- make SafariNet work on spigot again (there was an issue where the Listeners couldn't be loaded on startup because it tried to load a Class thats only available on Paper).
- fix dispensers turning multiple nets into empty ones (9625a74)
> + fix legacy material initialization when a dispenser is used
- Folia: make dispensers work again, fix entity duplication bug
- fix from last update: 1.21.1 loaded the wrong wrapper version, causing the plugin no to load
- fix `blacklist` config option not working on Ender Dragon, changed `ENDERDRAGON` to `ENDER_DRAGON` which is the proper entity name for newer minecraft versions.
- add support for SuperiorSkyblock2 (9bdf193)
> This should allow users to use the "safarinet" privilege inside the plugin to toggle capturing and releasing of animals.
- fix mythic mob name tag deserialization (6baf243)
- RoseStacker: fix changes in API and fix stacks not adding up correctly (d500945)
- increment minor version (23a7e00)
- kingdoms: fix unable to catch/release entities anywhere (b286841)
- add debug messages for when a plugin blocks releasing/capturing (5f544a5)
- ability parsing: don't add title when no value is present. (4977de4)
> This should avoid the empty "armor: " line for zombies.
- fix indent (475bc29)
- ability parsing: add ignore next key logic (7b7b530)
> This will prevent adding multiple lines to the lore when there are (better) options available, for example mythic mob name instead of the mob id.
- mythic mobs: also block mobs by mm names from being caught (ad5a43c)
- fix model engine death animation playing on entity capture (0dc1f3b)
- update for mc 1.19.4 (tested with paper-1.19.4-451)
from beta releases on discord:
- make Citizens and MythicMobs not bypassable by the safarinet.protection.bypass permission. This should avoid confusion.
- allow RGB color codes for messages. Format: &#RRGGBB
- add support for the KingdomsX plugin
- fix Lands hook
- fix exploit with TradeMe plugin
- fix raw vanilla entity being released when clicking on an entity with a filled safarinet
- GriefDefender: add null check, fixes #85
- fix allay not linking to note blocks after released
- fix villagers returning to their sleeping position when caught while sleeping
- fix grindstone exploit
- add a few new mobs to the default ability parsing file (frog and allay)
- fix consuming entire stack of reusable eggs when in creative mode
- fix /sn inspect command
- fix dispensers
- updated hook for MythicMobs (please use the latest version
- make it work for 1.18.1 again
- added limit to the maximal length of the NBT entity data string. This should prevent players from catching entities with large nbt tags (so big data)
- add support for crashclaim
- fixed CrashClaim hook
- only load crashclaim hook when it is used
- remove debug message
- fixed /sn give command to drop the item when inventory is full
- fixed error sound enum error after reloading
- fixed error when a player joins the server on 1.8
- fixed vanilla mob spawn when clicking on entities
- fixed armor parsing - only load hook on usage
- also check the material of a safarinet instead of just the displayname
added to config.yml:
Code (YAML):
cant_catch_nbt_limit: "&cFailed to catch! Try to reduce the data for this entity."
- update for mc 1.18.2
- fix mythic mob hook
- fix Owner-UUID parsing for lore
improvements for the citizens hook:
- excluded citizens from protection bypass permission
- fixed messaged from "no_perms2" to "cant_catch"
- fix NPC pickup
- fix ability parsing: armor items are now parsed correctly
- fix custom item: when using /sn set, the safarinet item would change to the default one upon catching, resulting into a broken safarinet.
- fixed recipes not removed from the recipe book when auto-discover-recipes is disabled
- added permission safarinet.protection.bypass for bypassing protections (
- fixed issue where a filled Safarinet would spawn a normal entity with the SafariNet's displayname as custom name tag (
- fixed safariNetType not loaded properly from the item (caused safarinets to disappear)
- fixed an error at startup
- fix event api: entity was still released after being blocked by another plugin
Consider joining my discord (
https://discord.spaceio.xyz/) to get
frequentupdates and
access to
beta releases. All these updates were introduced within the last few months in the beta release channel. Just drop me a DM to get the @SafariNet buyer role
- 1.18 support
- attempt fix for mythicmobs + model engine
- recipes: add option for auto discovering recipes
- stacker plugins: only display stack sizes > 1 in lore
- fix for error when catching iron golems (1.16)
- fixed reusable egg turning into single-use
- fixed single use eggs not working when using rgb color codes
- parse armor for safarinet lore
- add rgb color support
- added a better ability_parsing.yml file that will make the item look more fancy
- fix reflection error for 1.17.1
- force utf8 encoding
block release and catch when another plugin denies it (e.g. GirefPrevention)
- put egg type into the nbt data of the item in order to prevent the egg from becoming invalid.
- add support for
RoseStacker (be sure using the latest version on their discord)
- attempt for fixing GriefPrevention hook
- update GriefDefender hook
- improved blacklisting feature to support regex:
Code (YAML):
# Blacklisted mobs by custom name can not be caught (case insensitive) # Regex: # add "(.*)" to the list to block any mob with a custom name ( or use it as a prefix for colored names, e.g. "&c(.*)" ). blacklist-by-name: -
- add support for ProCosmetics
- fix shulkers teleporting back to the original world when captured between worlds
- update PlotSquared hook (please update PlotSquared when you're running into a NoMethodFoundException)
1.16: Made the
egg item
customizable - check out the new config options you get on the egg types in your config.yml!
- Reimplemented
per egg permission:
safarinet.use - allow both reusable and singleuse
safarinet.use.reusable - only allow reusable
safarinet.use.singleuse - only allow single-use
1.12: - fixed mobs with custom name not catchable
- fixed logging error NPE when catching mobs
- fixed hook for
BentoBox - fixed bug with shulkers teleporting back to their original location
- allowed admins to still being able to catch/release on claims
- some minor fixes
Capture permissions for eggs can now be separated in config.yml:
Code (YAML):
per-egg-capture-permission: true
When enabled, you can use both
safarinet.use.egg.singleuse and
This is handy when you only want your VIPs to use reusable eggs.
- Added
hook for
Lands - Disabled the annoying capture/release
log in console by default
- updated ability parsing: Villagers are now showing their trades in the lore plus their profession
- added hook for SimplePets
- fix for new plot square (v5-ish)
- added hook for BentoBox: SafariNet now keeps track of the "SPAWN_EGG" flag, so players can't catch/release mobs on other items when this flag is enabled
- enhanced the ability_parsing.yml structure:
You can now use an underscore "
_" for entering paths inside the NBT-Data, and use a leading
[index] for getting array elements
- fixed plugin not loading for MC 1.13
- added a new command:
/sn inspect that allows you to view the saved NBT-Data of a SafariNet
- added a few more config.yml messages
- fixed exp grindstone error on 1.14
- enhanced the SafariNet lore, now you can decide which entity abilities should be inside this lore by editing the ability_parsing.yml file.
- Fixed hook with worldguard reading wrong version for 1.14
- Updated default config file to work with 1.14 material requirements.(Previous versions may still rely on LEGACY_).
- 1.13.x servers now read 1.13 items properly for crafting
- Added a use-psq: true configuration option to prevent future issues with plotsquared (whatever else was updated before this and last update)
- fixed a bug that caused players releasing their safari nets by accident when opening chests
- added no permissions msg for citizens npc's
- reduced server load
Illager fix for 1.13.*:
- All mob types from the mob group "Illager" were broken and thus not capturable. This bug is now fixed for all Illagers: Vindicator, Evoker and Illusioner.
* Refactored some code
* Redone all messages
+ Made all messages(except recipe section configurable in config)
Note: If you did not alter the configuration files let it regenerate a fresh new config.yml.
Else add the following:
Code (YAML):
#Configurable messages brought to you by Scorpion(scorpionvssub) #Messages now support new lines via \n config_reloaded: "Config reloaded!" no_perms: "&cYou don't have permission to use this!" no_perms_cmd: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command!" no_perms2: "&cYou don't have permission to use this here!" cant_release: "&cYou can't release that!" cant_catch: "&cYou can't catch that!" safarinet_broken: "&cThis SafariNet is broken." cant_catch_zhorse: "&cSorry, but you can't catch ZHorses!" cant_catch_mypet: "&cSorry, but you can't catch MyPets!" cant_catch_tamed: "&cYou can't catch tamed animals!" catch-failed: "&cYou failed to catch %s!" catch-failed: "&cYou failed to catch {0}!" syntax: "&cSyntax error: /safarinet give (player) (singleuse/reusable) [amount]" invalid-eggs: '&cInvalid eggs found. Valid
: (singleuse/reusable
#{0} = amount {1} = egg type {2} = player name egg-given: '&aGiven
} eggs to
reloaded: '&aSuccessfully reloaded the configuration file!'
no-number: '&cMust be a valid number!'
not-online: '&cThis player is not online.'
recipe-syntax: '&c/safarinet recipe
egg-broken: '&cThis egg appears to be broken :
#This is the help file. #Its list based e.x: #Help: #- '/sn give....' #- 'To capture an egg right click a mob while holding it.' Help: - '&a/sn reload &c- Reloads the plugin'
- '&a/sn recipe &c- Shows recipe''s for eggs
(if loaded
- '&a/sn give
] &c- Give a player an egg'
- Fixed releasing not working on 1.8.8 (
- Added
/sn recipe singleuse/reusable cmd with permission safarinet.recipe that shows the configured recipe in chat
* workaround for Mooshroom:
The actual spawn egg for a Mooshroom is called MOOSHROOM_SPAWN_EGG, but the entity type in bukkit somehow is "MUSHROOM_COW"
* fixed an error: The NBT-Data of abstract horses and other entities hasn't been saved to the egg.
* prevented users from renaming safari nets in anvil
+ added the ability to blacklist worlds in config.yml
- reduced jar size
* fixed catch chance -> All entities are now working
+ added the ability to set a message on capture failure
* fixed entity types console spam
+ added the ability to change the lore color and even format of filled safarinets
* fixed wrong textured safarinets in 1.11 and 1.12
# ability to change lore of filled safarinet -> %s is the entity's name
lore_filled_safarinet: "&c%s"
catch-failed: "&cYou failed to catch %s!"
# messages
config_reloaded: "Config reloaded!"
no_perms: "&cYou don't have permission to use this!"
no_perms_cmd: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command!"
no_perms2: "&cYou don't have permission to use this here!"
cant_release: "&cYou can't release that!"
cant_catch: "&cYou can't catch that!"
safarinet_broken: "&cThis SafariNet is broken."
cant_catch_zhorse: "&cSorry, but you can't catch ZHorses!"
cant_catch_mypet: "&cSorry, but you can't catch MyPets!"
cant_catch_tamed: "&cYou can't catch tamed animals!"
+ added % chances for catching certain mobs (see config.yml)
# catch chances. This sections is designed to set a certain chance, whether to success or fail on catch.
# chance goes from 0.0 to 1.0
# Multiple entity can be added.
# remove the '#' if you want to use this section!
chance: 0.5
remove-egg-on-fail: true
remove-entity-on-fail: true
chance: 0.1
remove-egg-on-fail: true
remove-entity-on-fail: false