Update the default configuration !
- Changed default configuration, use zMenu for inventories.
- Modification of the presentation of the plugin, the gifs now use the default configuration, the party on the features is more complete.
- Edit documentation, delete old items, add a new party on zMenu buttons, and improve other pages.
- Added placeholder %zauctionhouse_sorting_type% to display player’s current sort type. (used in default configuration)
- Added "ZAUCTIOHOUSE_UPDATE" type (only available for zMenu). Updates the list of sold items
- Added patterns in the default configuration.
The new default configuration is simpler, thanks to the pattern system the number of lines has been greatly reduced. The configuration is modern and uses the features of
zMenu. Now that zAuctionHouse is officielement with
zMenu, I will be able to add many features easily!
Want to update your configuration to zMenu? Use the command /ah convert zmenu and your configuration will be automatically updated with zMenu!
You can still use the old configuration without worries, but you will not have access to the new features.
Download the old configuration here: