Attention, for the support of 1.20.6 you will not be able to use your old items, you are obliged to delete your items and transactions. I do not yet have a solution to transfer your old items to the new minecraft system !
- Update Database Management Update, Using the Sarah Library
- Add the option giveMoneyOnSellServer, allows to give the money of the player on the server where the item was sold (works with the addon redis)
- Add column server_name in items table, lets you know where the item has been put up for sale (works with the addon redis)
- Placeholder optimization with REDIS addon, placeholders are now in async, loading message will be displayed when data is loading.
- Fix enableVersionChecker, you can now disable this option
- Fix placeholder: %zauctionhouse_claim_<economy name>%, the placeholder works normally for Redis and MYSQL
- Fix error console with head if you dont use zmenu (plz use zmenu)
- Fix item amount with zauctionhouse_economy_item button (It does not correctly display the number of items you will sell).
- Remove option sendItemToPurchaseInventoryIfIsFull from /ah config
- Fix blacklist items with shulker box. The plugin will look at the content of the shulker to check the content
- Fix /ah expire, /ah items etc for zmenu inventories
- Fix coins engine API
- Improve config.yml. Improved comments and grouped configuration items. File is now more consistent.
- Rename enableCreateSell to enableCreativeSell
- Added sound during purchase and sound when player cannot buy