Added - New "
/modreq view <ticketID>" command, along with its usage and help messages available to view on the
wiki, and '*
.tickets.view' permission node
Added - An "Error" message if a message was not able to display, along with a console message if this error message is called.
Added - Permissions based lines, you can now add "{perm:<NODE>,<NODE2>}" if they have all permissions, the line will show up, else the line will be deleted for that player, view it on the
Added - Ability to allow rating a closed ticket even if it is not resolved, with the "AllowNotResolved" on the
Changed - Importance Failed message changed, view more details on the
messages.yml, adding a "Normal" and "Permission" section.
Changed - Permission nodes '*
.tickets.list.opened/closed' were changed to '-.tickets.view.opened/closed', as it makes more sense
Changed - A player
must now have the permission node '
*.tickets.view' to view the info of a ticket in the Opened/Closed ticket lists.
Code - Enhanced basic ticket methods for a future ticket claiming mechanic
Update is not compatible with previous version! Please update the messages.yml file to not have NPE's, and update menu.yml/config.yml to use the new features!
* = advancedmodreq