New format support, custom items plugin support, bugfix
Change log
- Added support for new json formatted string, both
MMOItems{Type="FOOD", Id="ICE_CREAM", Amount=64} and
MMOItems{type="FOOD";id="ICE_CREAM";amount=64} will work, but the former one is deprecated and support will be removed soon
- Added chance option for CommandAction,
chance=0.0 means the command will never runs
- Added command seder option for CommandAction,
from=CONSOLE means the command will be sent from console,
from=PLAYER means the command will be sent from player
- Added command sender option for rewards
- Added support for ItemsAdder
- Added support for EcoItems
- Added support for EcoArmor
- Added support for Talismans
- Fixed exception for SpawnerAction when
settings is specified but the yml does not exist
- Fixed
spawners folder not creating automatically