BentoBox (BSkyblock, AcidIsland, SkyGrid, CaveBlock, AOneBlock, Boxed) icon

BentoBox (BSkyblock, AcidIsland, SkyGrid, CaveBlock, AOneBlock, Boxed) -----

Powerful, community-driven, scalable and expandable plugin for island-type games.

1.10.0 - The Journey continues...
In a nutshell: bug fixes, minor additions and 1.15.1 compatibility on BentoBox; two new addons: Chat and Border; new features and fixes on TwerkingForTrees; improvements on the download website.


BentoBox 1.10.0 - "The Journey continues..."
Full changelog is available on GitHub. It contains more detailed instructions to optimize performances.

BentoBox 1.10.0 is mostly a bug fix release with some minor additions. Gamemode addons should be updated in order to make use of all the new features.

Exactly one year ago, on January 3rd, 2019, BentoBox 1.0 was released. As you might already know, I tend to pick meaningful names for the releases I publish. The Beginning of a long Journey.... Here we are a year later, counting 1218 additional commits and innumerous hours of work put into this project.

This is incredible.

  1. Added WorldSettings#isPasteMissingIslands() and IslandWorldManager#isPasteMissingIslands(World) (#1063).
  2. Added nullability annotations to IslandsManager public methods, User#hasPermission(...) and User#getSender(...).
  3. Improved Javadocs.
  4. Added AdminRangeAddCommand and AdminRangeRemoveCommand (#1072).
  5. Added Util#isInteger(...).
  6. Added support for floats in config files (BentoBoxWorld/TwerkingForTrees#6).
  7. Made NewIsland.Builder#reason(Reason) enforce the reason to be either CREATE or RESET.
  8. Added WorldSettings#isTeleportPlayerToIslandUponIslandCreation() and IslandWorldManager#isTeleportPlayerToIslandUponIslandCreation(World) (#1032).
  9. Updated PlaceholderAPI dependency to 2.10.4.
  10. Added AdminBlueprintRenameCommand (#1082).
  1. Added LECTERN (PROTECTION) flag (#1094). It prevents players from taking or placing a book on the lecterns while still allowing them to read the book.
Gamemode additions
  1. Added config option to toggle the on-the-fly pasting of nether/end islands. In some cases, this could be exploited by players to get an infinite amount of resources (#1063).
  2. Added add and remove subcommands for the admin range command (#1072).
  3. Added config option to toggle whether the player should be teleported to his island upon its creation (#1032).
  4. Added rename subcommand for the admin blueprint command (#1082).
Performances and stability
  1. Reworked how spots for new islands are found (#1057).
  2. Improved the reliability of some commands requesting an integer as a parameter.
  3. Tweaked the GitHub download feedback to be less spammy.
  1. Fixed timeout crashes when trying to find a free spot for a new island (#1057).
  2. Fixed the message being incorrect when trusting a player (#1073).
  3. Fixed the accept command for non-team invites (i.e. trust or coop) (@sgdc3).
  4. Fixed the admin range set/reset commands not working if the target is in a team.
  5. Fixed entities being damaged by TNTs or Creepers regardless of the protection (#1075).
  6. Fixed Chorus being able to grow outside islands even if trees were prevented from growing outside islands' protection range (#1079).
  7. Fixed Chorus Flowers not being protected from breaking if hit by an arrow or a trident (#812). Note it can cause the block to flicker or to turn into a ghost block. The Bukkit API does not provide a way to actually cancel the block breaking, therefore we need to resort to an efficient yet unaesthetic way to prevent this.
  8. Fixed issue with addons disabling themselves in the onEnable (#1090).
  9. Fixed code smells.
  10. Fixed incorrect translation showing up when changing language.
  11. Fixed players eventually getting stuck in SPECTATOR gamemode when accepting an invite.

Download website

  • The Limits addon is now shipped in all presets.
  • New addons are now available to be picked when creating a custom preset: Border and Chat.
  • Overhauled descriptions (@MasterCake).
----------, Jan 4, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 68,204
First Release: Dec 7, 2019
Last Update: Nov 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
107 ratings
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