If you are running an online database, ticket replies will be reset!
Database - Local file database has been moved from `.yml` file to a SQLite `.db` file. Please use
this conversion tool to migrate all tickets over to new system! (Offline databases only!)
Added - Notification will now recommend commands when hovering over chat messages.
Added - `/amr list` menu can now be filtered by a tickets category, as well as the ability to change a tickets category.
Added - `
DefaultListFilters` feature in config.yml to give default filters when using `/amr list`
Performance - Database calls have been significantly reduced, along with massive ticket management performance boost.
Fixed - Multiple menus would not reload items correctly and replies would sometimes not save or display correctly.
Code - Total redo of the way tickets are saved, cached and handled. Along with a full database recode, using a more effective method of sql calls.