
  10. Fixed incorrect translation showing up when changing language.
  11. Fixed players eventually getting stuck in SPECTATOR gamemode when accepting an invite.

Download website

  • The Limits addon is now shipped in all presets.
  • New addons are now available to be picked when creating a custom preset: Border and Chat.
  • Overhauled descriptions (@MasterCake).
----------, Jan 4, 2020

In a nutshell: bug fixes, tweaks and 1.15 compatibility on BentoBox; new feature on AcidIsland; improvements, new presets and new addons on the download website.


BentoBox 1.9.2 - "Snowy Bees!"
Full changelog is available on GitHub. It contains more detailed instructions to optimize performances.

BentoBox 1.9.2 is mostly a bug fix release. Unless you are updating from 1.8.0 or older, you will not need to update any of your addons. If you are updating from 1.8.0 or older, please read BentoBox's 1.9.0 changelog.

BentoBox was launched on SpigotMC on Saturday 7th December, after a 21-month-long development. And in less than a week, it reached heights with over 200 hundred downloads there.

Releasing BentoBox on SpigotMC has been the long-term goal so far. And our new one is the following: from December 2019 to March 2020, we will focus on improving and creating addons. Lots of them. This is called the Addons Initiative 2020.

  1. Improved Javadocs.
  2. Added Island#isOwned() and Island#isUnowned().
Feature / Tweaks
  1. Added the Hungarian flag to Hungarian locale (hu) (andris155, #1055).
  2. Implemented 1.15 compatibility.
  3. Forced UTF-8 encoding in MariaDB databases (TheGeyik, #1052, #1066).
  4. Implemented teleportation delay when using the /[gamemode] spawn command (#1069).
  1. Fixed the "you can ban X more players" message showing incorrect number if bans are unlimited (#1060).
  2. Fixed Ops or players with the mod.bypasscooldown permission not being able to bypass the delay before teleportation (#1059).
  3. Fixed "gathering contributors' data" messages at startup not being toggled by the corresponding config option.

AcidIsland 1.9.2

Full changelog is available on GitHub.

  1. Added config option to have potion effects for rain (#24).
  1. Fixed players in the Nether or in the End being hit by acid when storms were occurring in the Overworld (#76).

Download website

  • Two new presets are now available: CaveBlock and Classic SkyGrid.
  • New addons are now available to be picked when creating a custom preset: TwerkingForTrees, Greenhouses and CauldronWitchery.
  • The "Presets" page's design has been overhauled (@MasterCake ).
----------, Dec 15, 2019

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 68,204
First Release: Dec 7, 2019
Last Update: Nov 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
107 ratings
Find more info at
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Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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