***Command "/md reload" will return "Reloaded 0 Dungeon groups.", it is a display issue, the Dungeon Group is still loaded. This issue has been addressed.***
Added alternative text for Placeholder Objective
Added check interval for Placeholder Objective
Added config option to toggle whether external scoreboard should be saved
Added force chunk-loading for dungeon
Added Timer Objective
Added Death Action, player can spectate teammates before respawn, respawn in spawn, checkpoint, or designated location
Added corresponding messages
Fixed Room Join and Accept Command using wrong argument when retrieving Dungeon Group
Fixed sometimes throwing exceptions when removing Dungeon NPCs
Fixed mobs from Mob Action are saved twice
Fixed empty npcs.yml will be generated even if no configured NPCs
Fixed NBTAPI broken in 1.21
Fixed Scoreboard Displays not reshowing when player rejoins and dungeon ends
Fixed GameMode not restored properly when dungeon ends
Fixed PAPI placeholders not parsing in Command Action
Hopefully fixed sometimes Spawner Action files are not removed, causing mob to still exist after dungeon ends
Improved dungeon can now have more than 1 initial stage
Improved how Actions and Objectives are registered for the convenience of external plugins adding new Actions and Objectives
Improved Dungeon Join and Start Command can now specify room by player's name