- Fixed plugin does not work on 1.21.4 due to the removal of org.fusesource.jansi in server core
- Fixed Dungeon Group icon with single item not working
- Improved Dungeon Group icon now supports GUI-like declaration
- Added Room Min&Max Player Command
- Fixed World Border been applied even if it is not set or NONE
- Added world border for dungeon
- Fixed Room Command permission
- Fixed players can trigger some objectives while in Spectator
- Fixed exceptions when Vault is not found upon death and charging money
- Fixed player does not spectate teammates on respawn if Death Action is SPECTATAE
- Fixed player always respawns in dungeon spawn if Death Action is SPECTATE
- Fixed LootChest Action not removing items properly
- Fixed Menu GUI default slot value missing slot 0
- Player freeze now uses packet instead of real entity (no more invisible zombies yay~)
- GUI now accept item string from /mg check
- Fixed Anvil GUI applying globally
- Fixed exception when clicking empty result slot in Anvil GUI
- Fixed Anvil GUI consumes experience visual glitch
- Fixed items cannot be serialized in 1.21+
- Fixed player death limit counted 1 less
- Fixed default Death Action using seconds
- Fixed old scoreboard being retrieved from offline players
- Improved Actions and Objectives validation messages
- Menu GUI and all related GUIs can now be assigned to more than 1 slot
- Added Anvil GUI, Chat Input for Sign Input alternatives
- Added options to toggle forceload dungeon chunks in Dungeon Group config
- Fixed player's gamemode not reverted on join while dungeon is still running
- Fixed debug message is shown when saving schematic
- Fixed exception when mob dies if MythicMobs is not installed
- Fixed FastAsyncWorldEdit sinking disk spaces if use-disk in FAWE config is enabled
- Fixed Dungeon Reload Command not showing loaded Dungeon Groups amount
- Added option DESIGNATED to teleport players to designated location on death or rejoin
- Added corresponding messages
- Fixed dungeon does not progress and stuck in saving original terrain
- Fixed scoreboard does not reshow when rejoin while in a room
- Fixed Reload Command showing 0 when reloading Dungeon Group
- Fixed sometimes DecentHolograms holograms throwing exception when updating lines
- Fixed Multi-Point Checkpoint hologram moving incorrectly
- Fixed Checkpoint Objective throwing exception when all player is required and members are offline
- Fixed Scoreboard Display now updating during a dungeon run
- Fixed Displays displaying wrong objectives when multiple instances are running
- Fixed
- Removed TeleportBack as it is no longer necessary after Death Action is implemented
- Improved Room, Dungeon Group and Dungeon Info Command
***Command "/md reload" will return "Reloaded 0 Dungeon groups.", it is a display issue, the Dungeon Group is still loaded. This issue has been addressed.***
- Added alternative text for Placeholder Objective
- Added check interval for Placeholder Objective
- Added config option to toggle whether external scoreboard should be saved
- Added force chunk-loading for dungeon
- Added Timer Objective
- Added Death Action, player can spectate teammates before respawn, respawn in spawn, checkpoint, or designated location
- Added corresponding messages
- Fixed Room Join and Accept Command using wrong argument when retrieving Dungeon Group
- Fixed sometimes throwing exceptions when removing Dungeon NPCs
- Fixed mobs from Mob Action are saved twice
- Fixed empty npcs.yml will be generated even if no configured NPCs
- Fixed NBTAPI broken in 1.21
- Fixed Scoreboard Displays not reshowing when player rejoins and dungeon ends
- Fixed GameMode not restored properly when dungeon ends
- Fixed PAPI placeholders not parsing in Command Action
- Hopefully fixed sometimes Spawner Action files are not removed, causing mob to still exist after dungeon ends
- Improved dungeon can now have more than 1 initial stage
- Improved how Actions and Objectives are registered for the convenience of external plugins adding new Actions and Objectives
- Improved Dungeon Join and Start Command can now specify room by player's name
- Re-added dungeon schematic dimension validation
- Improved performance when loading Dungeon Group
- Improved debug message
- Added FabledParties hook
- Added PlaceholderAPI Placeholder Objective
- Added support for more than 1 mob type in the same Spawner Action
- Added missing display placeholders for BlockInteract, Mob, RedstonePower Objective
- Fixed Reload Command breaks score
- Fixed schematics are not saved with WorldEdit
- Fixed scoreboards are not loaded when titles/scores are empty
- Fixed Mob Objective not checking entity type and amount
- Removed ProSkillAPIParties hook
- Removed support for MythicMobs version before 5.6.0
- Improved Dungeon Group will no longer be able to migrate if related dungeons are running
- Added corresponding messages
- Fixed Paste Schematic Action not pasting detecting schematics properly
- Fixed Scoreboard Display throwing error when attempting to display empty title
- Fixed sometimes MythicMobs mob death not detected
- Fixed Dungeon Group not migrating and loading properly
- Temporary removed schematic file validation to reduce lag
- Improved performance in Mob Death detection
***Please be reminded that all old v2 Dungeon Group configurations will not load automatically by themselves, please do /mg migrate all to migrate to the new v3 format. Beta versions might contain game-breaking bugs, be sure to report bugs in Discord so that they can be fixed as soon as possible. ALL REPORTS IN THE REVIEW SECTION WILL NOT BE RESPONDED.***
- Added BossBar Display, Action Bar Display and Scoreboard Display for Dungeon Stage
- Added old config warning
- Added end-of-support message for MythicMobs version before 5.6.0
- Added BlockInteract Objective
- Added Mob Objective to add support for other Custom Mob plugins
- Added room placeholder for PlaceholderAPI
- Added PlaceholderAPI condition support in Requirement
- Added type ALL for BlockBreak Objective and BlockPlace Objective
- Added RedstonePower Objective
- Fixed Dungeon Group not detecting schematic properly
- Fixed SignGUI not showing text in 1.16+
- Fixed location distance is checked after world check for Checkpoint Objective and Buff Claim
- Fixed holograms and effects not removed if player leaves manually
- Fixed Loot Chest holograms and effects are removed even if it is not created
- Hopefully fixed sometimes StackOverflowError is thrown when saving player's potion effects
- Fixed sometimes MythicMob Objective not detecting mob spawn and death
- Hopefully fixed Mob Action not spawning mobs in unloaded chunks (AGAINNN!!!!!)
- Fixed scoreboard objectives scroll if pre-defined lines amount = objective lines amount
- Terrain Restoration now runs in sync when plugin is disabling to prevent terrains are not restored after world unloads
- Made Dungeon Origin optional when saving Dungeon Group
- Death Penalty is no longer required in Dungeon Group config
- Dungeon Group config are now saved in different files in folder with Dungeon Group's name
- Dungeon will no longer fails to run if any actions throw error
- Moved various config options to dungeon-specific
- Removed unnecessary options that toggle Death Penalty, Price, NPC&Sign join/leave
- Removed Hidden from Dungeon Group Stage
- Citizens, EffectLib, MythicMobs, PlaceholderAPI, Vault will now hook automatically when found
- Renamed Price to Requirement, changed corresponding messages
- Changed some debug message
- Code optimization
***Please be reminded that all old v2 Dungeon Group configurations will not load automatically by themselves, please do /mg migrate all to migrate to the new v3 format. Beta versions might contain game-breaking bugs, be sure to report bugs in Discord so that they can be fixed as soon as possible. ALL REPORTS IN THE REVIEW SECTION WILL NOT BE RESPONDED.***
- Added BossBar Display, Action Bar Display and Scoreboard Display for Dungeon Stage
- Added old config warning
- Added end-of-support message for MythicMobs version before 5.6.0
- Added BlockInteract Objective
- Added Mob Objective to add support for other Custom Mob plugins
- Added room placeholder for PlaceholderAPI
- Added PlaceholderAPI condition support in Requirement
- Added type ALL for BlockBreak Objective and BlockPlace Objective
- Added RedstonePower Objective
- Fixed Dungeon Group not detecting schematic properly
- Fixed SignGUI not showing text in 1.16+
- Fixed location distance is checked after world check for Checkpoint Objective and Buff Claim
- Fixed holograms and effects not removed if player leaves manually
- Fixed Loot Chest holograms and effects are removed even if it is not created
- Hopefully fixed sometimes StackOverflowError is thrown when saving player's potion effects
- Fixed sometimes MythicMob Objective not detecting mob spawn and death
- Hopefully fixed Mob Action not spawning mobs in unloaded chunks (AGAINNN!!!!!)
- Fixed scoreboard objectives scroll if pre-defined lines amount = objective lines amount
- Terrain Restoration now runs in sync when plugin is disabling to prevent terrains are not restored after world unloads
- Made Dungeon Origin optional when saving Dungeon Group
- Death Penalty is no longer required in Dungeon Group config
- Dungeon Group config are now saved in different files in folder with Dungeon Group's name
- Dungeon will no longer fails to run if any actions throw error
- Moved various config options to dungeon-specific
- Removed unnecessary options that toggle Death Penalty, Price, NPC&Sign join/leave
- Removed Hidden from Dungeon Group Stage
- Citizens, EffectLib, MythicMobs, PlaceholderAPI, Vault will now hook automatically when found
- Renamed Price to Requirement, changed corresponding messages
- Changed some debug message
- Code optimization
- Added support for 5.6.x MythicMobs
- Fixed Menu GUIs throwing exceptions if only 1 slot is set in the array
- Fixed Menu GUIs throwing exceptions if slots are not specified
- Fixed blacklist items and prices are not checked if no external party plugin is enabled
- Fixed an exception caused by no hologram plugin hook enabled when the dungeon ends
- Fixed Buff, Teleporter, Checkpoint Objective checking location distance even if the world isn't the same
- Fixed Citizens Support does not read files
- Fixed MythicMobs Objective throwing error when killed by other mobs
- Hopefully fixed InGame scoreboard empty lines do not sort in order
- Fixed effects and holograms throwing errors if nothing is specified
- Improved error handling and made the dungeon keep going if any actions failed to run
- Added NPCInteract Objective
- Fixed DeathPenalty is required while it shouldn't
- Fixed ContainerPickup Objective not parsing %amount% properly
- Added Death Penalty, items and money will be deducted depending on death count
- Added PAPI placeholder for dungeon origin's world
- Added Citizens Create Action, Spawn Action, Despawn Action, Look Action, TeleportTo Action, PathTo Action
- Added Teleporters effects, hologram when idle, teleporting and cooldown
- Added timer before buff is getting claimed
- Added LootChests effects, holograms when idle, opened, renew
- Added sneak for Checkpoint Objective
- Added height check for dungeon schematic
- Added ContainerPickup Objective
- Added fuzzy for PlayerPickup Objective
- Added Damage Objective
- Added BuffClaim Objective
- Added lives left message if Death Limit is enabled
- Fixed various plugin hooks not working
- Fixed player skull line duplicates when using CMI Holgoram
- Fixed HasItem Objective only checking once
- Overhauled EffectLib Support
- DecentHolograms Hologram now update lines in async
- Added Reload Command for Dungeon Group, Player Data, Loot Table, Scoreboard, Effect, Locale, Config and Menu
- Added effects support when Checkpoint idle, claiming and claimed
- Added hologram support when Checkpoint idle, claiming and claimed
- Added warning message for HolographicDisplays will soon stop being maintained
- Added Hologram Action
- Added corresponding messages
- Fixed Spawner Action not working on MythicMobs 5.5.x
- Fixed exceptions when no hologram plugin hook is enabled
- Hopefully fixed scoreboard removal code causes the dungeon to fail to end
- Fixed players inheriting the wrong gamemode when rejoining the server during the dungeon
- Fixed Checkpoint Action and Buff Action not re-showing hologram when re-enabled
- Fixed CMI holograms were displayed even when they should be hidden
- Removed unimplemented feature loading code to avoid unnecessary errors
- Code cleanup for Menu GUI
- Items applying to multi slot in menu.yml are now integer arrays instead of string
- Improved objective completion reaction time
- Recoded the entire Hologram system for per-player hologram support
- Added corresponding messages
- Hopefully fixed Mob Action not spawning mobs in unloaded chunks (AAAGGGGAAAIIINNN)
- Fixed Command Whitelist not working
- Fixed death of mobs spawned by other dungeon mobs not counted towards objective
- Fixed party members can join dungeon that they have no permission
- Added potion effects to Loot Chest
- Added refresh option for Buff Action to allow renewing buffs
- Added time option for Teleporter before teleportation
- Added note option for Room in Create GUI and Settings GUI so that players can write messages to new joiners
- Added slot customization for GUIs in menu.yml
- Added Room Note Command to change room note
- Added %note% in GUI and scoreboard to display room note
- Added corresponding messages
- Fixed Hologram Item Line not parsing UUID into player head
- Fixed HolographicDisplays Item Line not being applied
- Fixed more than 1 buff cannot be used
- Fixed Buff hologram sometimes not shown after it is claimed
- Fixed players not getting teleported when sneaking into Teleporter
- Fixed only 1 checkpoint timer is saved
- Fixed NPC and Sign Join/Leave not checking price and blacklist items and not deducting price
- Fixed NPC and Sign Join/Leave not refunding price
- Removed LoadDelay in config and it is force enabled to avoid world loading related bugs
- PlaceholderAPI's placeholders on scoreboard now updated periodically
- Added region checkpoint and multi-point checkpoint to Checkpoint
- Added allpoint option for Checkpoint Objective so that all the points must be captured
- Added time option for Checkpoint Objective to allow checkpoint capture
- Improved option validation of BlockBreak Objective and BlockPlace Objective
- Added BlockBreak Objective and BlockPlace Objective (finally added...)
- Added corresponding scoreboard
- Added option to toggle PvP
- Fixed sometimes Spawner Action not removing spawner and associated mobs properly
- Fixed sometimes spawners and associated mobs not removing properly when dungeon ends
***Changing spawners file and dynamically applying to dungeon group no longer work in MythicMobs 5.4.x, please restart the server if changes are made to spawner files.***
- Added experimental support for MythicMobs 5.4.x
- Fixed MythicMobs mob death does not count towards the objective if the damage was not caused by players
- Fixed error is thrown if party plugin hook is enabled but no party is created
- Fixed Dungeon Remove Command and Leave Command not reverting players related attributes
- Dungeon will now automatically stop if no one is inside
- Added not party leader message
- Fixed Room Join, Accept Command, Menu GUI no leader check throws error
- Fixed Parties not properly hooked
- Fixed Join Sign and Join NPC not checking dungeon permission
- Added not party leader check for Room Join Command, Accept Command
- Added corresponding messages
- Fixed Menu GUI not showing room creation button in some situations
- Fixed FastAsyncWorldEdit not hooking
- Added Dungeon Leave Command to leave the dungeon
- Added corresponding messages
- Fixed Teleporter destination not reading yaw and pitch
- Fixed GUI not closed after using Room Start Command
- Fixed GUI not closed after using GUI and it should be closed
- Fixed Room Command reading wrong room status
- Fixed GUI reading wrong room status
- Fixed ReadyGUI runnable not cancelled if player is removed or room disbanded
- Fixed sometimes Auto Respawn not working
- Hopefully fixed MMOCore hook throws error when dungeon stops with any room member offline
- Fixed Message Action title and subtitle not parsing PAPI's placeholder
- Fixed scoreboard error if the player went offline when dungeon ends
- Partially fixed PAPI's placeholder not working on scoreboard
- Dungeon Group can now use more than 1 icon and slot can be specified
- Added Buff Action to change Buff's attributes
- Added Checkpoint Action to change Checkpoint's attributes
- Added Teleporter Action to change Teleporter's attributes
- Added Trap Action to change Trap's attributes
- Made Checkpoint, Buff, Teleporter, Trap toggleable
- Fixed Message Action Title not supporting color
- Fixed MythicMob Objective detecting mob levels incorrectly
- Fixed not all entities in the dungeon are removed after it ends
- Fixed players are not dismounting from vehicles
- Fixed players are able to join the room without corresponding dungeon permissions
- Fixed wrong room status is parsed when the room starts
- Fixed sometimes players are not put in Spectator Mode when the dungeon starts
- Fixed players are able to start the room even if any room member is already in a dungeon run
- Fixed Room Create Command not parsing placeholders
- Fixed scoreboard not changing and causing errors when the dungeon ends
- Hopefully fixed players are able to create new rooms when already in a dungeon run
- Fixed players are able to promote /remove if they are demoted and have InputGUI opened
- Fixed non owners are able to use Room Privacy Command
- Improved some Lang messages for more general situations
- Added Buff Action to change Buff's attributes
- Added Checkpoint Action to change Checkpoint's attributes
- Added Teleporter Action to change Teleporter's attributes
- Added Trap Action to change Trap's attributes
- Made Checkpoint, Buff, Teleporter, Trap toggleable
- Fixed Message Action Title not supporting color
- Fixed MythicMob Objective detecting mob levels incorrectly
- Fixed not all entities in the dungeon are removed after it ends
- Fixed players are not dismounting from vehicles
- Fixed players are able to join the room without corresponding dungeon permissions
- Fixed wrong room status is parsed when the room starts
- Fixed sometimes players are not put in Spectator Mode when the dungeon starts
- Fixed players are able to start the room even if any room member is already in a dungeon run
- Fixed Room Create Command not parsing placeholders
- Fixed scoreboard not changing and causing errors when the dungeon ends
- Hopefully fixed players are able to create new rooms when already in a dungeon run
- Fixed players are able to promote /remove if they are demoted and have InputGUI opened
- Fixed non owners are able to use Room Privacy Command
- Improved some Lang messages for more general situations
- Added Parties support
- Added ChatMessage Objective
- Temporary added additional placeholder %command_player% as someone reported %player% is unusable
- Added support for PlaceholderAPI in Reward command
- Added Citizens hook in config
- Added corresponding messages
- Added corresponding scoreboard texts
- Fixed error when using PlaceholderAPI placeholders if no joined dungeon
- Fixed Heroes loaded before MythicDungeons
- Fixed holograms not re-showing when the same dungeon instance restarts
- Fixed scoreboard not removing when external party plugin's member/owner quit
- Hopefully fixed Check Command not returning valid string when it is used in Stages
- Fixed some Dungeon Group settings not shown in Info Command
- Fixed Room Start Command can be used even if the room already has a running dungeon
- Fixed players are able to join the room even if it has a running dungeon
- Fixed error when parsing empty text with PlaceholderAPI
- Fixed sometimes players not frozen properly when dungeon is pre-starting with additional countdown enabled
- Fixed armor equip sound is sometimes played when dungeon is pre-starting with additional countdown enabled
- Fixed room members are synced with external party plugin even if the room has a running dungeon
- Temporary fixed SignGUI not showing for 1.20 due to NBT changes of Signs in 1.20
- Hopefully fixed applying skins to skull causes lag by moving it into async thread
- Fixed warning message in console if Citizens is not installed
- Fixed possible memory leak caused by GUI
- Fixed LootChest cannot be disabled by LootChest Action
- Fixed scoreboard room status flickering when pre-starting
- Removed MythicDungeons.Admin support in Blacklist Items, Price, See Public Chat while in dungeon, and Death Limit as it is confusing for server admins
- Improved Dungeon Group Config validation
- Improved debug messages
- Code cleanup
- Added -1 in renew of LootChest for no renew
- Fixed wrong scoreboard being reverted
- Fixed Heros throw exceptions when a member leaves
- Added PlaceholderAPI placeholder %mythicdungeons_room_name% to display current room's dungeon name
- Added PlaceholderAPI placeholder %mythicdungeons_group_name% to display dungeon group's name
- Fixed PlaceholderAPI placeholder %mythicdungeons_dungeon_playerdeath% throwing error if player haven't died once
- Fixed error when joining room with external party plugin hook enabled
- Improved scoreboard restoration for other plugins with active scoreboard
- Added dungeon play timer
- Added spawn amount for MythicMob Action
- Added min & max level support of spawned mob for MythicMob Action, MythicMob Objective, In-Game scoreboard
- Added support for DecentHolograms and CMI(experimental) of creating holograms as HolographicDisplays is no longer being actively developed
- Added various PlaceholderAPI placeholders
- Fixed HasItem Objective not working
- Improved PlaceholderAPI support for GUI title, item name & lores
- Improved PlaceholderAPI support for Stage Scoreboard
- Improved PlaceholderAPI support for Stage Actions, Objectives, Completions, FailActions, Branches
- Added Join NPC and Leave NPC
- Added auto-start for temporary room if joined through Signs or NPCs
- Added auto-start time reminder message
- Fixed wrong checkpoint teleport if player died in checkpoint with allplayer enabled
- Fixed placeholder %min% %max% not parsed if player is in temporary room
- Updated ItemsAdder API usage
- Updated MMOCore API usage
- Added item type check for HasItem Objective
- Added Join/Leave Sign
- Added corresponding messages
- Added corresponding scoreboard
- Fixed inventory duplication and experiences not restored upon death
- Fixed member duplication when using external party plugin
- Fixed scoreboard not updating and removing when room member/owner has changed
- Recoded Room Manager for better support of external party plugin
- Added item type check for HasItem Objective
- Added Join/Leave Sign
- Added corresponding messages
- Added corresponding scoreboard
- Fixed inventory duplication and experiences not restored upon death
- Fixed member duplication when using external party plugin
- Fixed scoreboard not updating and removing when room member/owner has changed
- Recoded Room Manager for better support of external party plugin
- Added material-only check for blacklisted items
- Added SpawnPoint for Checkpoint
- Added corresponding message
- Added radius for SpawnType LOCATION of Mob Action
- Fixed wrong Teleporter destination calculation
- Forced MythicMobs mob not to remove when far away
- Fixed sometimes MythicMobs mob not despawning and removing
- Fixed exception when radius-randomized location = 0
- Fixed Mob Action with SpawnType NEARBY throws exception when no challenger is online
- Fixed In-game scoreboard not showing anything if MythicMobs mob has no display name
- Non Per-Player LootChest are now renewable
- Designated Location no longer required if Expire Teleport is PREVIOUS
- Added option to enable/disable GUI's 3s countdown
- Added all players option for Checkpoint Objective, all players are required to stay in the checkpoint to pass the objective
- Fixed Dungeon StartCommand has wrong players requirement
- Improved MythicMobs Mob and Spawner Action with optional yaw and pitch
- Fixed Room, Dungeon Commands and GUIs requires wrong permissions
- Fixed player was not found issue if this is the first join
- Fixed Item Parser not parsing Enchantments, Attribute Modifiers, Custom Model Data, etc...
- Added slight delay on Join Teleport to avoid unsuccessful teleportation caused by other spawnpoint handling plugins (e.g. EssentialsSpawn)
- Fixed exceptions on Buff Event if HolographicDisplays not installed
- Fixed exceptions are thrown by the scoreboard if the player left the room mid-game
- Fixed an exception when reverting potion effects but the player doesn't have potion effects on
- GameMode will now be reverted when rejoining the server after the dungeon ends
Change log
- Added Dungeon Fail Action, a list of actions will be done when the dungeon is failed in that stage
- Added Blacklisted Items, dungeon will not be started if any of the members have any blacklisted items
- Added corresponding messages
Code (YAML):
"&cBlacklisted item {0} was found in one/some member(s) inventory."
"&cBlacklisted item {0} was found in your inventory."
- Added corresponding permissions
- Added customizable Length, Width and Height. Schematics are no longer hard-dependencies if all 3 dimensions are configured. It allows the plugin be used in pre-built dungeon
**Do not use this along with RestoreTerrains if you have a huge dungeon, it will freeze the server for a long while even if you have FAWE, it is currently unfixable**
- Added admin permission support for all permission checks
- Potion effects will now be removed when entering dungeon and reverted after dungeon ends
- Fixed actions will still be done if delay exceeds play timer or expire timer
- Fixed Loot Chests, Buffs location are not calculated properly
- Fixed traps not removed after the dungeon ends
- Fixed player's previous location not handling properly
- Fixed debug message does not show color code in Paper
- Removed some unreachable code
Change log
- Rewrote Dungeon Group config comments
- Added parameters support for
/mg load [file name] and
/mg save [file name] to save/load specified dungeon group config, leave it blank to apply to all
- Added
/mg load [file name] and
/mg save [file name] corresponding messages
- Added LootTable support for Item Action
- Added PlaceHolderAPI support for Locale, GUI and Scoreboard, PlaceHolderAPI's placeholders are parsed before plugin internal placeholders in case of confliction
- Added support for MythicDrops in items-related stuff
- Fixed Fire Trap not showing particles properly
- Fixed Fire Trap dealing damages no matter if it is on or off
- Fixed Heroes hook has no effect
- Fixed Completion actions are done when the stage starts
Change log
- Added CancelStageAction, now stages can be cancelled and the objectives will no longer be checked. However, the actions done will not be reverted
- Added Loot Table, it can be used in Loot Chests and Rewards
- Added support of Loot Table for Loot Chests, Rewards
- Fixed wrong color code in Lang
- Fixed PasteSchematicAction exception message
- Fixed Weighted Rewards calculating wrong weight
Change log
- Added LoadDelay in the config, Dungeon Configuration, and Player Data will be loaded afterward, useful if you have a custom world generator (e.g. Iris World Gen)
- Added Toggle Command for Dungeon Group, new dungeons of this dungeon group cannot be created if it is disabled, it will be re-enabled after the plugin is reloaded
- Added corresponding message for Toggle Command
Code (YAML):
"&cDungeon {0} &ccannot be created."
"&cDungeon {0} &ccannot be created because it is disabled."
"&aDungeon group type {0} is enabled."
"&cDungeon group type {0} is disabled."
- Added various validation checks to make it easier to determine which part of the configuration is incorrect or missing
- Added Heroes party system support (untested)
- Fixed RestoreTerrains in config not working
- Fixed Holograms sometimes not showing
- Fixed ProSkillAPIParties support not working on the latest version due to their plugin's changes
- Fixed MythicMobs not showing name properly on scoreboard
- Dungeon Group can no longer be (re)loaded by
/mg load if there is at least 1 dungeon instance in any dungeon group is running
- Added the corresponding message
Code (YAML):
"&aDungeon groups cannot be loaded since there are dungeons still running."
Change log
- Added LoadDelay in the config, Dungeon Configuration, and Player Data will be loaded afterward, useful if you have a custom world generator (e.g. Iris World Gen)
- Added Toggle Command for Dungeon Group, new dungeons of this dungeon group cannot be created if it is disabled, it will be re-enabled after the plugin is reloaded
- Added corresponding message for Toggle Command
Code (YAML):
"&cDungeon {0} &ccannot be created."
"&cDungeon {0} &ccannot be created because it is disabled."
"&aDungeon group type {0} is enabled."
"&cDungeon group type {0} is disabled."
- Added various validation checks to make it easier to determine which part of the configuration is incorrect or missing
- Added Heroes party system support (untested)
- Added CancelStageAction to cancel a running stage
- Fixed RestoreTerrains in config not working
- Fixed Holograms sometimes not showing
- Fixed ProSkillAPIParties support not working on the latest version due to their plugin's changes
- Dungeon Group can no longer be (re)loaded by
/mg load if there is at least 1 dungeon instance of this group is running
- Added the corresponding message
Code (YAML):
"&aDungeon groups cannot be loaded since there are dungeons still running."
Change log
- Added pickup delay parameters for ItemAction
- Further optimized schematic-related processes
- Overhauled HolographicDisplays support with new HolographicDisplaysAPI
- Modified spawner mobs removal method
- Fixed player freeze/unfreeze, now it won't disallow flight if the player is in Creative or Spectator Mode
- Fixed HolographicDisplays item line lag with player skulls
- Fixed PasteSchematicAction not calculating the dungeon instance's location
- Fixed SpawnerAction debug message not showing the correct spawner name
- Fixed exception is thrown with debug message level 5
- Removed support for EcoItems Fuels system as it is no longer supported by EcoItems
Change log
- Overhauled schematic handling, if FastAsyncWorldEdit is installed, most of the related processes will run in async
- Added HasItemObjective, it checks whether players have specified items or not
- Added PlayerPickupObjective, it checks whether players have picked up specified item or not
- Added
hidden to hide specified objective on scoreboard
- Added HasItemObjective and PlayerPickupObjective corresponding strings
Code (YAML):
- Added HasItemObjective and PlayerPickupObjective corresponding scoreboards
Code (YAML):
# %item%: Display name of the item required, if the item has no display name, material name is shown instead
# %amount%: Amount of the item required
# %hasitem%: Is any/all player have all required items or not
# "Has 1x REDSTONE_BLOCK: Yes"
"&eHas %amount%x %item%&7: &f%hasitem%"
# "or 1x GOLD_BLOCK: Yes"
"&eHas %amount%x %item%"
"&eor %amount%x %item%"
"&eor %amount%x %item%&7: &f%hasitem%"
# %item%: Item required player to pick up
# %picked%: Is the item picked up or not
# "Picked up REDSTONE_BLOCK: Yes"
"&ePicked up %item%: %picked%"
- Added TakeItemAction, specified items will be removed from players
- Added PasteSchematicAction, specified schematics will be pasted
- Added permission check for creating specified dungeon in dungeon Create, Join command, room Create, join, accept command and corresponding messages
Code (YAML):
"&cYou don't have permission to create room for dungeon {0}&c."
"&cYou don't have permission to join room for dungeon {0}&c."
"&cYou don't have permission to create dungeon {0}&c."
"&cYou don't have permission to join dungeon {0}&c."
- Fixed RespawnHandler not overriding other respawn handling plugin
- Fixed PlayerData not loading properly
Change log
- Hopefully fixed Gson library causes NoSuchMethodError(again...)
Change log
- Fixed 1.16.5 previous game mode method not resolved by using internal PlayerData
- Removed stop all sounds of SoundAction as it breaks old version compatibility
- Embedded Gson library
Change log
- Added and modified debug messages
- Added FlyAction, GameModeAction, SoundAction, TeleportAction, ItemAction to control flight state, gamemode, play sound, teleport, drop items
- Added TITLE and ACTION_BAR support for MessageAction
- Added
HideOtherChat in config to hide messages sent by dungeon challengers from all players, and hide messages sent by all players except teammates from dungeon challengers
- Players now return to their previous gamemode when the dungeon starts instead of Adventure Mode
- Fixed respawn teleportation is delayed
- Fixed UpdateChecker now showing the correct state
- Fixed Checkpoint, Buff, Teleporter may have conflicting internal effect ID
Change log
- Fixed Migration Command not loading migrated dungeon group automatically
- Added support in Migration Command for old-formatted item string, hologram string
-Fixed Migration Command generating empty bracket even if the section is empty
Change log
- Added
enabled and
remove to define MythicSpawner's ID, an ID is required to enable/disable the spawner and remove the spawner along with attached mobs
- Fixed unimplemented code throwing exception when joining the server
***This is a beta release after the removal of old Boss, Spawners, and old formatted item strings. Migration command will be updated when the full release comes out.***
Change log
- Added placeholder
%objective% with the same effect as
%bosscond% in scoreboard.yml to avoid misunderstanding
- Updated DungeonGroup Info Command and Dungeon Info Command with Loot Chests and Staged Dungeon information
- Updated schematic pasting logic and now it no longer uses deprecated methods
- Fixed Command Action not replacing player's name when it is executed by CONSOLE
- Removed deprecated Boss and corresponding code
- Removed deprecated Spwners and corresponding code
- Removed deprecated Boss's string in scoreboard.yml
- Removed option
once in Command Action and replaced with
- Removed support of old format(separated by ,) item string in Icons, Rewards, Prices, etc...
***This is a beta release after the removal of old Boss, Spawners, and old formatted item strings. Migration command will be updated when the full release comes out.***
Change log
- Added Loot Chests, now the players can find treasures inside the dungeon
- Added LootChestAction, different behaviors can be changed as the dungeon progresses
- Added LootChestObjective, opening loot chests can now be an objective in completing dungeon stages
- Added Loot Chests' corresponding strings
Code (YAML):
"&cNot opened"
- Added Loot Chests' corresponding scoreboards
Code (YAML):
# %lc%: Name of the lootchest needs to be opened
# %lcopened% Lootchest opened or not
# "&fMountain: &cNot opened"
"&e%lc%&7: &f%lcopened%"
- Added delay option for all actions
- Fixed commands in weighted reward not correctly saved
- Fixed potentially StageCompleteEvent being called more than once
- Fixed location of stage completion actions not calculated depending on different dungeon instances
***The next update is planned to be deprecated feature removal. If you use this plugin since 1.3.6-SNAPSHOT and haven't migrated yet, follow the Migration Guide and migrate the dungeon configuration as soon as possible.***
Change log
- Fixed reward commands not executed
- Fixed
%player% placeholder not applying to reward commands sent from
Change log
- Added party support for MMOCore, ProSkillAPIParties, when creating rooms, members from these plugins will be inherited. Owner and members can be changed by the plugin or MythicDungeons itself, but disbanding the room does not disband these plugin's party
- All MythicDungeons GUI will now close when the plugin unloads
- Made Vault and economy no longer hard-dependencies
- Fixed PlayerManager warning message
Change log
- Added support for new json formatted string, both
MMOItems{Type="FOOD", Id="ICE_CREAM", Amount=64} and
MMOItems{type="FOOD";id="ICE_CREAM";amount=64} will work, but the former one is deprecated and support will be removed soon
- Added chance option for CommandAction,
chance=0.0 means the command will never runs
- Added command seder option for CommandAction,
from=CONSOLE means the command will be sent from console,
from=PLAYER means the command will be sent from player
- Added command sender option for rewards
- Added support for ItemsAdder
- Added support for EcoItems
- Added support for EcoArmor
- Added support for Talismans
- Fixed exception for SpawnerAction when
settings is specified but the yml does not exist
- Fixed
spawners folder not creating automatically
Change log
- Fixed NullPointerException when creating MythicSpawner without specifying settings parameter
Change log
- Fixed NullPointerException when joining server
Change log
- Added permission
MythicDungeons.Bypass.Dungeons.Access for dungeon access bypass
- Added detection for using the BETA version of the plugin, the message now shows more accurately
- Added migrate command
/mg migrate <file name/all> to migrate specified dungeon or all dungeons
- Added option to disable title countdown
- Added permission
MythicDungeons.Dungeon.<dungeon type> for accessing specified dungeon
- Menu GUI will no longer show dungeon that the player has no access to
- Type GUI will no longer show dungeon that the player has no access to
- Added corresponding messages to the migration command
- Added Staged Dungeon System
Staged Dungeon System includes different kinds of options, actions, objectives, and branches. For detailed information, please visit MythicDungeons Wiki.
- Fixed potions not saved for Buffs, Arrow Traps
- Fixed some debug messages
- Fixed some rare situations where the dungeon did not end properly
- Fixed Fire Traps fire ticks not saving properly
***As of MythicDungeons 2.0.0, Staged Dungeon System is created to expand the flexibility in creating more complicated dungeons and expand the flexibility in implementing new features.***
***The old Boss, Spawners will be deprecated when the Staged Dungeon System stabilizes and will be removed within a short period of time, please migrate it as soon as possible. More information can be found in the Migration Guide on Wiki.***
***This is an BETA update and critical bugs and errors may occur. Please make sure that you have backups to your server. And please report bugs and errors to me in the Discussion Section or in Discord.***
Change log
- Added option
hidden to hide boss/checkpoint from the scoreboard (default: false)
- Added option
required for boss/checkpoint to mark as not required in completing the dungeon (default: true)
This update brings the possibility for players to discover the dungeon by themselves but not show everything on the scoreboard, also some little branches of mini-bosses came possible.
***MythicMobs prior to 5.0 is no longer supported. This version ONLY support MythicMobs 5.0 or above, please use 1.3.4 for support of the previous version of MythicMobs. But keep in mind that no support will be given if using the old version.***
Change log
- Fixed error caused by player spawn < player amount upon dungeon start
***This version ONLY support MythicMobs 5.0 or above, please use 1.3.4 for support of the previous version of MythicMobs.***
***Support for MMOItems is not tested. Use with caution***
***This version may contain critical errors or bugs, please report them in the Discussion forum or Discord. Error/bug report in the Review WILL NOT BE FIXED.***
Change log
- Added beta support for MythicMobs 5.0.0
***This version ONLY support MythicMobs 5.0 or above, please use 1.3.4 for support of the previous version of MythicMobs.***
***Support for MMOItems is not tested. Use with caution***
***This version may contain critical errors or bugs, please report them in the Discussion forum or Discord. Error/bug report in the Review WILL NOT BE FIXED.***
Change log
- Fixed ItemMeta not loading properly for items in Icon, Price, Reward
- Added extra single-quotation mark for /mg check to help avoid YAML parsing issues
Change log
- Added Nearby Player Visibility, players can no longer see nearby players in the same world but in different dungeon instances
- Added more information to Info Commands
- Added PlayerManager to handle offline player's data
- Added and changed some debug messages
- Added corresponding messages for invalid page input in Info Commands
Code (YAML):
"&cThe page number you have entered is invalid."
- Changed colors of Info Commands to better reading
- Fixed holograms and particles not applying to Buffs and Teleporters
- Fixed buff locations are wrongly calculated if multiple dungeon instances are running
- Fixed dungeon not ending properly when plugin reloads
- Fixed players are not getting teleported if they disconnect in dungeon and login after dungeon ends
- Fixed spectate dummy not removed if the player disconnects when the dungeon is pre-starting
- Internal code structure changes
Change log
- Fixed Permissions for commands are not working
- Fixed multiple spaces not allowed in config for Effects, Death limits, Boss conditions, Arrow Traps and Buffs
- Fixed PerPlayer money and items not working for Price
- Removed
MythicDungeons.Commands.Dungeons for command
/mr, /mg, /md, sub-permissions still work, just the respective Help Command no longer requires permission
- Removed price charging for /md start
- Internal code structure changes
Change log
- Added Arrow Trap that shoot arrows consecutively
- Added Damage Trap that damages players when they are in the specific region
- Added options to disable block breaking/placing/interacting
Code (YAML):
# Allow breaking blocks in the dungeon, not including specified blocks in the specified location
: false
# Allow placing blocks in the dungeon, not including specified blocks in the specified location
: false
# Allow interacting blocks in the dungeon, not including specified blocks in the specified location
: true
- Added es_ES.yml for Spanish (Thanks to
- Fixed Dungeon Group with no Boss will cause errors
- Temporary fixed killing specified amount of mobs in Boss not working
Change log
- Added Update Checker, now you will receive console message whether there is a new version available upon server startup
- Added Buff, the challengers can claim it to get a personal potion effect or a team effect
- Added Teleporter, the challengers can shift above it and get teleported to the designated location
- Added corresponding message when buffs renew
Code (YAML):
"&aBuff {0} &ais now claimable."
- Disabled Dungeon Group file saving, you can run /mg save instead if you made any Dungeon Group related changes in-game
- Fixed default setting of
Icon in Dungeon Group config causes IllegalArgumentException in old mc version
- Fixed NoSuchMethodError when starting dungeon with normal WorldEdit installed
Change log
- Fixed some placeholder %dungeon% returning a wrong string value
- Fixed reward distribution will stack unstakable items to avoid illegal item stacking
- Added permission
MythicDungeons.Bypass.Rooms.Full for joining full room
- Added permission
MythicDungeons.Bypass.Rooms.Private for joining private room
- Added permission
MythicDungeons.Bypass.Rooms.MaxLimit for starting room that exceeding maximum player amount requirement
- Added permission
MythicDungeons.Bypass.Rooms.MinLimit for starting room that does not reach minimum player amount requirement
- Added permission
MythicDungeons.Bypass.Dungeons.DeathLimit for not counting deaths to death limit
- Added MythicMobs item support for Price and Reward. It is automatically enabled (you need MythicMobs for this plugin to work)
- Added option in config.yml to let players teleport back to the last reached checkpoint after relog
- Added corresponding message for teleporting back to checkpoint
Code (YAML):
"&2You have been teleported to your checkpoint {0}&2 as the dungeon you have joined is still running."
Change log
- Added expiration for room invitation, the invited player can not join the room when the invitation expires
- Added option to control the duration of invtation in config.yml
Code (YAML):
# How long will the room invitation expires, in seconds
: 60
- Add corresponding message for expired invitation
Code (YAML):
"&eThe invitation of {0} &esent to {1} &ehas been expired."
"&eThe invitation of {0} &esent from {1} &ehas been expired."
Change log
- Moved data from internal class to DungeonData and PlayerData for future development
- Fixed dungeon StartCommand shows started message but it doesn't when it is already started
Change log
- Added scoreboard.yml being copied to plugin folder when it is not exist
- Added more debug messages and reworked debug logger formatting
- Fixed dungeon schematic misplacement due to miscalculation
Change log
- Added Discord link in the resource page (
- Added more information to Info Commands
- Added EffectLib support for checkpoint particle effects, effects need to be declared in effects.yml before use
- Added option to hook EffectLib in config.yml
Code (YAML):
# Hook for EffectLib, checkpoints will have particle effects if enabled
: false
- Changed checkpoint hologram lines indent in yml to
Code (YAML):
# Hologram lines of the checkpoint, only effective if HolographicDisplays is installed and hook is enabled
# For the 2nd line, it shows up a player skull with skin, all options that affect appearance are listed
- '&bMountain'
- '
{Material=PLAYER_HEAD, Glow=true, Damage=0, CustomModelData=1, SkullOwner=991d961c-b6b4-4d49-88e6-01788cf445dc
- '&fThe coldest point that'
- '&fno one has been here before'
# If your hologram has multiple lines, adjust the offset to make all text are stayed on ground
: 4.0
Change log
- Added hologram support for checkpoints, HolographicDisplays is required
- Added keep inventory option in dungeon group
- Added keep experience option in dungeon group
- Added auto respawn in config
- Added
MythicDungeons.Bypass.Dungeons.Price permission for free dungeon entry
- Added MMOItems support for Price and Reward, it has to be enabled in config
- Added /mg check to retrieve string of held item that can be copied directly into config for changing icon/price/reward
- Added command execution on reward
- Fixed wrong string being used in InfoBoard
***Due to config and dungeon group structure changes, you are strongly advised to deprecate the old file and generate new ones. Alternatively, you may modify the files manually.***
Change log
- Fixed rewards are being distributed even if the dungeon challenge is failed
Change log
- Code cleanup
- Added more information for all configuration files
- Removed useless placeholders in scoreboard.yml
- Fixed RoomGUI won't close for the member when he gets removed
- Fixed SignGUI is not located at the bottom of the world due to 1.18's new height limitation
- Fixed NullPointerException when Dungeon Group provided does not exist in Info command
- Fixed some messages misused dungeon type instead of dungeon name