New version of the plugin. Entirely recoded from scratch:
Change made:
- Brand new code, more optimized and allowing the addition of many new functionalities
- Complete inventory system (you can manage your inventory as you wish)
- Different type of storage, no more storage in json you can now choose between json, mysql, mariadb, pgsql and sqlite.
- A powerful API
- More log, now you will be informed of every action of your players.
- A new configuration system. A config.json file for all true or false options, as well as important values and a config.yml file
- New plugin translation system
- A large number of placeholders
- New fully configurable category system
- Addition of citizen support
- Added feature to disable the plugin in certain world.
- Added a player blacklist system.
- New configuration file for messages.
- Addition of a transaction system to have a complete history.
- Inventory sell system
- HeadDatabase + EpicHead