- Fixed Out of bound exception with pagination (by Alwyn974)
- Fixed use of a placeholder with the command /ah sell (by Alwyn974)
- Added information if the itemstack of a transaction is invalid (by Alwyn974)
- Added SQLITE and HIKARICP for JSON to database conversion (by Alwyn974)
- Fixed items priority storage (by Maxlego08)
- Added support for translating materials for searches by panel or in chat
- Updated: CurrenciesAPI to version 1.0.7. (Fixed Item economy)
- Added: A reason for each economy transaction (compatible only with zEssentials).
- Updated: CurrenciesAPI to version 1.0.5. (Bug fix + add RedisEconomy)
- Added: Button ZAUCTIONHOUSE_EXPIRE_AND_BUYING, which allows viewing both expired and purchased items simultaneously.
- Added: Button ZAUCTIONHOUSE_EXPIRE_AND_BUYING_AND_ITEMS, which allows viewing expired, sold, and purchased items at the same time.
- Added: Button ZAUCTIONHOUSE_SEARCH_INPUT, which opens the search inventory. (Note: If ProtocolLib is not installed, searches will default to the chat.)
- Improved: Code for certain buttons by updating to the latest version of the zMenu API.
- Updated: Folialib API to the latest version.
- Changed: Database management now exclusively uses HikariCP. (No changes to your database configuration are required.)
- Added: New sorting types:
These new sorting options can be used with the ZAUCTIONHOUSE_CHANGE_SORTING button.
- Added the completion tab for the /ah search command, material of sales items will be displayed
- Fix error when loading items economies
- Fix problem when cooldownTransactions is too low
- Added permission for economy. You can define a permission for each economy.
- Fixed error with claim money
- Delete /ah config command
- Reduction of the zAuctionHouse Stats addon price to 5€ instead of 7€
- Moving all admin commands with the aliases /ah admin
- Fixed message file on first launch of plugin
- Added sell-auto-completion for price and amount for /ah sell command
- Using the CurrenciesAPI library, this allows introducing new economies like ZESSENTIALS and ECOBITS
- Update zAuctionHouseRedis plugin, new version, new code, new features!
- Modification of the sell command, to specify the economy is now easier: /ah sell <price> [<amount>] [<economy>]
- Modification of all SQL queries with Sarah, all SQL queries will be more optimized
- Added the option enableMiniMessageInMessage, to enable the MiniMessage format in messages, disabled by default.
- Changed the default configuration to not use permissions to limit the maximum price per economy to avoid new users being lost. The configuration is commented, you need to remove comments to use it
- Added ElementalGems economy plugin
- Added ElementalTokens economy plugin
- Added %money-after-purchase% for ZAUCTIONHOUSE_BUY_CONFIRM, Displays the player’s money after purchase
- Added option refresh-placeholder for ZAUCTIONHOUSE_CLAIM, if you are in sql, redis or sqlite you can have an update of the lore automatically
- Fixed claim money placeholder for sql, redis and sqlite
- Fixed itemFlags with zMenu
- Improve documentation
- Fixed /ah claim command with sqlite
- All messages now work with MiniMessage! (only if you use zmenu)
- Fixed loading items, the plugin will directly take the right method to decode the items
- The default storage is now SQLITE, you can convert your JSON storage by defaulting the storage in config.yml to SQLITE and running the command /ah convert jsontodatabase
- Fixed issue with Shulker Shell and Shulker Spawn Egg being considered as inventory (by keke142)
- Added PlayerAuctions Convert (by keke142)
- Added %price%, %seller% and %timer% for ZAUCTIONHOUSE_BUY_CONFIRM button
- Log files are now .log instead of .yml
- Added permissions to set the maximum allowed price for selling items by economies
Code (YAML):
# Economy name
- permission
: zauctionhouse.price.max.vault.player
# Permission
: 128
# Max price
- permission
: zauctionhouse.price.max.vault.vip
# Permission
: 250
# Max price
# Economy name
- permission
: zauctionhouse.price.max.item.player
# Permission
: 32
# Max price
- permission
: zauctionhouse.price.max.item.vip
# Permission
: 64
# Max price
- Added a system that allows to make backups for the files items.json when the plugin is enabled and disabled.
- Added a warning message to tell you that it is not advisable to use JSON storage and that you should use MYSQL storage instead
- Changing the default configuration to enable logs in a file
- Disable enable-itemstack-translation by default
- Create a new button ZAUCTIONHOUSE_CHANGE_SORTING which allows you to change the sort of items in a better way, right click to advance in the list, left click to go back, you can now choose the order of the sort change, and you can remove tries that you do not want. The Default configuration will use this button.
- Fixed categories, an item can now be in several categories at the same time. (@keke142)
- Improved documentation, added a page to indicate how to install the plugin, added more information on the buttons page, added emojis to make the documentation more fun to watch
Sorry, I had enabled by default the translation of items, and so your items will be translated into French, do not forget to update your configuration.
Code (YAML):
# Allows to configure the elements for the /ah search command
# Enables the /ah search command
# If you change this value you need to restart your server
: true
# Enable the option to search for an item with translation
# For this option, you must be in 1.13+ and add your translation file to the zAuctionHouse/langs folder
# By default the plugin will download all files, just enable this option and set your language
: true
# Allows defining the langs file for your server, this option only works for servers in 1.13+
# You can find the translation file here: https://github.com/Maxlego08/minecraft-assets/tree/1.21/assets/minecraft/lang
# The file must be placed in the folder zAuctionHouse/langs
# The file name must be in the following format <country>-<language>, so for France it's will be fr-fr
: 'fr-fr'
# If this option is enabled, then the plugin will download all translation files when the zAuctionHouse/langs folder does not exist
# This saves you time and does not have to choose the file to download.
: true
# This option allows translating the name of items in the language you have defined
: false
- Fix error when loading translated items
- Use logger instead of System.out.println
- Corrected transactions for sales inventories, they are now properly saved and displayed.
- Creation of the command /ah convert item_base64_to_minecraft_1_21, which allows you to convert your items to a compatible version in 1.21. To run this command you must be on the old version of your server, for example 1.20.4. More information here
- Fix tax for command /ah claim
- Fix error with minimessage in old minecraft version
- Added a check on your discord webhook URL, if your URL is invalid you can’t use the discord webhook
- Enable exception for sql if debug mode is enable
- Remove zTranslator support
- Creation of a complete item translation system that takes into account all minecraft translations
- Added translation support for /ah search, you can enable this option in config.yml
- Create event AuctionLoadEconomyEvent for register your own economy. Your plugin need to load before zAuctionHouse !
- Update documentation for how to create a custom economy
- Add logger when an AuctionHouse does not find the economy
- Fix CoinsEngineAPI
- Fix category with custom model id if you are on an old minecraft version
Sarah library for database management
- Fixed glow error with old inventory system
- Fixed prefix color for message that the plugin is not up to date
- Fixed blacklist with shulker box
- Fixed Sarah java version, downgrade to java 8
- Fixed memory leak issue with category system
- Modification of the categories system to improve performance (categories are now 20 to 30 times more efficient)
- New button: ZAUCTIONHOUSE_SHOW_SELLER - Allows to display the head of the player who sells an item, must be used in the inventory buyconfirm.yml
- Creation of the enableWhitelist value in the config.yml file. The whitelist system is fully available now.
- Creation of the enableNewBase64ItemStackMethod value in the config.yml file. This enables the new algorithm to transform items into text. If you are in 1.20.5+ this will be enabled by default. If you are in an older version (1.20.4) and want to migrate your data later, it is advisable to enable this option
- Improved javadocs, added more comments in class
- Improvement of the code. (Would you like to have zAuctionHouse on github ?)
- Permanent deletion of the config.json file, the Config class has been renamed to AuctionConfiguration.
- Creation of the blacklistplayers.json file, the file will contain the UUID of the players who will be blacklist. This replaces the list that was present in the config.yml file
- Improved documentation, updated files by default. And various other minor fixes.
- Fix placeholder: %zauctionhouse_claim_<economy name>% for JSON storage
- Fixed blacklist and whitelist items if you sell a shulker in a sales inventory
- Added next tick update for claim button with zmenu
- Updated to 1.21
Attention, for the support of 1.20.6 you will not be able to use your old items, you are obliged to delete your items and transactions. I do not yet have a solution to transfer your old items to the new minecraft system !
- Update Database Management Update, Using the Sarah Library
- Add the option giveMoneyOnSellServer, allows to give the money of the player on the server where the item was sold (works with the addon redis)
- Add column server_name in items table, lets you know where the item has been put up for sale (works with the addon redis)
- Placeholder optimization with REDIS addon, placeholders are now in async, loading message will be displayed when data is loading.
- Fix enableVersionChecker, you can now disable this option
- Fix placeholder: %zauctionhouse_claim_<economy name>%, the placeholder works normally for Redis and MYSQL
- Fix error console with head if you dont use zmenu (plz use zmenu)
- Fix item amount with zauctionhouse_economy_item button (It does not correctly display the number of items you will sell).
- Remove option sendItemToPurchaseInventoryIfIsFull from /ah config
- Fix blacklist items with shulker box. The plugin will look at the content of the shulker to check the content
- Fix /ah expire, /ah items etc for zmenu inventories
- Fix coins engine API
- Improve config.yml. Improved comments and grouped configuration items. File is now more consistent.
- Rename enableCreateSell to enableCreativeSell
- Added sound during purchase and sound when player cannot buy
- Fix error with old minecraft version
- Add cache for placeholder (only for REDIS storage)
- Edit economy API
- Fix error with minecraft 1.8
- Remove old configurations value
- Create cooldownTransactions in config.yml
- Create new button: ZAUCTIONHOUSE_ECONOMY_ITEM, displays the item that the player has in his hand
- Add translation message for both, purchase and sale message for tab for commands /ah transactions and /ah history
- Fix show transaction, start with the last transaction created
- Fix priceManager with enableMinMaxPricePerItems if you try to sell multiple items with the/ah sellinventory but one of the items has not been configured, then the maximum price of the global configuration will be used.
- Fix sell inventory, add closeInventory: true to close button
- Add placeholder for auction item : %item_type% and %economy_name%, allows you to use the placeholders of zAuctionHouse Stats
- Fixed Citizens with zMenu inventories
- Fixed sell cooldown message with %time%
- Fixed auto save messages, if the problem persists I will totally change the format of the message file
- Fixed some messages with zmenu
- After checking the categories with items that have color work well, sorting into categories also works well. (This message is to warn all the people who asked me to check his points there)
- Removed the useless /ah lang command
- Add new option giveItemAfterRemove, allows the player to retrieve the item from his inventory if he removes it
- Add new option dontGiveIfPlayerHasFullInventory, allows to check if the player must have room in his inventory to buy or recover an item.
- Remove sendItemToPurchaseInventoryIfIsFull
- Transactions that need to be claimed will no longer be deleted
- Minimum duration to delete transactions is now 1 day
- Update the default configuration, add an item to indicate that there are no items
- Fixed configuration load for: transactionDateFormat
- Fixed configuration load for: disableCommands
- Fixed command /ah open with zMenu
- Fixed custom syntax message for /ah sell
- Fixed default configuration
- Fixed cooldown for /ah sell
- Added removeColor for category. You can remove the color of a name or lore for categories.
- Added multi line messages support
- Improvement and optimization of certain parts of the code.
- Create 2 new button type for zMenu ZAUCTIONHOUSE_CATEGORIES_HOME and ZAUCTIONHOUSE_CATEGORIES_LORE, its buttons allow to display categories on a single item and display them in a lore. More information here
- Fix CoinsEngine economy with OfflinePlayer
- Create new addon: zAuctionHouse Statistics: https://zauctionhouse.groupez.dev/configurations/statistics
- Add data for categories
Delete categories.yml for this update !
- System change category. Improved configuration and API. The configuration will take into account up to 4 elements, material, name, lore and custom model data. The API now allows you to create your own implementation of CateroryItem. This interface allows to check if an item is part of a category.
- Fixed loading of default messages if you are in 1.13+
- Creating a paid configuration on BuildByBits (zAuctionHouse - Hypixel AuctionHouse)
- Fixed loading of some messages
- Fixed syntax error message
- Fixed placeholders
- Add option enableHeadDatabaseVerification. Wait for HeadDatabase plugin to load
- Fix error with sell confirm gui
- Create new inventory, Sell Confirm. In this inventory you can choose the economy you want before selling. If you only have one economy you can use this inventory as a confirmation inventory.
- Change better price reduction configuration. Using the system on zDrawer. This system is more complete. More information on here. Attention, you must update your config.yml file in the price section to have access to the new format.
- Added the ability to use comma numbers to use the price multiplicator. You can now do /ah sell 10.5k
- Fix open inventory after purchase with zMenu
- Update to zMenu
- Fix command /ah giveeconomyitem with zMenu items
- Fixed log display in console.
- Fixed NMS not detecting the correct version if you are in 1.8 or 1.9.
- Fixed anti dupe not working properly in older versions of minecraft (less than 1.13).
- Added /ah giveeconomyitem <economy>. Retrieves the item used by an item economy.
- Fixed transaction message if you use SQL or REDIs as storage.
- Fixed buyConfirmInventory inventory for not being used if you are not with zMenu.
- Added a new inventory that allows the purchase of an inventory or shulker and see the content before setting up the purchase (Thanks to lunar for donating for this feature).
- Fixed the lore that should be displayed for shulkersbox. You now have the same lore as for inventory sale.
- Added zMenu support for savings per Item. You now have more options for configuration.
- Various minor corrections on economies
- Fixed the CoinsEngine economy that does not use the values of your configuration.
online inventory editor has just been released in beta !
Fix an error when loading with zMenu
Fix option for disable SQL script
Fix head in 1.20+ if you dont use zMenu
Fix /ah sell <price><economy>
Remove debug in console
- Performance correction for categories
- Correction of the file economies.yml
- Correction of the system to choose another economy
- Added option to disable price multiplier
- Adding a limit by type of savings (@imtorisa)
- Added cache for category list
- Fix disable world with zMenu
Code (YAML):
- economy
: item_diamond
: 64
: 1
# Cache in milliseconds for categories, by default there is a 2 minute cache on the list of items.
# The cache will be automatically updated when an item is removed or added to the sale.
: 120000
Fix load if zMenuEngine is enable but you dont have zMenu
Update the default configuration !
- Changed default configuration, use zMenu for inventories.
- Modification of the presentation of the plugin, the gifs now use the default configuration, the party on the features is more complete.
- Edit documentation, delete old items, add a new party on zMenu buttons, and improve other pages.
- Added placeholder %zauctionhouse_sorting_type% to display player’s current sort type. (used in default configuration)
- Added "ZAUCTIOHOUSE_UPDATE" type (only available for zMenu). Updates the list of sold items
- Added patterns in the default configuration.
The new default configuration is simpler, thanks to the pattern system the number of lines has been greatly reduced. The configuration is modern and uses the features of
zMenu. Now that zAuctionHouse is officielement with
zMenu, I will be able to add many features easily!
Want to update your configuration to zMenu? Use the command /ah convert zmenu and your configuration will be automatically updated with zMenu!
You can still use the old configuration without worries, but you will not have access to the new features.
Download the old configuration here:
The next update will be the one that will use
zMenu in default configuration. A new default configuration for all inventories will be created !
- Added whitelist.yml
- Added search custom error message
- Fixed bug with anti dupe with auction inventory (hey lefy dupe discord, Still so retarded?)
- Fix folia support with tcoded foliaLib
- Edit default config for sql script, added prefix
- Fixed the sellAnnouncement permission, which was not correctly taken into account.
- Fixed loading of messages and saving new values of messages. The plugin will no longer write to your configuration if it already exists, but only add if it does not exist.
- Added a backup system of the items.json file. By default the file will be backed up every day at 00:00. If you want to have more control over when saving the file you can use the zScheduler plugin. An implementation was added in zAuctionHouse to support zScheduler.
- Fixed zMenu conversion for category.yml inventory.
- Fixed default configuration with ItemFlag.
- Fixed NPE with messages.
- Fixed messages reload.
- Fixed /ah config.
- Updated default config.
- Added BeastToken (MrAxeTv) economy.
This update has completely changed the config.yml file and add a new economies.yml file. Your configurations present in config.json will no longer be taken into account. Please retrieve the default config.yml file and redo your configuration !
- Removal of config.json, all the configuration of the plugin is now done with the config.yml file. The file contains all the information about each configuration item. It is easier to configure the plugin.
- Modification of the economy system. By taking over the zShop system, you have an economies.yml file that allows you to configure more savings and more simply.
- Suppresion of some configuration element that was not used and useful. (inventory auto update and prerender inventory)
- Add CoinsEngine economy.
- Fixed zMenu conversion for sellshow.yml inventory.
- Fixed categories with zMenu not working anymore.
- Added AntiDupe system directly in zAuctionHouse. This system comes from zMenu, I advise you to pass your configurations to zMenu to take advantage of this system on all your inventories.
- Fixed /ah reload that loads messages.yml several times.
- Improved default configuration for 1.16+ messages, use of hex color.
What to expect for future plugin updates ?
- Change default configuration to zMenu. This new configuration by default will be more complete and will have a new design and new features.
- Added ability to change category with a single button
- Added the ability to display item sorting with a placeholder, and change the color of the current sort.
Have questions? Join my discord here:
- Add option enablePermissionForSellingTime in config.json. Enables the modification of sales prices with permission.
- Fixed priority system that gives priority to items by default even if the system is disabled.
- Add enablePrioritySort and enablePrioritySortLimit in /ah config
- Add Anti Dupe system, the system will add an identifier to all items that come from the interface, and if players manage to get an item then it will be automatically deleted. fuck leffy dupe discord (At the moment this system is only available if you use zAuctionHouse with zMenu. The system will be added by default to zMenu before the next updates.)
What to expect for future plugin updates?
- Setting up the anti-dupe system directly in zAuctionHouse
- Changed configuration for economies. The economy configuration system will be taken over from zShop. You will have an economies.yml file with all the economies that will be possible to configure.
- Improvement of the config.yml file, the final goal is to no longer have a config.json file, there are many options, which makes the file very complicated to handle for new users.
- Change default configuration to zMenu. This new configuration by default will be more complete and will have a new design and new features.
Have questions? Join my discord here:
Added support for
zMenu. zMenu is an inventory management plugin with a very powerful API. Within a few weeks or months, you will be forced to use zMenu.
For this first update you only have zMenu support added. To activate it you must go to the
config.json file, and put
After you have to perform the command
/ah convert zmenu, this command will convert your classic configuration into a configuration for zMenu. You will notice that this configuration is shorter, more optimized. Indeed, zMenu will bring you many features.
All you have to do is to make
/ah reload command.
I advise you to do this only on your test server and send me your feedback !
Download here:
This update also comes with some optimizations in the code.
In future updates, the default configuration will change to zMenu. I invite you to join the discord to have all the information about this transition:
- Fix Folia support
- Fix error with 1.20.2
- Add options enableTaxBypassPermission and tabBypassPermission in config.json
- Fix discord webhook price format
- Add expireAt value in AuctionRetrieveEvent
- Add option permissionSellAnnonce
- Fix errors with ItemStack loader
- Fix default config for custom economy
Added support of folia, in case of error please contact me
- Fixed different default messages to indicate more information.
- Fixed loading messages, some messages were not loaded correctly.
Fix max value in config.yml for sell time
Added multiple configuration options
Adding elements to/ah config
Various bug fixes
Change default configuration for ping check
Optimisation of the method for sending messages in the bar action in 1.8
Added ability to add permission for/ah version and/ah addon
Changed the format of the prices.yml file. You now have more options for defining a price.
(You must reset your configuration file !)
Code (YAML):
# Price items if their name contains an element
- type
: 100
: 1000
"Custom Sword"
# Price of items with a custom model id
- type
: 100
: 1000
# Material name (https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html)
: 10001
# Price of items with lore contains key
- type
: 100
: 1000
# Price of items with lore contains key
- type
: 100
: 1000
# (https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html)
NONE type added for messages.
Various corrections to thread usage (ActionBar / SqlManager).
Several options added to config.json file for item sales.
- Modification of the blacklist system. Creation of the blacklist.yml file
The file includes more possibility for blacklist items, all information here:
Code (YAML):
# Blacklist items if their name contains an element
- type
"Custom Sword"
# Blacklist of items with a custom model id
- type
# Material name (https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html)
: 10001
# Blacklist of items with lore contains key
- type
# Blacklist of items with lore contains key
- type
# (https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html)
- Modifying the default category configuration, you now have examples of how to add specific items to your categories, either by name or by custom model id.
Fixed an error with claim money and enableTransactionMessageOnJoin. This option is now disabled by default and you cannot enable it if you do not have JSON storage.
- Fixed a dupplication issue that was present on some servers.
Fix error with old minecraft version
- Fix dupe on sell item
- Fix min and max price for inventory selling
- Add search option for /ah config (you can try /ah search price for example)
- Fix error with item economies
- Fix error with a trident
- Fix error with default config files
Fix utf8 with discord webhook
Fix message on join with claim money
Fix error with uuid generator
Add a system who will check if an uuid already exist.
Changes in the configuration files, they are now more complete with better documentation.
Very important update on how the economies work in the plugin. Now it is possible to add an infinite number of economy in the plugin.
Before updating the plugin make sure that everything works ! In case of problem come directly to the
discord to ask for help !
There has been a very big change in the API, if you use a custom economy you must update your implementation.
Here is the link to the documentation to add your economy:
In this update there are different correction and minor optimization.
You can now create permissions by grade for item expiration.
Code (Text):
# Replace '_' by a '.' for your permission
expirations: # Expiration per rank and in secondes
zauctionhouse_expiration_vip: 3600
zauctionhouse_expiration_vipplus: 7200
zauctionhouse_expiration_elite: 259200
Added a listener to handle dupplication problems. (thanks to hohosmc)
Added a cooldown on orders to prevent spam. By default the cooldown is active and is 5 seconds. Here is the permission that allows to bypass the cooldown:
Optimization of the /ah search command
Added the possibility to choose only the material to put an item with a minimum and maximum price
- Added model id blacklist
- Fix webhook discord
Modification of the cache system, the cache will reset if an action on the items is performed.
Added a system that will check the data present in the items.json file, this avoids data that are null and cause errors.
- Added a priority system for items. You can set a display priority according to the permissions of your players.
- Color correction for the webhook discord.
- Corrected URL thumtails and images for the webhook discord as well as for the author.
- Correction of an error with the ah claim
- Correction of the sale with the default price
- Fixed category loading, added more error messages.
- Added a prefix for SQL tables.
- Added an option to disable the messages that indicate the backup.
Fixed various minor bugs.
Added the possibility to add itemflags on the displayed items.
Added AuctionGiveItemStackEvent called when the plugin will give an itemstack to a player.
Added the blacklist of lores
- Fixed a bug that could make players disconnect
- Fixed remove all buttons
- Added a message that tells you if the HeadDatabase plugin is not activated, if the plugin is not active then the inventories cannot be activated.
- Added the format to sell items. So you have /ah sell 400k which is equivalent to the command /ah sell 400000. You can configure all this in the config.
Added more configuration for the display of numbers.
Added a configuration for the main command.
Correction of the remove all button
- Modification of the local placeholder system for a more efficient system
- Various minor bug fixes
- Add a configuration for the /ah open syntax
Added /ah open <player> command, the command allows you to force open to a player. (Permission: zauctionhouse.open)
Add option for /ah claim command
Add cooldown for ah claim
Fix bug with papi and item parse
- Added a cooldown for the click in the inventory
- Added discord addon in /ah config
- Fixed errors related to the deletion of items in SQL
- Added price format for price limit per item
- Added prices.yml file in /ah reload command
- Added multiplication of min and max price according to the number of items.
- Fixed the /ah claim money, now if you use a database a query will be made when the player wants to get his money back. So the synchronization will be correctly done
- Added DROP key for admin remove action. In 1.18 mojang removed the middle click for survival players.
- Fixes errors with SQL
- Added zTranslator plugin. The plugin will allow to translate items in your language, for more information you can come on discord.
- Fix /ah search with pagination
- Added a custom message for the /ah sell command in the /ah config
- Correction of errors related to the sending of SQL query
- Correction of tax CAPITALISM with claim money
New blacklist system with custom API
Fix bug with inventory click
Add command /ah addon to have the list of available addons
Fix bug with inventory click
You can convert items.json to database storage
Bug fix with seller name
Fix async event
Add two open for redis avaible with /ah config
- Give money if player is online
- Auto update inventory on each event
Fix bug with somes files
Bug fix with preview of selling inventory
Fix crash when spamming specific button
- Fixed a problem on the action with items if the time to delete an item is -1
- Add option "sendItemToPurchaseInventoryIfIsFull" - Allows to send an item to the inventory of purchased items if at the time of purchase the user is full and you have activated the option giveItemAfterPurchase.
Purge old transactions, by default its 30 days.
You have /ah purge for force the purge
Fix errors with wrong config file
You can now set expire time to -1
Correction of the error with the loading of the plugin
You can create your own custom storage with API
Add messages in event AuctionSellEvent and AuctionPreBuyEvent
Bug fix
Add default sort in config
Add custom model data for itemstack
Add event AuctionPreSellEvent call before selling item
Code (Java):
new Listener
void onPreSell
(AuctionPreSellEvent event
new ItemStack
DIAMOND, event.
Fix papi reload unregister
Serveur Minecraft Vote is a site that lists the best minecraft servers and rank them according to their number of points, do not wait and add your server!
Fixed a bug related to expired items that can be purchased
Serveur Minecraft Vote is a site that lists the best minecraft servers and rank them according to their number of points, do not wait and add your server!
- Correction des categories
- Ajout du support des couleurs hex
- You can now add the name of the items and the lore.
- Modification of the debug mode position in the /ah config
You can now disable version checker
- Addition of minimum and maximum price per item
- Addition of the tax system
- Added correction of the sale if the price is incorrect
- Addition of two new placeholders %zauctionhouse_sellinventory_price% and %zauctionhouse_sellinventory_currency%
- Fixed a bug with the else buttons that did not work properly in some cases
- Correction of categories for 1.17
Fixed an error related to the change of material in 1.17
Fixed a minor bug related to the inventory to remove its own item.
Added an option to force the addition of the price for the /ah sellinventory command
Added the opening of the inventory after the purchase of an item
Add error message if price has decimal.
Remove base64 librairie.
Added API translation
Modification of the plugin version check.
Added a configuration for the click to see the shulkers box and barrel.
Add barrel and shulker content viewer
- Added synchronization of inventory opening
- Add banned item with name contains
- Fix SQL error
- Added a general message when buying an item
- Various small bug fixes
- Fixed broadcast message when selling an item
- Added the possibility to choose the time for the conversion of auctionhousedb data.
- Correction of categories
- Add placeholder equals_string and equalsignorecase_string
- Fix default configuration
- Fix categories error if file is empty
- Ajout de la configuration des sous commandes
- Ajout des commandes /ah expire, /ah buying, /ah items and /ah categories
- Fix error with SQL timeout
- Add data for category (works for servers from 1.8 to 1.12)
You can now activate an option that will pre-render your inventory to optimize its opening.
- Fixed a bug related to the "my items" inventory
- Bug fix async event
- Bug fix with buying inventory
Fixed a bug with expired and purchased inventory items.
- Fixed a bug that allows to buy the item several times.
- Fixed a bug related to the /ah search that allows to get the item without having to buy it.
- Added the possibility to retrieve the item directly without going through the "purchased" inventory.
- Added more information in the console to know in how many nano seconds the inventory opens (can be enabled with the enableDebugMode option).
Added the search system with the command /ah search
Fixed a bug with the claim money in SQL.
- Added deletion of items as an administrator (with the middle click)
- Fixed the category name, now the name set in the configuration is displayed correctly.
- Added lore in the SHOW_ITEM button type
- Added a custom message for the /ah help, it can be activated or not from the /ah config
- Fixed a bug with the remove all button.
- Added unbreakable tag for items
- Added placeholder for the inventory SELL_SHOW
Fix dupplication bug with /ah sell
Fix bug with inventory on 1.13+
- Correction of permissions
- Fix NullPointerException error
New version of the plugin. Entirely recoded from scratch:
Change made:
- Brand new code, more optimized and allowing the addition of many new functionalities
- Complete inventory system (you can manage your inventory as you wish)
- Different type of storage, no more storage in json you can now choose between json, mysql, mariadb, pgsql and sqlite.
- A powerful API
- More log, now you will be informed of every action of your players.
- A new configuration system. A config.json file for all true or false options, as well as important values and a config.yml file
- New plugin translation system
- A large number of placeholders
- New fully configurable category system
- Addition of citizen support
- Added feature to disable the plugin in certain world.
- Added a player blacklist system.
- New configuration file for messages.
- Addition of a transaction system to have a complete history.
- Inventory sell system
- HeadDatabase + EpicHead
Removed the packet system that was not used.
- Added placeholders for the items for the claimMoney button. (%item1%, %item2% and %item3%)
- Added the possibility to disable the sale of broken items.
- Fixed the fact that with ITEM economy if the player has full inventory the items disappeared.
Added economy: COMMAND_VAULT, which allows to execute commands to give and withdraw money with the vault plugin.
Suggestions made byr 胡蝶 しのぶ こちょう しのぶ#3062
Fixed the tax system that was not working properly.
Well it's Tuesday but never too late for promotions!
Correction of a bug related to the categories
Fixed an error when the player has a full inventory.
Deleting a message in the console
- Correction of errors related to the transition from api 1.13+ to api 1.13+.
- Added a system that allows to open the main menu asymmetrically (can be activated in the configuration), as well as logging to see the number of milliseconds difference.
- Add the possibility to have a new format for prices
- Updated the plugin for full operation in version 1.7.10
- Fix somes minor bug
- Change of the control system, it is more efficient. (You automatically have the tabulation which is taken into account)
- You can now change the sort type
- Start of the new system for configuring the in-game plugin
Correction of an error related to the paging system for inventories of items, expired items and purchased items.
Correction of various errors related to 1.7.10
Start of storage change of player name for UUID
Addition of claim money in the autosave
Correction of the error to remove the item
Correction of an error with the pagination system for categories
Addition of the system to sell your items against other items, if you have a savings with gold ingots you will be able to put your items for sale against gold ingots
Update default config to 1.7.10
Bug fixes:
- Correction of a bug with the category system, when you change the page this generates an error in the console
- Correction of an error with the page system of the inventory of your items
New functionality:
- Change of language system, now the messages will be in a file named "messages.json", the files which are in the messages folder cannot be taken into account
- You can now choose the position of the different buttons, you can also change the material which is now a string and not an id
- Adding the message configuration for the sorting system
- Some small change in the default configuration
By default the messages.json file is in English, here is a French version: https://pastebin.com/fUFg9Qif
The discord to get more information: https://discord.gg/MvSadU
Correction of the link for downloading zDiscordAPI
Correction of the claim money system which works again
Addition of the / ah toggle command, it allows you to deactivate the auction house at any time
Correction of an error with economy custom
Added support for converting auction house legacy with sqlite
Addition of the command /ah history <player> <buy / sell> [<page>]

You can now remove all items from a player with the command
/ah removeall <player> !
You can now disable the / ah help command from the plugin configuration
- Adding a new functionality, you can now activate or not, having an item that says when you cannot buy the item
- Addition in the lang files of certain message which was not present
Discord messages are no longer colored
correction of an error with events
Addition of four new custom event for the management of your economy:
- EconomyCurrencyEvent
- EconomyDepositEvent
- EconomyHasMoneyEvent
- EconomyWithdrawMoney
Correction of an error with the claim money
Added support for item names for discord.
Addition of a translation for enchantments
Code (Text):
"enchantments": {
"LOOT_BONUS_MOBS": "Fortune",
New system for the detection of vault which could malfunction in some people.
Correction of an error with the items, addition of the closing of the inventory to the reload of the plugin
Bug fix with the use of TokenManager
Addition in the configuration of:
Code (json (Unknown Language)):
"playerPointFormat": "p",
"tokenManagerFormat": "t",
"mySqlTokenFormat": "mt",
Improved savings management system, you can now use PlayerPoint, TokenManager and MySQLToken
p = PlayerPoint
t = TokenManager
mp = MysqlToken
Adding a sorting system, you can now sort the items according to their price and their date of sale
Correction of an error with the inventory to withdraw his item from the sale
1.15 plugin update, it is fully functional in this version
FIXED: item names are no longer considered air
- Addition of the
/ah search command to directly search for an item in the auction house.
- Deactivation of the
/ah config command while changing config system.
- When we go to the expired inventory, items, or bought, and come back to the main page, the page is saved.
- Change of inventory system for a more efficient system.
Fixed bug with middle click, there was no permission.
Added the tax on money to recover later.
Add a tax for playerpoint
Add a message when the player sell an item

Code (Java):
private Auction auction
boolean setupAuction
> auctionProvider
= getServer
= auctionProvider.
NoClassDefFoundError e
Adding a message system in the title!
Code (Text):
"title": {
"use": true,
"useCooldown": true,
"useErrorBuy": true,
"useInventoryFull": true,
"useRemoveItem": true,
"useItemPurchased": true,
"useBuyerPurchased": true,
"useAddItem": true,
"useNoHoldingItem": true,
"useBlacklistItem": true,
"useNoMore": true,
"useNoMoney": true,
"useMinPrice": true,
"useMaxPrice": true,
"useCreativeError": true,
"useActionBuyerPurchased": true
Code (Text):
"title": {
"creativeError": {
"title": "§cNOPE",
"subTitle": "%message%"
"maxPrice": {
"title": "§cNOPE",
"subTitle": "%message%"
"minPrice": {
"title": "§cNOPE",
"subTitle": "%message%"
"noMoney": {
"title": "§cNOPE",
"subTitle": "%message%"
"noMore": {
"title": "§cNOPE",
"subTitle": "%message%"
"blacklistItem": {
"title": "§cNOPE",
"subTitle": "%message%"
"noHoldingItem": {
"title": "§cNOPE",
"subTitle": "%message%"
"addItem": {
"title": "§aAdding an item !",
"subTitle": "%message%"
"buyerPurchased": {
"title": "§cNOPE",
"subTitle": "%message%"
"actionBuyerPurchased": {
"title": "§cNOPE",
"subTitle": "%message%"
"itemPurchased": {
"title": "§cNOPE",
"subTitle": "%message%"
"removeItem": {
"title": "§cNOPE",
"subTitle": "%message%"
"inventoryFull": {
"title": "§cNOPE",
"subTitle": "%message%"
"errorBuy": {
"title": "§cNOPE",
"subTitle": "%message%"
"cooldown": {
"title": "§cNOPE",
"subTitle": "%message%"
You can get your money back later with the button!

Bug fix that duplicates items
Bug fix that duplicates items
- Added the possibility of making the price of items more beautiful
- Add a button to retrieve all your items
- Added enchantment configuration for discord messages

Fixed an error with categories
Improvement of the inventory system
Fixed a big duplication bug!
Fixed item purchase with playerpoint
I updated the wrong plugin, sorry ^^
Fixed a bug with inventories
Adding a translation system! You can put the plugin in French, English and Italian (thanks to
Adding a packet system that only works in
1.7.10 for the moment! Usable for people who know how to modify their minecraft!
Adding of:
Code (Text):
openInventoryAfterPurchase: true
Allows the opening of the menu after the purchase of an item
openInventoryAfterRemove: true
Opens the menu after removing an item
Fixed a duplication bug (same bug as update but has another location)
Adding a "
showOwnItem" configuration
Adding permission for the /ah version
Beginning of the development of the /ah config
Thanks to Pawkiller for reporting the bug!
Fixed a duplication bug !
Remove join message "
Ceci est une version de développement et non de production"
Fixed a duplication bug
Adding a cooldown on the /ah sell command
Adding a function for automatic backup
Fixed a duplication bug
Adding a cooldown on the /ah sell command
Adding a function for automatic backup
Added a system to ban item additions that have a forbidden name / lore
Fixed an error when an item has expired
In this version you have:
- A new config file
- A new lang file
- A new storage system (You have to do / ah convert zauctionhousev1 to convert your save.db)
- A new discord system 100% functional!
- A brand new code, with great optimization
Even more novelty soon! !!
This is the last update of the first version of zAuctionHouse !
In the coming weeks, the trial versions will be released so that you can try the new version of the plugin and you can give me all the bugs present before releasing a stable version.
The plugin works in 1.14!
Fixed a bug that occurred when trying to sell 0 items, the command that caused the error: / ah sell <price> 0
Fixed the bug that show "null" in the auction house menu.

ADDED: New event, "AuctionHouseBuyItemEvent", this event is called when a player buys an item in the auction house
FIXED: Fixed an inventory bug
FIXED: Correcting a duplication bug
This is just a test to see how the %% __ USER __ %% variable works
FIXED: The discord messages goes away well even if the item is directly recovered
ADDED: You can not put the bot game with "none"
Added: You can now delete the messages of the items to buy!
Code (Text):
itemRemove: true
Added: You can now choose to display the item names in lower case
Code (Text):
betterMessage: false
Fixed a bug in 1.13
You can now directly pick up items to buy from your inventory if you have room
Code (Text):
giveItem: false
#Donne l'item directement si le joueur a de la place dans son inventaire sinon l'item va dans le menu des items achetés
#Give the item directly if the player has room in his inventory otherwise the item goes into the menu of items purchased
FIXED: Fixed a bug with the durability of items
ADDED: You can now put a data item in the hdv
Code (Text):
name: "&6» &eInformations"
item: WOOD:2
- "&6» &eItems&7: &6%item%"
- "&6» &eHow to sell&7: &6/ah sell <price>"
FIXED: The messages of the name in the discord do not show the colors of the items
FIXED: Fixed a bug with the item number on sale
ADDED: You can now choose whether or not to display the numbers after the decimal point
Code (Text):
noDouble: true
ADDED: Adding a menu to remove other player's items when you have permission
Code (Text):
use: zAuctionHouse.use
sell: zAuctionHouse.sell
remove: zAuctionHouse.remove
guiAdminRemove: "§6» §aRemove - Admin"
Just make a middle click with your mouse to remove an item!
We recommend that you delete the config.yml file to avoid any problems
Correction d'un bug d'inventaire
You need to delete config.yml !
Code (Text):
log: true
#Log qui seront dans la console
betterLog: true

FIXED: Fixed a bug that when clicked in our inventory when the auction house was there was an error
Tab auto completer
Correction d'un bug avec les items et le lore
FIXED: The lore appears well with the item!

Back to the old system for bots discord, time I would not have managed to run maven with JDA I would use this solution
FIXED: System change for the bot Discord! I am now using maven for JDA! The plugin takes a lot less mo now!
FIXED: Fixed an error with the change of language!
Heyy !!
In this new version a lot of things have changed !
There was a great optimization of the code to make the plugin better!
But the main addition of this update is the addition of PlayerPoint API, You can in addition to vault, put your items on sale with PlayerPoint!
Plugin link:
Code (Text):
use: true
currency: "PP"

Correction d'un bug en 1.12.2
UPDATE: Bug fix at discord during / ah reload
UPDATE: You can now choose what the bot plays
Code (Text):
botPlay: "zAuctionHouse V%version%"
UPDATE: You can now say not to display a message when the enchantment does not exist
Code (Text):
#Pour les messages vous allez pouvoir mettre:
# %player% pour récupérer le joueur
# %amount% pour récupérer le nombre d'item mis en vente
# %item% pour récupérer le nom de l'item mis en vente
# %price% pour récupérer le prix de l'item mis en vente
# %name% pour récupérer le nom de l'item mis en vente
# %enchant% pour récupérer l'enchantement de l'item mis en vente
tile: "none"
#Mettre "none" pour ne pas mettre de tile
tile: "Sale"
message: "Player **%player%** just added x%amount% %item% for **%price%**$"
inline: false
tile: "Enchantment"
message: "Item enchantment: **%enchant%**"
inline: false
displayEnchantisNull: false
footer: "zAuctionHouse"
#Mettre "none" pour ne pas mettre de footer
Code (Text):
sell: "/hdv sell <price> [<how much>]"
Configuration categories
Code (Text):
use: true
name: "&6» &eCategories"
name: "&6» &eChoose a category"
item: BOOK
- "&6» &eChoose a category !"
name: "&6» &eCategory&7: &6Blocks"
menuName: "Blocks"
item: DIRT
- "&6» &eClick to open this category"
name: "&6» &eCategory&7: &6Weapons"
menuName: "Weapons"
- "&6» &eClick to open this category"
name: "&6» &eCategory&7: &6Tools"
menuName: "Tools"
- "&6» &eClick to open this category"
name: "&6» &eCategory&7: &6Miscellaneous"
menuName: "Misc"
item: BOOK
- "&6» &eClick to open this category"
name: "&6» &eCategory&7: &6Potions"
menuName: "Potions"
item: POTION
- "&6» &eClick to open this category"
You can now do / ah reload! And you see the number of items that are either sold or expired
Un bug étais présent lors du chargement du plugin avec le lore, il est maintenant corrigé
A bug was present when loading the plugin with the lore, it is now fixed
You can now add a bot discord in the plugin to send a message when an item is on sale!
Vous pouvez maintenant ajouter un bot discord dans le plugin pour envoyer un message quand un item est mis en vente !
Code (newconfig (Unknown Language)):
use: false
channelID: "5645646464"
botToken: "placeyoubottoken"
#Pour les messages vous allez pouvoir mettre:
# %player% pour récupérer le joueur
# %amount% pour récupérer le nombre d'item mis en vente
# %item% pour récupérer le nom de l'item mis en vente
# %price% pour récupérer le prix de l'item mis en vente
# %name% pour récupérer le nom de l'item mis en vente
# %enchant% pour récupérer l'enchantement de l'item mis en vente
tile: "none"
#Mettre "none" pour ne pas mettre de tile
tile: "Sale"
message: "Player **%player%** just added x%amount% %item% for **%price%**$"
inline: false
footer: "zAuctionHouse"
#Mettre "none" pour ne pas mettre de footer
Un bug est présent sur le sauvegarde des items avec le /reload, il est pour le moment désactiver le temps de trouver une solution !
A bug is present on the saving of items with the /reload, it is for the moment disable the time to find a solution!
FIXED: Now only people op receive the update message of the plugin.
ADDED: You can put a permission to put a max number of items
Code (Text):
5: zAuctionHouse.maxsell.5
10: zAuctionHouse.maxsell.10
15: zAuctionHouse.maxsell.15
Vous devez supprimer les fichiers de configuration !
- Mise en place du début de système de statistique -
Comme en france c'est les soldes je mes le plugin a -30%
As in France it's the balances I my plugin has -30%
Vous pouvez maintenant configurer les menu d'achat et de remove.
You can now configure the purchase menu and remove.
/!\ Important /!\
Cette version patch le fait que le plugin pouvait faire crash les serveurs ! Comment ?
Tout simplement car j'avais oublié de vérifier quand le joueur veut changer de page si il pouvait changer de page !
This version patch the fact that the plugin could crash the servers! How?
Simply because I forgot to check when the player wants to change pages if he could change pages!
Le plugin supporte maintenant parfaitement la 1.13.X et les versions antérieur !
The plugin now fully supports the 1.13.X and earlier versions!
FIXED: The lore goes well when an item is sold
New serveur test: play.osisky.fr
Voici un nouveau serveur qui utilise le plugin !
Le serveur est un serveur SkyBlock en 1.9 et + !
L'ip: play.osisky.fr