[+] GlobalWarps: Look on the overview page to read the tutorial (see Bungee Warps - Setup)
[+] Spigot v1.13 Support (Backup your files!!)
[+] Deco-Icons: Icons to beautify your GUI
[+] Variable GUI-size (e.g. 9 slots)
[+] You can add teleport costs now (EssentialsX- and Vault-Support) (Bypass them with "WarpSystem.ByPass.Teleport.Costs")
[+] You can disable icons now (in the Item-Editor-GUI)
[+] New permissions (read the description on the overview-page
[+] Better bug-report-support with "/WarpSystem report <GitHub, Spigot-Forum, Direct>"
[+] Read all news with "/WarpSystem news"
[+] Backup-System, if there are missing worlds
[~] Duplicated portals will be removed
[~] /warpsystem fileReload » /warpsystem reload
[~] Language.yml can now be edited
[~] Item-Editor: some bug-fixes (Lore reset itself & Sparkle effect was not reqognized)
If you use a Money-System which is currently not supported, just contact me and I'll add it to my plugin.
If you find any bugs, please report them to me (you can use "/WS report" ingame or contact me with a private message!
Known bugs
- After closing the warp-gui you cannot drop any items from your inventory (fixed in next version)
- Cannot delete or move icons