BentoBox (BSkyblock, AcidIsland, SkyGrid, CaveBlock, AOneBlock, Boxed) icon

BentoBox (BSkyblock, AcidIsland, SkyGrid, CaveBlock, AOneBlock, Boxed) -----

Powerful, community-driven, scalable and expandable plugin for island-type games.

1.12.0 - The Future is Next
In a nutshell: tweaks, API additions and bug fixes on BentoBox, performance improvements on TwerkingForTrees, bug fixes on SkyGrid, and many more!

What comes next?
We are currently reviewing our roadmap for the following months. We are planning to focus our efforts on polishing BentoBox. The current worldwide situation is leading to an increase of servers using BentoBox. Those are newcomers we want to welcome warmly into the BentoBoxWorld community through the implementation of a more user-friendly experience overall.


BentoBox 1.12.0 - "The Future is Next"
Full changelog is available on GitHub.

BentoBox 1.12.0
polishes existing features and fixes bugs while we are concluding the Addons Initiative 2020 and moving towards our next roadmap for 2020 Q2 : Future. Through performance improvements and API additions, this update leads BentoBox to the path of becoming the sturdiest plugin capable of running island-based gamemodes, which is our dearest wish.

Alongside this update, you should not need to update your gamemode addons.

  1. Added nullability annotations in various locations.
  2. Added ConfigEntry#needsRestart().
  3. Added #getOldIsland() in island reset-related events (@Draww, #1178, #1179).
  4. Added IslandEvent.IslandPreclearEvent (#1200).
  5. Added IslandEvent.IslandReservedEvent.
Features / Tweaks
  1. Added LIMIT_MOBS flag (WORLD_SETTING) (#1133, #1155).
  2. Added ver alias to version commands.
  3. Added %[gamemode]_deaths% placeholder (#1197).
  4. Prevent island height to be set outside Minecraft's allowed values (BentoBoxWorld/SkyGrid#39).
  5. Sped up the "new island spot" search (BentoBoxWorld/CaveBlock#44).
  6. Added use-ssl config option to toggle SSL when connecting to SQL databases (@BONNe, #1206).
  7. Set the spawn island protection range to be the max by default.
  8. When pasting an island, load each required chunk asynchronously (Paper only).
  9. Updated bStats integration: removed metrics config option, improved the "Players per server" chart (@N0tMyFaultOG, #1225).
  10. Added protection for bee nests and hives (#1237).
  1. Updated Italian (it) localization (@xion87, #1194).
  2. Updated Turkish (tr) localization (@OverBrave, #1196).
  1. Ignored colors when checking panel names (#1202).
  2. Fixed ClassCastException occurring when handling projectiles launched by blocks (#1211).
  3. Fixed Addon#saveResource() not overwriting files properly.
  4. Fixed TeamEvent.TeamKickEvent#getPlayer() not returning the kicked player (#1216).
  5. Fixed any island member being able to reset the island settings (#1219).
  6. Fixed automated island creation on joining (#1221).
  7. Fixed a rare ConcurrentModificationException that could occur when unloading addons classes.
  8. Fixed NullPointerException that could occur with misnamed default language.
  9. Fixed splash potion PvP handling (@KennyTV, #1230).
  10. Fixed handling of negative perms for value setting (BentoBoxWorld/Limits#73).
----------, Mar 21, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 68,204
First Release: Dec 7, 2019
Last Update: Nov 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
107 ratings
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