Dungeon file structure update, various bugfix, Qol changes
***Please be reminded that all old v2 Dungeon Group configurations will not load automatically by themselves, please do /mg migrate all to migrate to the new v3 format. Beta versions might contain game-breaking bugs, be sure to report bugs in Discord so that they can be fixed as soon as possible. ALL REPORTS IN THE REVIEW SECTION WILL NOT BE RESPONDED.***
Added BossBar Display, Action Bar Display and Scoreboard Display for Dungeon Stage
Added old config warning
Added end-of-support message for MythicMobs version before 5.6.0
Added BlockInteract Objective
Added Mob Objective to add support for other Custom Mob plugins
Added room placeholder for PlaceholderAPI
Added PlaceholderAPI condition support in Requirement
Added type ALL for BlockBreak Objective and BlockPlace Objective
Added RedstonePower Objective
Fixed Dungeon Group not detecting schematic properly
Fixed SignGUI not showing text in 1.16+
Fixed location distance is checked after world check for Checkpoint Objective and Buff Claim
Fixed holograms and effects not removed if player leaves manually
Fixed Loot Chest holograms and effects are removed even if it is not created
Hopefully fixed sometimes StackOverflowError is thrown when saving player's potion effects
Fixed sometimes MythicMob Objective not detecting mob spawn and death
Hopefully fixed Mob Action not spawning mobs in unloaded chunks (AGAINNN!!!!!)