Advanced Mod Request [Ticket Management] - GUI - MySQL - Notifications - HelpOP icon

Advanced Mod Request [Ticket Management] - GUI - MySQL - Notifications - HelpOP -----

Notify, Reply, Flag, Rate, Close and Resolve reports submitted by players! View tickets through UI!

- Code - Updated classes to primarily use Lombok getters/setters
- Classes - Removed some unused classes taking up memory
----------, Apr 4, 2024

- Added - Ability to use `UseSSL` in the mysql config. Thanks to @ARR4NN
- Fixed - Auto ticket downloader would not register correctly, not downloading tickets on its interval
- Removed - Fancyful api, for a more modern approach. Thanks to @ARR4NN
----------, Jun 16, 2023

- Code - Adding full support for Minecraft 1.8 to 1.19 versions!
- Updated - DiscordSRV API version updated to v1.26.0
----------, Oct 19, 2022

- Fixed - An issue when a server has never seen a players UUID before, an invalid offline player would still load either way, leading to a blank player name.
----------, Aug 24, 2021

- Fixed - Items when placed in with number hot keys would be stuck inside and irretrievable from menus.
- Fixed - Reply menu's cancel/back button was not working as expected.
- Fixed - Updater would take up CPU time upon loading, leading to a thread dump on occasions.
----------, Mar 21, 2021

- Fixed - Online Databases that were not generated on current versions wouldn't create missing columns on the correct table. Thanks to mare-on on GitHub.
This is why we triple test stuff before releasing a massive update...
----------, Feb 17, 2021

- Fixed - New tickets, when being created, would be missing the authors name, creating an invalid mysql call.
- Disabled - '/amr info' was incidentally enabled while debugging, this command will be coming out soon!
Please read 6.1.0 patch notes to view the new additions in version 6.1.x!
----------, Feb 15, 2021

- Added - More Discord integration with a discord "!ticket" command. This command allows admins or players if allowed on their servers to run in-game commands on their discord clients. Must have Vault and LuckPerms installed to use full offline permissions. Must enable this feature under discord.yml file.
- Fixed - On rare occasions, player names would not load on tickets, author names are now saved to the database.
- Added - Inventory Filters now show how many tickets are under its category.
----------, Feb 14, 2021

- Fixed - Ticket importance was not loading after reloading tickets from a database.
- Fixed - Multi-Server name were not saving to a ticket even if this option was enabled. Thanks to bombrider130#6320 on Discord.
----------, Dec 25, 2020

- Fixed - MySQL syntax was different than SQLite syntax when creating tickets and when checking if table was created correctly. Thanks to @NessunoMC
Fixed - MySQL table prefix would not update when reloading with `/amr reload`
- Performance - SQL setup and ticket loading is no longer run on the main thread when enabling plugin.
----------, Dec 21, 2020

If you are running an online database, ticket replies will be reset!
- Database - Local file database has been moved from `.yml` file to a SQLite `.db` file. Please use this conversion tool to migrate all tickets over to new system! (Offline databases only!)
- Added - Notification will now recommend commands when hovering over chat messages.
- Added - `/amr list` menu can now be filtered by a tickets category, as well as the ability to change a tickets category.
- Added - ` DefaultListFilters` feature in config.yml to give default filters when using `/amr list`
- Performance - Database calls have been significantly reduced, along with massive ticket management performance boost.
- Fixed - Multiple menus would not reload items correctly and replies would sometimes not save or display correctly.
- Code - Total redo of the way tickets are saved, cached and handled. Along with a full database recode, using a more effective method of sql calls.
----------, Dec 17, 2020

- Fixed - When Discord integration was enabled, an array index error would occur when grabbing certain placeholders.
- Debug - A new debug message was added to make sure Discord integration has been hooked when loading.
----------, Oct 29, 2020

- Fixed - DiscordSRV messages would have a character limit depending on the menu character limit, this limit has been removed for discord messages
- Compiling - Advanced Modreq is now being compiled with Maven.
----------, Oct 19, 2020

- Fixed - Templates, when enabled, would always ask for a category even if Categories were disabled in some cases. Thanks to @WiredOrange
----------, Jul 12, 2020

- Fixed - Discord SRV messages would go through a color code filter, not allowing for plugin specific placeholders such as <@&RoleID> to be called/shown correctly in discord chat.
----------, Mar 11, 2020

- Fixed - Ticket info GUI would not show a no permission message on some buttons.
- Fixed - Claimed tickets would not allow players to interact with anything in the GUI if they were not allowed to override a claimed ticket as well. Thanks to @korhox
- Fixed - When pressing the cancel button when viewing replies from "/amr replies <id>" would show the ticket information instead of closing the gui, it will also no longer show up if there was no previous page
- Fixed - Reply & Replies commands tab-completing would suggest all tickets.
And a bunch of other miscellaneous bugs
----------, Mar 6, 2020

- Fixed - AsyncPlayerChatEvent forcefully not allowing chat events to be cancelled, making for some other plugins to misbehave.
- Disabled - A command "/amr manage" (now disabled) was enabled by accident, this command is in a high development state!
----------, Mar 4, 2020

- Added - Ability to filter by importance, rating and/or resolved.
- Added - Ability to change the placeholders for the numerical value of a filter
- Fixed - If a filter was added then removed, the current filters applied would show blank rather than show the "None" message.
- Note - Some filters are restricted to just '/amr status' and others to just '/amr list'
- Code - Improved performance of the filtering feature, as well as the ticket sorting.
----------, Jan 25, 2020

- Fixed - Replies menu back button would show a null pointer, but now opens up the tickets info menu if coming from '/amr replies <id>'
- Added - New filtering option for the info page, you can add/change filters on the go while viewing a ticket list page
More filters to come! Please suggest them on our discord server!
----------, Jan 20, 2020

- Changed - Automatic Notifications are now personalized, only showing if you are able to access a ticket, removing tickets that have already been claimed. (Please reset your timers.yml file)
- Updated - DiscordSRV integration has been updated to the latest 1.18.2 release.
----------, Nov 27, 2019

- Added - New French translation, thanks to @Bananaa#7694
- Added - '/amr list' now has items for closed tickets and claimed tickets
- Changed - '/amr list' will now organize your tickets from most important to least, and in prioritization of flagged -> claimed -> open -> closed
- Removed - '/amr claim list' no longer works, it is replaced with '/amr list claim'
- Fixed - `/amr claim <ticket>` would suggest tickets that have been claimed
- Fixed - Default sections in language files would not generate on a non-built-in language file
- Fixed - Special characters not being supported on language files when populating missing sections
- Code - Completely recoded how '/amr list' inventory works, making it more stable
----------, Nov 17, 2019

- Fixed - Categories system not loading if re-enabled from the '/amr settings' menu
- Fixed - Template menu would allow items to be pulled out if importance and/or category system was disabled
- Changed - Reply menu now has a custom return button
- Code - Ticket replies menu is much more stable
----------, Nov 14, 2019

- Added - New settings page, allowing for live editing of the plugin without having to go into the config.yml file. "/amr settings"
- Added - Ticket creation now has a listener if player did not give a message up-front or after selecting a category/importance. Templates coming soon!
- Added - Replies can now be added by just clicking an item in the replies page
- Added - Tickets that's are claimed in the list page can have another item.
- Added - Lang messages for tickets created with the importance system disabled, new timer cancel timer, and when we are listening to a players chat message
- Changed - The way "Info" page loads up, allowing for more fluid loading/error checking.
- Fixed - Menu file would not generate default sections​
+ A bunch of other changes improving inconsistencies/errors​
----------, Nov 13, 2019

- Changed - Some commands are currently being reworked, so the menu.yml file has been moved to 'menus/menu.yml' (just override the file to use your current setup)
- Fixed - Disabling `Templates` would not allow players to create a ticket if they never made a ticket before or a cooldown.
- Fixed - Back/Cancel button on the information would not go back to the previous "/amr list <type>" list type if opened from a info page.
- Changed - Plugin felt like it was not plug an play enough, so players will now all be able to create tickets with importance levels 1-5 by default. (Remove permission 'advancedmodreq.importance.*' to go back to normal importance level permissions)
----------, Nov 7, 2019

- Fixed - A bug that caused items to be removed from Templates inventory if plugin was reloaded with '/amr reload'
- Change - Signs with invalid commands will still be executed to give the player feedback when a sign is invalid.
----------, Oct 19, 2019

- Fixed - Some local placeholders resulting in a NPE when sending messages to non-players. Thanks to @MothMuse
- Fixed -
An issue where using the back button on the replies inventory coming from the ticket info page.
----------, Aug 16, 2019

- Fixed - Notification messages not loading properly, resulting in a NPE when trying to show notifications ;)
----------, Aug 11, 2019

- Fixed - Null Pointer when trying to go to another page on "/amr list" menu
- Added - Cool-downs for tickets, which has been a setting on the config.yml but now actually works!
- Added - Category lang section to give a prefix and suffix for the '/amr categories' command
- Changed/Fixed - Mysql database will now be given a forced timestamp instead of local server timestamp.
- Changed - '/amr help' command now has a max of 12 commands per page rather then 10
----------, Aug 3, 2019

- Fixed - Tickets created without a template will not cache a tickets message, resulting in a NPE.
- Added - BungeeCord support, tickets that are created in another server, we will try to connect to that server (if multi-server is enabled)
----------, Aug 3, 2019

- Fixed - DiscordSRV plugin support fixed
- Added - Server names for multi-server configurations, enable in mysql.yml file. (Will not teleport to bungee server FOR NOW)
- Added -
A Templates system for quick ticket creation, will allow a player to choose their own importance/categories if none are provided. More on the wiki!
- Added - Channels can be provided if an importance/category for a ticket was meet, changing the target channel. More on the wiki!
- Changed - Non-existent/unavailable placeholders for a tickets information will now be deleted rather than left blank
- Changed - Category creation is more lenient and will fix up any errors, but will complain to console if there's a issue
- Code - Massive inventory handling optimizations, making classes smaller and allowing for more quality updates ;)
----------, Aug 3, 2019

- Added - More commands available in the help list
- Added - Full 1.13 and 1.14 item support!
- Changed - Help command is now contained into pages of 10 maximum allowed commands to execute. And are now alphabetical!
- Code - All commands are now handled in their own private classes to improve performance and improve future updates

Please let me know of any issues as with the amount of commands there are, there is no way to test all issues. Please make a ticket on Github
----------, Jul 29, 2019

- Fixed - A bug caused if the economy system was either disabled, or a player did not have permission 'advancedmodreq.economy.bypass'

Dev Note
I am aware of the DiscordSRV support not functioning. I am trying to get in contact with the developer as all debugging methods I've tried have no worked. Sorry for the delay :)
----------, Jun 9, 2019

- Added - Optional Debug mode message when Purging tickets
- Fixed - Notification and Purge timers would not be able to be activated/disabled after the plugin was enabled.
- Fixed - Typos in the timers file, not allowing for opened tickets Notifications to be enabled. Notifications are now also cached.
- Fixed - Upcoming command was enabled by accident ;)
- Updated - PlacholderAPI api updated to use the latest method!
- Updated - DiscordSRV api updated to attempt to fix support. This has not been tested!
- Code - Complete re-code on how internal dependencies are loaded, allowing for more dependencies in the future ;)
----------, May 25, 2019

- Tested - Fully tested for 1.14.x support!
- Code - Changed entirely the way that most menus are loaded into memory, allowing for much more advanced menu changes down the line.
- Dev Note - Next couple patches will improve storage capabilities, a few QOL upgrades and more customization ;)
- If you experience any issues please report them to the wiki here -​
----------, May 23, 2019

- Fixed - MySQL database not caching file database after a failed connection.
- Fixed - MySQL timer duplicating tickets rather than clearing the cache when downloading tickets. Thanks to Krunos!
----------, Feb 6, 2019

- Fixed - An issue causing importance permissions to be checked when unnecessary
- Fixed - Players with less importance permission to edit a tickets importance or claim it.
- Fixed - Setting importance through inventory would ignore some permission checks
----------, Nov 20, 2018

- Fixed - Item amounts and durability only allowed for "%ticket_importance%" and "%ticket_rating%", it now allows any placeholder in PlaceholderAPI!
- Code - Major messages changes, basically splitting up messages into different classes for better readability ;)
----------, Oct 22, 2018

- Added - Ability to create command signs with arguments! Along with a signs.yml file. Check how to make them on the wiki!
- Code - Changed up the way commands are handled, improving performance.
- Code - Removed some old classes from outdated previous systems
----------, Oct 21, 2018

- Fixed - Some startup errors for a currently unused class #SecretUpdate
----------, Oct 20, 2018

- Added - Ability to use PlaceholderAPI for Item materials.
- Changed - The way items are formatted from "<material>:<durability>:<amount>" to "<material>:<amount>:<durability>" adding more backwards compatibility!
- Changed - If a ticket does not have a field, the line will now be blank rather than removed.
- Changed - Permissions layout/description and more linear permission handling
- Fixed - Some performance flaws when creating items
- Fixed - Some tab complete commands suggesting the wrong text, and optimizations
----------, Oct 20, 2018

- Fixed - An issue where the so called "Replier" would not be saved into a tickets database correctly
- Code - Some hidden/disabled additions for an upcoming patch ;)
----------, Oct 16, 2018

- Wiki - All default files are now available on the wiki, and issue templates have been added.
- Fixed - Missing German and Spanish file sections
----------, Oct 14, 2018

- Added - Ability to unclaim tickets with the "/modreq unclaim <ticket>" command. Thanks to @CloudeLecaw
- Added - Ability to reset an importance level with the command "/modreq importance <ticket> <1-5>" with a gui button as well. Requires permission ""
- Fixed - Multiple sounds using the incorrect path, leading to multiple sounds not being played.
- Changed - Invalid Level message when setting a tickets rating or importance.w
----------, Oct 14, 2018

- Fixed - List inventory title, items and lore would not reload
- Fixed - MySQL lag when joining and sending important tickets notifications.
- Fixed - Category not being displayed on items lore.
- Re-code - All cached values are now organized and cleaner allowing for faster updates in the future ;)
----------, Oct 12, 2018

- Added - Claim button to the Info Inventory, now staff can quickly see who claimed the ticket or claim it if it's unclaimed :)
- Added - Ability to list all Claimed tickets with "/modreq claim <"list"/ticketID>"
- Fixed - If you were to cancel a tickets actions while using the "/modreq view <ticket>" nothing would happen.
- Changed - Updater now checks for updates once an hour instead of on start-up!
- Code - Made the Info menu less prone to break due to file loading.
----------, Oct 7, 2018

- Changed - Staff notification settings for Flagged tickets will now only show open Flagged tickets . Thanks to @VergilPrime
----------, Oct 6, 2018

- Added - New Placeholders and a bunch of changed placeholders, more on the wiki. Thanks to @VergilPrime
- Added - Added new "All" and "Flagged" argument types to "/modreq list <args>". Also making flagged tickets to be displayed first on the list's.
- Fixed - Categories system forcing "Griefing" and "Other" categories (Reset Categories sections in config.yml and menu.yml!)
- Changed - Simplified the list command, menus are now under "List" in the menu.yml
- Changed - Permissions for listing tickets has been moved to "tickets.list.opened" and "tickets.list.closed" from "tickets.view...". More on the wiki.
- Changed - Messages got a huge performance boost by removing the amount of class references.
- Wiki - Finally got around to make a wiki page, please take a look at it here!
----------, Oct 5, 2018

- Fixed - MySQL file not loading properly, disabling mysql from functioning
- Fixed - A Column being named "ImportanceInv"/"RatingInv" instead of "Importance"/"Rating"
- Fixed - A bug that would prevent some join messages from showing up if the updater was disabled\
- Code - Mysql database is now async, making all connections single and final, rather than keeping the connection open for as long the server is online.
----------, Sep 30, 2018

- Added - New command "/modreq language <lang>" to allow changing languages on the fly!
- Fixed - Default Spanish and German language not having correct default messages (recommended to remove "Teleport" and "Invalid" for it to regenerate) Thanks to @CloudeLecaw
- Fixed - Some general default messages that were not updated for a while, and some other code fixes.
----------, Sep 28, 2018

- Fixed - "/modreq status [player]" not working as intended, adding a Usage message when a player is allowed to view others ticket status'. Thanks to @CloudeLecaw
- Fixed - "/modreq reply <ticket> <message>" not allowing to reply to tickets (now requires at least one word to reply) Thanks to @CloudeLecaw
- Fixed - A bug that would cause an item to disappear if one of its item value returned "0"
- Changed - Updated the default menu file descriptions and item types
- Dev Notes - If you find any bugs or confusing parts of th plugin PLEASE leave an issue on the Wiki!
----------, Sep 28, 2018

- Fixed - Bug on Linux machines not saving a file to the correct directory
- Fixed - Null pointer when trying to create an empty line in lores.
- Fixed - Trying to teleport to a console created ticket would output a long error, this now has an error message under "Messages.Teleport.Failed"
- Fixed - A permission issue when trying to view a closed ticket with "/amr view <ticketID>"
- Fixed - A hand full of errors made by a recent Inventory change, making methods go to an incorrect path
- Fixed - If the importance system was turned off, the closed tickets inventory would show up empty.
- Changed - Some default item to be 1.13 plug and play compatible
----------, Aug 30, 2018

- Changed - Config files and lang files that are missing sections will now generate those missing sections to the plugins directory.
- Code - Fixed up yaml getting and changed the way inventories are loaded, making the plugin take on less resources on startup and internal reloading.
----------, Aug 22, 2018

- Fixed - An issue if custom sections were changed, the default config would add these sections back in ghost mode.
----------, Aug 8, 2018

- Fixed - Tickets with more that one word would be replaced with "null".
----------, Aug 4, 2018

- Added - Staff notifications system on still open and/or flagged tickets! Permission: advancedmodreq.notifications.opened
Added - A new " timers.yml" file, this file will replace purge timers and will add the new staff notifications system!
- Fixed - 1.13 Compatibility with enchantments not working correctly.
- Fixed - Right click would produce and error in the status menu on a newly created ticket.
- Fixed - Sounds would not be sent to the player who rated a ticket.
- Fixed - Inventories not closing if the server was reloaded using "/reload"
- Fixed - If a ticket with the first word being repeated, the word would be deleted indefinably from the ticket text. And the first word being removed when using the custom alias command
----------, Jul 28, 2018

- Added - Full command and sub command tab completion, while respecting permissions and tickets.
- Fixed - "/amr status <ticketID>" sometimes returning an error if the player did not exist.
- Fixed - "/amr replies <ticketID>" only allowing to view replies to your own ticket no matter if overriding the permission
- Fixed - Small typo in the English lang file
- Code - Cleaned up the API, and polished some code
----------, Jul 16, 2018

- Added - Full DiscordSRV support for ticket updates such as tickets being opened, replied, closed and more! Adding a new "discord.yml" file along for the update.
- Changed - "%player%" placeholder for some messaged changed to "%ticket_player%" and "%player%" to "%ticket_claimedby%" for consistency.
- Fixed - Reply sounds not being sent to the ticket owner.
- Notes - I would recommend resetting your lang files as there has been some undocumented additions over the course of some time :)
----------, Apr 23, 2018

- Fixed - Updater not functioning correctly, as promised I would be fixing from last patch :)
----------, Apr 10, 2018

- Fixed - If a custom ticket was created or Console created a ticket, the placeholder "%ticket_world%" would return null and stop all other placeholders.
- Code - Improved MySQL code, cleaning up explicit code and more.
- Issues - Currently the updater code is not functioning due to a Spigot API issue? No idea, but updater is useless atm, sorry :(
----------, Apr 8, 2018

- Removed - The forced Dependency of AdvancedCustomItemAPI, allowing the plugin to work on it's own!
Sorry for never removing this, I just happen to always test all my plugins together, sorry!
----------, Feb 12, 2018

- Added - "Report" usage message when no arguments are included (look at the new menu.yml on the wiki)
- Fixed - Some commands from being executed from console giving exceptions
- Fixed - Override permission for Claimed tickets "*.tickets.claim.override"
- Fixed - Exception when reloading using "/amr reload"
----------, Feb 9, 2018

- Fixed - An issue with permissions not initializing if Vault wasn't installed
----------, Jan 19, 2018

- Fixed - An issue with the plugin.yml not loading due to a compiler issue, whoops!
----------, Dec 24, 2017

- Fixed - The MySQL.yml file did not generate as the internal name was still mysql.yml
- Dev Note - This patch is meant solely to fix this issue, but it also has a ton of changes for an up coming patch for greater claiming and such, which means the config and menu files have changed a little.
Update is compatible with previous version!
----------, Dec 3, 2017

- Added - Vault support for all permission nodes, allowing for vault dependent permissions plugin such as zPermissions to function with permissions!
- Changed - The way vault dependent classes load, so they are reloaded with the "/acm reload" command!
Update is compatible with previous version!
----------, Nov 26, 2017

- Changed - Because of the massive usability my personal AdvancedCustomItemAPI brings to the table, I have decided to expanded to multiples of my plugins so I don't have to always write the same code for the same function, so here's the change, this plugin now depends off this api. The api will let me allow more item types such as banner patterns, potions and colored items, just gotta find out how to incorporate this into this plugin, but hey, the api is there ready to go :)
Update is not compatible with previous version! You must download the api provided above to use the plugin like normal!
----------, Nov 16, 2017

- Added - Ability to claim a ticket as one self so other mederators do not interfer with a ticket such as flag, close, reply, tp or reply to a ticket, they will only be able to view information about the ticket by viewing a tickets info. Along with their own permission nodes available here.
- Added - A new deletable placeholder "%ticket_claimedby%", more info on the wiki.
- Code - Condensed code for lengthy processes such as the help viewer, mysql checks and small duplicate methods.
If upgrading from 4.3.1, the only file that needs to be updated is your lang file! Available here!
----------, Nov 8, 2017

- Added - Default German translation! Thanks to @Andre_601!
If you would like to add a new translation, please make a pull request on the wiki!
----------, Oct 6, 2017

- Added - Language files for quickly being able to change between languages! Currently supporting English and Spanish!
- Dev Tip - If you would like to add a translation please make a pull request on the wiki with your spigot name to get it added!
Update is compatible with previous version!
If you have changed the old message.yml, you can copy and paste it to the new "lang" file and add "Language-File" in the config file and set it to the name of your messages file, including '.yml'
----------, Oct 5, 2017

- Added - New " /modreq view <ticketID>" command, along with its usage and help messages available to view on the wiki, and '* .tickets.view' permission node
- Added - An "Error" message if a message was not able to display, along with a console message if this error message is called.
- Added - Permissions based lines, you can now add "{perm:<NODE>,<NODE2>}" if they have all permissions, the line will show up, else the line will be deleted for that player, view it on the wiki.
- Added - Ability to allow rating a closed ticket even if it is not resolved, with the "AllowNotResolved" on the config
- Changed - Importance Failed message changed, view more details on the messages.yml, adding a "Normal" and "Permission" section.
- Changed - Permission nodes '* .tickets.list.opened/closed' were changed to '', as it makes more sense
- Changed - A player must now have the permission node ' *.tickets.view' to view the info of a ticket in the Opened/Closed ticket lists.
- Code - Enhanced basic ticket methods for a future ticket claiming mechanic
Update is not compatible with previous version! Please update the messages.yml file to not have NPE's, and update menu.yml/config.yml to use the new features!
* = advancedmodreq
----------, Oct 5, 2017

- Added - New Section key for Categories named "Importance" to allow overriding the importance level select screen, view the default config for more info!
- Changed - When creating a ticket, the category is now chosen before the importance
- Fixed - Players being able to remove items from the Category or Importance menu if shift clicking
- Fixed - Tickets created with the "/modreq create" command were removing one word from the MinimumWords setting
----------, Oct 4, 2017

- Wiki - Finally got to making a wiki for AdvancedModreq! Check it out at GitHub
- Added - Placeholders from PlaceholderAPI are now supported on every message!
- Fixed - Category menu not replacing %category% placeholder
Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!
----------, Oct 3, 2017

- Fixed - The "/modreq create" aliasing commands to be unidentifiable if the server was not running on 1.12.2
Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!
----------, Sep 30, 2017

- Fixed - Time stamping while connected to a MySQL database (This will reset the Time Column)
- Fixed - If plugin was not able to connect to mysql database, it would not change back to the database.yml backend.
- Changed - The way time is saved, it's now saved in text so it's more readable when you are viewing the database. (Still supports numerical time for older yml databases (MySQL Time Column is reset!))
Update is compatible with previous version!
----------, Sep 29, 2017

- Added - Every single message, even usage, error and menus now support PlaceholderAPI placeholders!
----------, Sep 29, 2017

This update is highly unstable, meaning that most of the changes were based off previous code but untested, please test this version and give me feedback on any issues as I cannot test every situation my self!
- Fixed - If a player was able to view closed tickets (""), they would not be able to view closed tickets without the "" permission.
- Fixed - Some commands not returning a message in certain situations.
- Code - Changed internal api for massive performance boost, and much more understandable/organized code for future updates!
----------, Sep 28, 2017

- Fixed - MySQL part of plugin not functioning at all after the first ticket being created.
- Changed - Internal frame work to better suit an API update as time goes (There is an API, but not documented at all, do so at your own risk!)
Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!

I hope that everyone in the way of Hurricane Irma is in safe hands! Good luck this weekend!
----------, Sep 9, 2017

- Fixed - Command aliases only working on 1.12.1 servers
- Fixed - NPE when a player joins and their tickets broadcast status hasn't been updated
- Fixed - Notifications sounds/settings not reloading correctly
Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!
----------, Aug 30, 2017

- Fixed - Command aliases only working on 1.12.1 servers
- Fixed - NPE when a player joins and their tickets broadcast status hasn't been updated
- Fixed - Notifications sounds/settings not reloading correctly
Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!
----------, Aug 30, 2017

- Fixed - Category and/or Importance system giving NPE if disabled.
- Fixed - Rating placeholder not showing up after a plugin reload, and having error if the ticket is new.
Update is compatible with previous version! no config changes!
----------, Aug 24, 2017

- Added - An auto generated "Alias" section will now generate with the config to allow creating an alias for " /modreq create", enjoy!
- Fixed - Command "/report" still being registered, with no real use of the command.
- Fixed - Menus not regenerating after plugin has been reloaded.
Update is compatible with previous version!
----------, Aug 24, 2017

Previous users MUST reset their messages and menu files! This is a massive update, so if this patch does not function for you, it's your files!
- Changed - "/report" command was removed and replaced with "/modreq create". Also removing the <category> and <importance> mandatory values to have a GUI based category and importance system. These inventories will show up when a player creates a ticket, and if a player doesn't choose anything, an error message will show what they need to do to confirm a ticket creation.
- Changed - Basic Ticket creation section in the messages.yml for better understanding. (Please reset your messages.yml file!)
- Added - Economy support! Players can now be charged for creating a ticket! (Bypass economy with "advancedmodreq.economy.bypass") Avoids spamming :)
- Added - Console can now auto view open tickets in chat without having to type "/modreq view open chat", just "/modreq list" will work. (Defaults to open tickets)
Added - New command " /modreq tp <ticketID>", teleport to any ticket instantly!
- Added - New command " /modreq delete <ticketID>", you can now delete one ticket at a time!
- Added - If the plugin is reloaded while a player is in any menu, the menu will be closed to stop the ability of getting free items!
- Fixed - MySQL exceptions when a connection has been held for too long
- Fixed - If a player did not have both open and closed ticket permissions, no message would be sent, and not allow the player to view anything.
- Code - Changed every mysql connection attempt to auto-reconnect, allowing for longer server on-time.
----------, Aug 23, 2017

- Fixed - Updater outputting a null version, instead of cancelling the message.
Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!
Coming soon, command improvements and category viewing!
----------, Aug 11, 2017

- Fixed - Category system not enabling due to recent sections change. Categories should stay stable after this update!
- Improved -
Commands for /modreq and /report are now handled on different methods, allowing the use of the bukkit syntax command "/advancedmodreq:report". Thanks to @xDizasterCYx!
Update is compatible with previous version! No config changes!
- Dev Notes - I will hopefully be adding "/report" aliases, if not, being able to change the command compleltly in an upcoming update! As well as adding a default command such as "/modreq create" to create a ticket, with other commands as a shortcut :)
----------, Jul 27, 2017

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First Release: May 10, 2017
Last Update: Apr 4, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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