BentoBox (BSkyblock, AcidIsland, SkyGrid, CaveBlock, AOneBlock, Boxed) icon

BentoBox (BSkyblock, AcidIsland, SkyGrid, CaveBlock, AOneBlock, Boxed) -----

Powerful, community-driven, scalable and expandable plugin for island-type games.

Release 2.3.0
This release fixes a bug in 2.2.0 where mobs were not being pasted from blueprints (MythicMobs were, but hey, not normal mobs!) and also adds some new features:
  • Team members can now have multiple islands too - it's a setting in BentoBox config.yml if you wish to enable it.
  • Blueprints can now be given a max-usage setting. This is only enabled when players are allowed to make multiple island. So, for example, it's possible to limit players to only one of each type of island. There is also an option to hide any island blueprints if they have been used up. Don't forget that permissions can also be used to hide or show island blueprint options.
✔️ Minecraft 1.20.x
✔️ Java 17
✔️ Addons may need to be updated to their latest version to work with this version of BentoBox

It's a good idea to use our download site where you can pick and choose add-ons:

  1. As always, take backups just in case. (Make a copy of everything!)
  2. Stop the server
  3. Replace the BentoBox jar with this one
  4. Download the latest versions of all your addons and put them in the Addons folder
  5. (Optional) Move or delete the BentoBox/locales folder to have the plugin save updated language files.
  6. Restart the server
  7. You should be good to go!
What's Changed
  • Enables hiding of setting flags by Ops when in another world
  • Sort player's islands by age so they are always in the same order. This makes the list of islands with a number by them always consistent
  • Adds support for multi islands to the admin range command
  • Add feature to limit blueprint availability.
  • Remove restrictions on having multiple islands for team members.
  • Added placeholders for island names and member lists
  • Limit blueprint pasting to world y coords.
  • Remove player from island, not all islands when kicked.
  • Make sure it's the user's island that the target is being kicked from.
  • Fix bug with MythicMobs changes
----------, Apr 15, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 68,204
First Release: Dec 7, 2019
Last Update: Nov 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
107 ratings
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