BentoBox (BSkyblock, AcidIsland, SkyGrid, CaveBlock, AOneBlock, Boxed) icon

BentoBox (BSkyblock, AcidIsland, SkyGrid, CaveBlock, AOneBlock, Boxed) -----

Powerful, community-driven, scalable and expandable plugin for island-type games.

1.13.0 - Opening the Gates
In a nutshell: many new features and some bug fixes on BentoBox; new gamemode: AOneBlock!


BentoBox 1.13.0 - "Opening the Gates"
Full changelog is available on GitHub.


BentoBox 1.13.0
gets the ball rolling. It is the first major update of the Future development cycle of 2020 Q2. It brings in a lot of awesome and quality-of-life features for players, admins and addon developers! In the full changelog on GitHub, you will find the usual changelog, but also an overview of the new features as well as a detailed walkthrough of the API improvements for addons.

Alongside this update, you should update your addons to take advantage of all the new features. Updates for official addons will be progressively released over the next few weeks.

We are also officially launching our new documentation website! Basically, the contents of all the Wikis on each of our repositories have been moved to this website so that it can be more easily read and updated.

Overview of some new features

Keep player's old island when they reset their island
An option is added to the gamemodes' config, allowing admins to decide whether BentoBox should delete the players' islands when they reset theirs. If enabled, whenever a player resets their island, it is going to create a new one and leave the old one unowned. The player won't have access to it, but it will remain in the server's worlds. Those islands can be later definitely removed from the worlds by purging unowned islands. This might come in handy to be able to give players their island back if they accidentally deleted it; or to avoid deletion occurring while the server is running with players.

This feature was implemented by @Poslovitch and was requested in #1188.

Coop and Trust limitations
Prior to this release, players could coop or trust unlimited amount of fellow players to their island.
Specific options to define how many players can be cooped or trusted on an island are added to the gamemodes' config files, and similarly to the team size, you can assign permissions to players to allow them to coop or trust more players. Those permissions are the following: [gamemode].coop.maxsize.<number> and [gamemode].coop.maxsize.<number>.

This feature was implemented by @Cleymax in #1267 and was requested in #1065.

Player UUIDs in admin commands
In some cases, depending on the server setup, a player's UUID can change. This leads to some inconvenience when trying to re-register them to their own island. This new feature allows admins to use player UUIDs in most admin commands, such as follows:


This feature was implemented by @tastybento in #1298 and was requested in #1297.

Prefixes in localizations
Admins and addon developers can now define prefixes in the localization files that can be used virtually anywhere throughout the entirety of BentoBox and addons' localization files. As this feature allows for an unlimited amount of prefixes, admins and addon developers can also choose which message uses a specific prefix. Moreover, prefixes can be translated. Currently, only the BentoBox prefix is part of the default locales. That's up to you to add more, if you wish .


A detailed guide about this new feature is being worked on and will be made available on the docs soon.

This feature was implemented by @Poslovitch and was requested in #1086.

An admin command to set an island's spawn point
In case the spawn point on an island is not where you'd like it to be, you will now be able to change it using this new command: /[admin_command] setspawnpoint. Easy to use!

This feature was implemented by @BONNe in #1295 and was requested in #937.

Change the behavior of the main player command
New options in gamemodes' config allow admins to define the behavior of the main player command. Admins can finally decide which subcommand should be executed when players have or do not have an island on the gamemode!

This feature was implemented by @BONNe in #1293 and was requested in #498.


  1. Added some nullability annotations.
  2. Added AdminPurgeStatusCommand to allow admins to view the current purge's status (#1254).
  3. SafeSpotTeleport now requires the use of its Builder.
  4. Added IslandEvent.IslandRankChangeEvent (@Cleymax, #1135, #1260).
  5. Improved error message if BentoBox fails to save an Addon's config.
  6. Added CompositeCommand#setHidden(boolean) to enable commands to be hidden from help and tab-complete (#1300, #1301).
  7. Implemented ability to set an amount for a PanelItem: added #getAmount() and #setAmount(int) in PanelItemBuilder (@BONNe, #1299).
  8. Added AdminSetSpawnPointCommand to change an island's spawn point (@BONNe, #937, #1295).
  9. Made IslandsManager#getSafeHomeLocation(...) return null if the world is not an island world (#1306).
  10. Added Addon#reloadConfig() (@YellowZaki, #1302).
  11. Added DefaultPlayerCommand and DefaultAdminCommand (@BONNe, #498, #1293).
  12. Added 4 new methods in WorldSettings: getAdminCommandAliases(), getPlayerCommandAliases(), getDefaultPlayerAction(), getDefaultNewPlayerAction() (@BONNe, #498, #1293).
  13. ⚠️ Deprecated the saveObject() method for databases (#1308).
  14. Added saveObjectAsync() method for databases (#1308). This new method makes use of a CompletableFuture, making (async) saves into the database much easier to handle.
  15. Implemented placeholder permissions for addons (#1303, #1305). Addons will no longer need to see their permissions updated each time there is a new gamemode. They can use [gamemode] in their permissions to automatically register the permissions on all available gamemodes.
  16. Added 2 new methods in WorldSettings: getMaxCoopSize() and getMaxTrustSize() (@Cleymax, #1065, #1267).
Features / Tweaks
  1. Added %[gamemode]_island_members_list% and %[gamemode]_visited_island_members_list% placeholders (#1243, #1246).
  2. Improved/Fixed EXPERIENCE_PICKUP flag on Paper servers (@KennyTV, #1256).
  3. IslandResetCommand now requires the [gamemode].island.reset permission (#1207).
  4. Removed support for MVdWPlaceholderAPI - you can still use our placeholders through PlaceholderAPI.
  5. Added %[gamemode]_on_island% placeholder (@Cleymax, #1168, #1259).
  6. Updated copyright info in about command.
  7. Added BREAK_SPAWNERS (PROTECTION) flag (@N0tMyFaultOG, #1130, #1263).
  8. Added a single character prefix to database tables (#1277, #1278).
  9. Added a config option to keep islands when players reset them (#1188).
  10. Made use of the "spawn protected" message when the island is a spawn.
  11. Allowed player UUIDs to be used in admin commands (#1297, #1298).
  12. Added prefixes in localizations and added a default prefix for BentoBox (#1086).
  13. Added coop and trust limits and related permissions: [gamemode].trust.maxsize.number and [gamemode].coop.maxsize.number (@Cleymax, #1065, #1267).
  14. Removed unused tab-completion for the /bentobox reload command.
  15. Added /bentobox reload locales command to only reload locales (#1245).
  1. Updated locales to remove some outdated stuff.
  2. Made some tweaks to en-US.
  3. Updated Spanish (es) translation (@SrAcosta, #1239).
  4. Improved purge-related messages.
  5. Improved description of CREEPER_GRIEFING flag (@N0tMyFaultOG, #1201, #1264).
  6. Updated license dates in startup message (@N0tMyFaultOG, #1266).
  7. Emphasized that natural spawning is toggled for mobs and animals (#1284).
  8. Updated Polish (pl) translation (@workonfire, #1289).
  1. Fixed player-not-cooped message key (@KennyTV, #1251).
  2. Fixed spawn islands that could be purged when running an unowned islands purge (#1255).
  3. Fixed Paintings protection (#1273).
  4. Fixed inventory (etc.) being cleared even though the player cannot teleport to his island (#1280).
  5. Fixed cannot-kick message key.
  6. Fixed MySQL databases not being properly saved on shutdown (#1292).
  7. Fixed torches being considered as "safe blocks" (#1296).
  8. Fixed IslandsManager#getSafeHomeLocation(...) throwing a NPE if the world is not an island world (#1306).
  9. Fixed the confirmation warning message showing twice in AdminRegisterCommand when reserving an island spot for a player.
----------, May 1, 2020
Resource Information
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First Release: Dec 7, 2019
Last Update: Nov 26, 2024
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