Change log
- Added Loot Chests, now the players can find treasures inside the dungeon
- Added LootChestAction, different behaviors can be changed as the dungeon progresses
- Added LootChestObjective, opening loot chests can now be an objective in completing dungeon stages
- Added Loot Chests' corresponding strings
Code (YAML):
"&cNot opened"
- Added Loot Chests' corresponding scoreboards
Code (YAML):
# %lc%: Name of the lootchest needs to be opened
# %lcopened% Lootchest opened or not
# "&fMountain: &cNot opened"
"&e%lc%&7: &f%lcopened%"
- Added delay option for all actions
- Fixed commands in weighted reward not correctly saved
- Fixed potentially StageCompleteEvent being called more than once
- Fixed location of stage completion actions not calculated depending on different dungeon instances
***The next update is planned to be deprecated feature removal. If you use this plugin since 1.3.6-SNAPSHOT and haven't migrated yet, follow the Migration Guide and migrate the dungeon configuration as soon as possible.***