Warps, Portals and more! | Warp & Teleport System | 1.8 - 1.21.1 icon

Warps, Portals and more! | Warp & Teleport System | 1.8 - 1.21.1 -----

The best and easiest way to deal with warps!

Version: 5.1.14-free
Plugin Top.

Doesn't work with version 1.21.4.
The Discord link doesn't work either (invitation cannot be accepted)

Version: 5.1.6-free
This is one of my favorite plugins, but it isn’t working in 1.20. I would be happy If you could update it to the newest version
Author's response
You can already get the latest dev build from my discord server :)

Version: 5.1.6-free
I really like this plugin but it doesn't work properly in 1.20, please update it

Version: 5.1.5-free
constant reminders that you have the free version and not premium paid version of the plugin
Author's response
Well, this is the free version. I would be happy for financial support :)

Version: 5.1.3-free
Very good plugin. Best warp plugin I've ever seen. Respect! I've used it on several servers

Version: 5.1.0-free
Very kind author and best plugin for my server so far - all players love to use portals!

Version: 5.1.0-free
Developer is friendly and quick to respond to issues. Plugin works flawlessly and is overloaded with features. Wonderful resource to have.

Version: 5.1.0-free
Pls add Java 17 Support :D

Version: 5.0.9-free
/rtp go takes players outside of world limits and players keep dying. how do i fix this?

Version: 5.0.9-free
Thank you for this!

My friends and me love this plugin on our server, its so nice and handy to teleport back to base after exploring the nether!

Version: 5.0.7-free
cant save any warps or portals
its gone while server restart

all files in "memory" folder

Error while running this#saveToString()
Author's response

Version: 5.0.6-free

Version: 5.0.2-free
Please update to 1.17 ASAP ---------------------------------------------------------------
Author's response

Version: 5.0.2-free
Sehr schneller Support und schnelle Bugfix Updates :-)
Bei Fragen bekommt man auf dem Discord Server sehr schnell geholfen.

Version: 5.0.1-free
Best warp/portal/tp plugin , 3 issue and the support fix all my bugs :D
thx for this amazing plugin

Version: 5.0.1-free
Das beste Plugin. Ist richtig einfach. Und alles erklärt. Sehr guter Support. Echt nice. Macht weiter so.

Version: 4.2.12-free
4 stars because there is no Russian language in this plugin. But this plugin is pretty good

Version: 4.2.12-free
Einfach ein geiles Plugin, was ich nun auf mehreren Servern verwende.
Echt empfehlenswert

Version: 4.2.11-free
Really useful plugin, super customisable, and an all-round game changer for our server. Helpful support too! Very high quality for a free plugin.

Version: 4.2.11-free
This is a very good plugin, runs perfectly, and the config is very simple to setup!

Version: 4.2.11-free
Very good plugin and fully personalizable, and very good the support on the discord, i think this plugin should be in every server minecraft for warp base

Version: 4.2.11-free
the best warp plugin i have ever seen, the details are just wonderful. If you look at everything in the entire ansit, the air is gone. Thanks for doing this!

Version: 4.2.10-free
Amazing, Simple, straightforward, no bloat and intuitive configuration, great and very useful plugin. The only changes I would suggest would be adding some more comments in the config specifying all the settings.

Version: 4.2.10-free
Excellent plugin! Great UI and simple to create and manage portals. The UI alone was worth using this plugin. It fit my need perfectly for setting up portals and warps to other Bungeecord Network Servers. I eventually replaced all of my portals with this plugin and ditched my old portals one. Wonderful support too! Reported a few Bungeecord related issues and they are already fixed! Worth buying premium!!

Version: 4.2.9-free
As always, high quality update. This plugin has a lot of love and dedication put into it. Premium version definitely worth it.
Developer is friendly and helpful, also listening to suggestion for features, helping quickly with issues.

If you need a warp plugin, I would go for this one.

Version: 4.2.8-free
I've rarely been seeing plugins of that craftmastery :D

But for real, the plugin is dealing with default teleporting system and it's making it twice as good. Animations, fancy GUI, even free version is enough.

Support is near to instant and very flexible. "Happy to help" is his motto. I highly recommend that creation for your server!

Version: 4.2.8-free
This is such an awesome plugin, its perfect for what i need.
Its really customizable and easy to use :D

Version: 4.2.8-free
probably the best plugin you can use for tp related stuff
very easy to use and has lots of customization!

Version: 4.2.8-free
AMAZING plugin , always updated , the developer is amazing and gives tons of support for any issues .
It was totally worth it

Version: 4.2.8-free
I 100% recommend I use this plugin if you are looking for a plugin for teleportation.

Version: 4.2.8-free
Super good plugin, Recommend using it! it does what it suppose to do and its way more advanced then essentials warps for example.
there was an issue with 1.16.1 and when I reported it I got support within 15minutes and the issue was fixed!
5 stars for plugin and quick support!

Version: 4.2.5-free
Ich bin mit dem Plugin zufrieden.
Alle funktionen die Free sind reichen mir, ich brauche die Premium sachen für meinen Server nicht. Auch wenn die nützlich sein könnten. Alles was ich brauche habe ich Free. Ich benutze dieses Plugin schon länger, und es funktioniert einwandfrei. Man kann auch viele sachen Einstellen. Was ich gut finde. Außerdem hatte ich lange nach einem Spawn plugin gesucht, aber den Spawn kann ich auch damit festlegen. :D

Version: 4.2.4-free
Good Plugin, though fair warning for anyone looking for a portal teleport with commands such as random tp or anything like that, basically all of portal teleports are locked behind premium.
Author's response
Thank you for your review!
Gonna improve this soon ;)

Version: 4.2.3-free
Incredible plugin, I had a problem on it because I put my plugins wrong and the developer helped me to solve them, it's incredible thank you !!! :)

Version: 4.2.2-free
The best plugin with portals and warps. Perfect if you need it for private/small server. For BuengeeCord you will need premium version. Author is very helpful and kind guy. Definitely you should try this plugin.

Version: 4.2.2-free
Had an error at first, but the support for this plugin is absolutely amazing. Fast fast to respond and to get fixed. Also probably one of the most intuitive warp gui plugins!

Version: 4.2.1-free
This was the best plugin with portals and etc. I have ever use. But when it became paid one, it doesn't work. Of course, portals created before, work but why removed access to normal /tp command from Minecraft. And "it's premium feature" now. I can understand you spent a lot of time during making this plugin but really? Premium version should include fuctions for BungeeCord and additional effects and sounds, something for server networks. Not basic functionalities as premium ones. I also couldn't find any information on this site, what the free version includes. I have a private server just for my friends and why should I pay for "it's premium feature" message? Unfortunately I have to remove this plugin. I hope you'll re-think your decision.
Author's response
Thank you for your review. I thought a lot about it and finally decided to remove the advertisement which will be sent one time every 2 hours and additionally release all teleport commands like /tp, /tpa etc. for the free version.

Version: 4.1.10-free
It's a very nice plug-in and i love using it on my server with my firnds, i'm just struggling with the permissions and my friends can't use the warps or the portals to go from place to place. hope i'll figure it out, but any help would be appreciated.
Author's response
Permissions can be disabled now (since v4.2.2-free)!

Just contact me via dm if you get any further issues.
Thank you

Version: 4.1.10-free
Good Plugin, and best Support!
Almost everything is editable :)

Version: 4.1.10-free
This is a really good plugin that takes care of all your warp needs. Also CodingAir's level of support are exemplary and I would purchase all plugins made by CodingAir if it would fit my need. Top notch plugin and top notch developer.

Version: 4.1.10-free
This is a revolutionary plugin that if you aré using BungeCoord, give you the best way to connect all you servers and interact with a confortable way, i'm from México and this guy give me personal support for all my questions!

Version: 4.1.10-free
How to add achievement in warp portals sir
Help me i need this configuration in mythicmobs
Author's response
DM please

Version: 4.1.10-free
Excellent plugin, amazing for a single server or for a network. I had an issue and the developer responded real quick and helped me.

Version: 4.1.8-free
Great plugin! had a issue and was fixed ASAP! so much you can do with it its amazing!

Version: 4.1.7-free
Top Plugin!
Works perfectly and also the support in case of difficulties is top!
Simply write via Discord for example and you get direct support.

Version: 4.1.6-free
Plugin overrides default tp command. Wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to upgrade to premium to use it.
Author's response
All tp commands are now free (v4.2.2-free).
Thank you for your critic!

Version: 4.1.6-free
Incredibly responsive developer with a wonderful project. I was experiencing two bugs with my server, and the developer was very quick to work with me to locate the issues and sent hotfixes right away!

This is the warps plugin you want, I guarantee it!

Version: 4.1.6-free
I really appreciated this plugin. There was a slightly misunderstandable change between 4.1.6-free and the below versions regarding the Tempwarp feature. If you used it before and tried to use it in the newer version it showed you that you have to upgrade to the premium version to unlock this feature. In fact it was a additional configuration which added Keys to create Tempwarps. Thanks to the Dev and my better reading skills this will not occure anymore once you disable the Key feature in the config.

Version: 4.1.6-free
I misunderstood how some of the aspects of the plugin work, but overall this plugin is very nice.

Version: 4.1.5-free
Almost everything are like EA. Premium. Also it has a bad help menu and I couldn't do anything because it isn't saying how to use it.

Version: 4.1.5-free
I misread the update notes. I read it as being more restrictive on the free version, but if i understand correctly he is allowing some premium features to be showcased in the free version now.

Version: 4.1.5-free
Since I updated this plugin I can no longer create the portals that I had already created work the ones I edit and no longer delete them, I think I will never use it again I'm sorry for this addition that the particles can only put 1 teleport I really liked this plugin but this addition ruined all of my portals
Author's response
Hey, thank you for your review.

It would be very helpful, if you could send me more information about this issue. There may be errors in your console log.

I started a dm for that.

Version: 3.1.13
I love this plugins but what happen when i check on log file i saw this

[Server thread/INFO]: [WarpSystem] Enabling WarpSystem v3.1.13
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/warps-portals-and-warpsigns-warp-system-only-gui.29595/updates
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: at sun.net. www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown Source)
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: at sun.net. www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source)
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: at sun.net. www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(Unknown Source)
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: at de.codingair.warpsystem.spigot.base.utils.UpdateChecker.getLatestVersionID(UpdateChecker.java:40)
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: at de.codingair.warpsystem.spigot.base.WarpSystem.onEnable(WarpSystem.java:107)
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:264)
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:337)
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:402)
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin(CraftServer.java:374)
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:323)
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.t(MinecraftServer.java:421)
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.l(MinecraftServer.java:382)
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:337)
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.java:272)
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:544)
[19:26:44] [Server thread/WARN]: at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

How to fix it?
Author's response
This exception was already mentioned in the discussion. I‘ll fix this.

Version: 3.1.13
This is insane, my friend what you created here is just amazing.
But I think this post should have its own gifs and not those from the paid version.
Thank you for making a free version and keep the stupendous work.

Version: 3.1.13
Great plugin, easy to use and responsive support. Exactly what I was looking for.

Version: 3.1.13
does everything i want just the message that first time using constantly shows up

Version: 3.1.13
Did not work nearly as I was hoping and upload free versions images to the free copy of your plugin not the paid. I'd assume u have a seperate post for the paid version you could of added a small little thing to advertise your paid version top it off actually you got it advertised threw out the plugin. but I found a plugin equivalent to this one that fits my needs. thanks anyways.
Author's response
Yes, I copied these images because the other ones didn’t fit this plugin any more, and I had no time for it to produce new images. Sorry about that.

Version: 3.1.13
Very badly explained plugin, seems buggy or VERY VERY unintuitive , got very irrated after trying to set it up and finding things do not work as expected
Author's response
Hey, thank you for your review.
It would be great if you could send me more details about these issues to improve my plugin. And if you need any help, feel free to add me on discord, I’ll answer asap.

Version: 3.1.13
The plugin programmer is a nice guy and likes to help you on Discord. In the beginning I didn't understand the permissions but now I understand them thanks to the good support :D continue so

Version: 3.1.13
This plugin is if not the best one, one of them. The service is even better. I struggled with making my warps work and it took maybe 1 minute or less for "CodingAir" to answer on discord. Really good!!!

Version: 3.1.13
One of the best Plugins for Warps!
The Support is very good!
I can only recommend it

Version: 3.1.12
Good plugin, works as it says on the tin. Includes a message that spams me and my admins to buy the premium version with no option to turn it off. I asked nearly a week ago for an option to disable this but have yet to hear a response.
Author's response
Sorry for that, I updated the resource!

Spam bug got fixed, and ads won't get fired so often like before.

Version: 3.1.12
Hi. A wonderful plugin, both in utility and configuration. It is working perfectly on my server 1.13.2. By the way, I am Spanish, I have translated the plugin correctly into this language. I'm really interested in collaborating with this plugin by adding this language.

Version: 3.1.11
Amazing plugin with so many features! I needed help and I added the developer on discord and he or she helped me fix my problem within 24 hours. Amazing like I said!

Version: 3.1.11
Great plugin and easy to use. Only issue I have is that the plugin spams my login with this horrible message telling me it's my first time running the new version. Despite the fact that I've been using it for weeks
Author's response
Sorry, this is a bug of the latest version. I'll fix this soon.

Version: 3.1.11
Amazing plugin one of my favourites for server. I would absolutely recommend =)

Version: 3.1.10
Great Plugin with many features and fast answering dev

Version: 3.1.10
This plugin is simply ultra blatant, I love it, and celebrate because developer, keep it up and hau more such plugins out, cool that it is free, the premium version, I'll buy me too. this is the best teleport plugin ever

Version: 3.1.10
Simply amazing!
Easy to use, no need to configure that much. It's all in-game!
Love your work!

I'd like to see a shop plugin with an GUI which is as easy to configure as this one.

Once again, thank you for your work!

Version: 3.1.10
Beautiful plugin - solves all my needs. I particularly like that the gui is integrated so well into the minecraft interface.

Subgroups would be nice, if possible.

My main feature hope would be that it would be possible to add a check if somebody is in spectator mode and switches to survival/creative when using /warps.

Thanks again for this great tool!
Author's response
Thank you for your review.

I added "subgroups" to my todo list last week ;)

Version: 3.1.10
Seems like a good plugin but it takes waaaay to long for the free version to update compared to the premium one....its been almost 3 weeks. Trying to push premium by delaying is meh
Author's response
Please be patient. I already announced the next release date (4th June).

Version: 3.1.10
Works great, but still waiting for 1.14 free version to be updated.. easy to set up and doesn't really have any problems.

Version: 3.1.10
Will update rating when the plugin is updated to support most recent update. This is the final thing we're waiting to be updated to we can upgrade our server to 1.14!

Version: 3.1.10
Works great and got personal help from the creator! My players love it and it seems to work great.

Version: 3.1.10
Funktioniert wie erwartet, Keine Probleme, Team & User völlig zufrieden! -------

Version: 3.1.10
Very clean plugin, the creator answers very quickly on Discord and takes the time to help. Great plugin and great guy!

Version: 3.1.10
Hello, this plugin work great, i use it on paper 1.12.2, after create a warp just do /ws reload true for 1.12.2 (if you don't do this, you will lose your warps when you restart your server)
Author's response
Hey, you will keep your data even if you don’t run this command. There is an autosaver which saves your data.

Version: 3.1.10
Wonderful plugin with really great capability! The developer really cares about assuring his plugin is up to date and working as intended, as well. 10/10 Plugin!

Version: 3.1.10
Keep up the good work!!!!!!
Brilliant Plugin

About an hour googlin and finally I found it.

Yours J

Version: 3.1.10
Incredible plugin, incredible support. Definitely the best warp plugin out there.

Version: 3.1.10
As far as warp/teleportation plugins go - WOW! This one is excellent. It does it all. As a bonus, the dev is fairly active too! I give this 5 stars. I would love to see an Effect Portal between servers as well. I know, I am so needy!
This plugin is SO GOOD that I made a donation to the dev to encourage further development. This is a premium-level plugin, believe me!

Version: 3.1.10
Hello, by far one of the best warp plugins out there, if not the best (probably). Anyway, I'd highly recommend this plugin. I only have one problem at the moment, and that's whenever I warp somewhere with a block(s) over the warp location, I sometimes can get teleported to the top block, which makes it very annoying when trying to use barriers to cover the roof of something, so players can't get out. I'm willing to try to work out a solution!

Version: 3.1.10
Excellent, but I did not understand the permitting system.

I created the waps so far, but when I added a permission for the teleport I could not add to permissionex
Author's response
If you add "Warp.VIP" to a warp, you have to add "Warp.VIP" to the permission groups as well. If there are any questions left, contact me with a private message.

Version: 3.1.10
Super Plugin, Super Support, einfach alles Perfekt! Ich kann diese Plugin nur empfehlen !
very good Plugin, very good Support, just perfect! I can only recommend this plugin!

Version: 3.1.10
This works great. I am having trouble giving permissions to use /warps or /warp to all players that are not ops. Help pls!

Version: 3.1.10
The plugin works wonders does what it needs to do, the developer is active and very helpful. Fantastic!

Version: 3.1.10
I contacted Coding early this morning due to a bug I was getting on my server, and not only did he reply quickly, he talked with me through the issues and even got me a test build to make sure it was working properly.

This plugin completely replaced the MV-Portal plugin, cause its broken beyond repair and that dev seems pretty rude from what I've seen. Not only have I had 0 issues with it besides the one this morning, its stupidly easy and fast to set up. MV-Portals, along with any other portal plugins, have been benched for good. <3

Version: 3.1.9
The exact plugin our network server's were looking for!! Kudos and Hats off for this amazing plugin! Keep up the great work!!

Version: 3.1.9
Very advanced plugin and a very friendly developer. Helped me with every issue I had and improved the plugin while doing so. Recommended!

Version: 3.1.9
Ce plugin et parfait, développeur toujours actif, Motivé, Essaye d’innové à chaque mise à jour ! Bien joué ! Continuez comme ça ;)
Author's response
Merci beaucoup :D

Version: 3.1.8
Maybe making it able to edit the /warps gui in a config or something. Everything else is how it should be, GREAT plugin and a cool must have!
Author's response
Thank you, maybe it goes into the next updates ;)

Version: 3.1.8
Not only is this plugin oh so useful, but it has so many features and options and its all quite intuitive to use. Just reported a bug and within minutes CodingAir(the dev) responded and provided me a hotfix! You can rely on this plugin because you can rely on the developer, he's active and quick to respond.
Author's response
Thank you, hope you enjoy it ;)

Version: 3.1.7
WarpSystem is a fantastic plugin from a fantastic developer. I was looking for a plugin to create warps and player warps that hooks to vault. This is precisely this and much more. The config.yml is very versatile, allowing you to turn on and off functions of this plugin as you need them. I needed some help and the developer was very helpful and responded promptly. I highly recommend this plugin to anyone!
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 3.1.7
Très bon plugin ! continuez comme ça !
J'ai pas trouver beaucoup de plugin qui proposait ça ! (En version gratuite)
Author's response
Merci beaucoup :)

Version: 3.1.7
Remember when this plugin was just a simple gui warp? It has come such a long way :D
Author's response
Yes, it was supposed to be just a GUI for Warps...

But there were so many great ideas that someone just had to program :D

Thank you for your review ;)

Version: 3.1.7
There are some Bug... but i really really like it please dont make this premium.. one bug is for editing that if i save the editable portal it will returned to i place for the first portal
Author's response
I‘ll contact you regarding this issue.

Version: 3.1.7
Simple to use and many options, simply put it in your plugins folder, restart server and you're on your way to making custom portals of various types :)
Author's response
Thanks :D

Version: 3.1.7
Great Plugin! I like EffectPortals! And like..All plugin at all!
Thank you fo this plugin :D
Author's response
Thank you :D

Version: 3.1.6
I can only say: AWSOME!
had some trouble setting this up. but CodingAir helped me asap with this. live fixing bugs and also explaining. I´m really glad to find this Plugin!
Keep on going this way!
Author's response
Thanks ^^

Version: 3.1.6

if you want something simple to use and hate those ugly portal buildings. GET THIS PLUG IN!!

Große Arbeit
Author's response
Thank you! I try my best :D

Version: 3.1.6
The rating is 11/5!
It's all perfect!
One idea: Can you please make delay and costs in the portal too?
Author's response
Thanks for your review.

I'll add this to my todo list ;)

Version: 3.1.6
Really great plugin!
Does what is advertised here and it's really satisfying to work with.
Author's response
Thank you :D

Version: 3.1.6
WTF? the only one who says why is it free? : D hey developer applaud the best plugin which I've ever seen on warpy really super plugin for me 5 stars recommend to everyone! (but gui to tempwarp you could add :D)
Author's response
Thank you for your review! :D

I haven‘t had time yet, but it‘s already planned ;)

Version: 3.1.4
Geweldige plug-in, werkt perfect!

80 Je recensie moet minimaal 80 tekens bevatten. Als je vulletters gebruikt om deze limiet te omzeilen, word je gestraft. Schrijf een goede en constructieve beoordeling.
Author's response
Thanks xD

Version: 3.1.4
Amazing plugin, works perfectly! Creator of plugin responded to my question in private dm within 24 hours, good job!
Author's response
Thanks ^^

Version: 3.1.2
Excellent plugin, very friendly and active developer! fixed and added features I requested! cheers!
Author's response
Thank you ;)

I always try my best for user requests :D

Version: 3.1.2
Very nice Warpsystem - And work's out of the Box - The Dev is a very nice Contact!
Author's response
Thanks for you review! :D

Version: 3.1.1
I like how well this works, and I hope to being able to use /warp {warp} for globalwarps OR allowing /{warp} as an option. Other than that, everything else is fine
Author's response

First thanks for your nice review!

The feature you mentioned is a little bit difficult. Because you can create warps and global warps with the same name. For example you have a warp called “Test“ and a global warp called “test“. If this situation comes in, then you have a problem... which warp should be used?

To fix that, you have to options:
1: disable same names
2: set that command to one feature

If I would choose solution 1, I would have to change all names, which are already exist, and this isn‘t that nice...

If you have another idea, send it to me in a private chat or on discord (CodingAir#0281)

To the other feature to teleport like /<warp>... this could block commands, but if the admins pay attention to that issue, it would be a nice feature ;)


Version: 3.1.1
Well this plugin is really useful for anyone who needs to use warps. The developer is really helpful and very quick to respond. I reported a bug and within 2 hours a new release was out with the bug fixed. Thanks again for a great plugin.
Author's response
Thanks ;)

Version: 3.1.0
It's a relly nice Plugin.
I can recommend it to everyone. Nice GUI and full of Features.

Author's response
Thanks :D

Version: 3.0.1
Sehr gutes Plugin, hat viele gute und nützliche Features die es sehr Praktisch für einen Server machen! Der Support ist auch gut und freundlich. Einfach alles Top.
Author's response
Danke sehr ;)

Version: 3.0.1
Highly Recommend for any server that needs warps! Creator is super helpful and nice! I LOVE the fact that you can put categories on the warp menu! Keep updating!
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 3.0.1
hey can you make that players can create theyre own portals(public player portals) for example
that someone who created the portal can only edit and remove the created portal that no other can do it. He can also add members to a list they can also edit the created portals...
permissions for portal create max for example: warpsystem.playerportalsmax.10
Author's response
Thanks for your review. I‘ll add this to my todo-list ;)

Version: 3.0.1
Amazing as always, simple to use, beatiful to users, active developer, etc. This is the best WarpGUI and portal plugin. Don't think twice.
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 3.0.1
very good plugins........ good! good! good! good! good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response
Thank you :D

Version: 3.0.0
Super with the problem fixed it worked just fine and the gui is just wonderful tnx for making this plugin :)
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 3.0.0
Super nice plugin! Its easy to use and nice to see. Make further with it! I will use it on my server.
Author's response
Thank you ;)

Version: 3.0.0
Very good plugin for RPG servers with many locations. All warps can be linked to the categories. Warps managment is awesom and problems or new ideas are solved immediately.
Of course a pleasant approach in communication with the owner :) .
Author's response
Thanks :D

Version: 3.0.0
This plugin came out literally just as I was searching for a solution to replace BungeeSuite warps. The interface takes some getting used to but over-all a super useful plugin!

One suggestion: allow players to use /globalwarp warpname to directly teleport to a global warp? Thanks a ton :D
Author's response
Thanks so much, I'll add this to my GitHub page ;)

Version: 2.1.0
Really, REALLY nice plugin, and it looks very professional too. Absolutely worth 5 stars!
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 2.1.0
Wonderful plugin, the developer is helpful and active. Also the plugin is highly customizable and the warp menu looks amazing.
Author's response
Thanks so much :)

Version: 2.0.9
100 of 5 stars! this plugin is the bomb! Everything works perfectly!
Love the categories! Keep up the good work!
Author's response
Thank you! :D

Version: 2.0.9
The plugin i'ts great bu.. in this update, the the changes in the lenguage.yml they are not saved correctly. It may be a bug?
Author's response
Thanks, but please post such contributions in the future on the discussion page or on my github page

Version: 2.0.2
Nice plugin and really nice idea, but I can't use the plugin due to two (2) bugs that make it unsuable :( And the dev can't find the bug in his code/how to fix it :(

Thank you anyway for trying

Version: 2.0.2
Very Good plugin! Every Server who need Gui warp this is the BEST WAY!
Not the one of the best is the Best! Editable Icons, Permissions for warps, Lore and much more. You can make Unlimited Page and Category. Best for Default Server Warps and Player Warps.
And one of the Best is: Realy Fast Response from the Author!!!
Author's response
Thanks :D

Version: 2.0.2
Amazing plugin, works beautifully!

Would be cool if you can set a different item to show up when the player doesn't have permission for the warp.
Author's response
Thanks for your review and your nice idea ;)

Version: 2.0.2
This plugin improves a lot the image of a server. Super fast response from the author. Congrats :)
Author's response
Thanks :D

Version: 2.0.2
Is there a faster developer? No... I don't think so :D
Thanks again for this extremely fast response to bugs :)
Author's response
No problem ;)

Version: 2.0.1
Super nice plugin! Its easy to use and nice to see. Make further with it! I will use it on my server.
Author's response
Thank you very much :)

Version: 1.1.9
Please make this OpenSource.
Can it be in the config with the anvil be editable. Bitte entferne die Rating funktion. Am besten ne Pro Edition wo man die Rating funktion deaktivieren kann
Author's response
Hey, I'll update my resource today, and yes it will be OpenSource ;)

Version: 1.1.9

Easily the best plugin for doing warp gui's also VERY noob friendly.

I myself am not that good at configurations so having the IN-Game Config makes this absolutely amazing
Congrats to the Dev of this awesome plugin!
5+ would recommend
Author's response
Thank you very much :)

Version: 1.1.9
i cant set warps? are there some config ore something? help me pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response
I'll write you in a private chat ;)

Version: 1.1.8
Kannst du bitte auf die 1.12 Updaten? Wegen Java 8 und so? Ich könnte es bisher noch nicht testen, aber die Reviews hören sich gut an!
Author's response
Mach ich ;)

Dauert nur noch ein bisschen bis ich die Updates alle fertig gemacht habe.

Version: 1.1.8
Well made plugin and with good funcionalities but the constant spam of the reviews is quite anoying and isn't possible to remove it
Author's response
Thanks for your review!

It's not impossible ;)

Version: 1.1.8
Hey, the plugin is very nice and works very good at the moment! Good work! Can i chance the language in german?
Author's response
Thanks ;)

Take a look at the Language.yml and change the 'Default_Language' tag to 'German'

Danke ;)

Schau mal in die Language.yml und ändere den 'Default_Language' Tag auf 'German', hatte das ganze schon auf Deutsch da stehen, also kannst du das einfach übernehmen ;)

Version: 1.1.8
hey you never explained what perm node you give players when u set perms in gui, please ive sat here for so long triing to figure vout its driving me crazy
Author's response
Sorry :D
The permission you type in is all. I don't use any prefixes for these permission.


Your text in the anvil-gui: "Warps.Spawn"
Permission for that: "Warps.Spawn"

Hope I could help you :)

Version: 1.1.8
This plugin is aaaaaaaaaaaaawesome... Easy to use and even when u dont understand how it works... The pictures help u understanding it!

A great job in programming dude... Probs to u!
Author's response
Thanks so much :)

Version: 1.1.7|2
Muy buen plugin! En estos momento lo tengo trabajando en mi servidor! Muchas Gracias!

Aporte: Estaria muy bueno, que a los Items que se le agregen, se les pueda asignar un comando, como por ej: agregar un lingote de oro y ponerle el comando [/money] y asi los usuarios puedan ver sus monedas. De todos modos existe el ChestCommand, pero ya que el plugin que usted hizo esta muy bueno, digo yo, que se le podria agregar eso y muchas mas cosas!

Author's response
Sorry, but can you write me your review in english please?`

Thanks :)

Version: 1.1.7|2
Eu sou brasileiro e estou tentando traduzir o plugin, mais sempre que eu mudo alguma coisa as configurações voltam ao normal (
I'm Brazilian and I'm trying to translate the plugin, but whenever I change anything the settings go back to normal)
Author's response
Hey, thanks for youor review!

I'll look for it ;)

Version: 1.1.7|2
This plugin is really Good and useful!

The author is really nice and helpful!
Recommend this for all servers! :D
Author's response
Thanks :D

Version: 1.1.7|2
I was testing this and i looked in the Console... New update and i just downloaded this for the first time and i downloaded the latest Version but it says that i don't have, Please help D:
Author's response
Please don't write those messages in a review! :D

I'll contact you ;)

Version: 1.1.7
Best Plugin EUW. Rly nice and smooth working GUI. Easy to setup and use. Can totaly recommend it. If you search a plugin for WARPS, go for this one
Author's response
Thanks :D

Version: 1.1.3
Amazing plugin! The author always replies and listens to your advice. If you find a bug, he'll fix it. This plugin is amazing, you should try it!
Author's response
Thanks so much!

Version: 1.1.3
k .

Version: 1.1.2
I really like this plugin!
Only thing I find anoyying is that when u teleport u can even move with ur mouse and it gets cancelled,
Please change it so that if we have no move toggled, that players can still look around without walking.
Author's response
Thanks for your review!

But the function you mentioned is already there...

I try to fix it!

Version: 1.1.0
The new Update is soooo fucking perfect

The Permissions works fine.
The GUI is soo nice.

Thanks Bro :*
Author's response
Thanks :D

Version: 1.0.7
Amazing plugin! But pleasee make it work with 1.9/1.10. I really want to use it on my server! :DDDDD
Author's response
Thanks, I've updated it! ;)

Version: 1.0.6
Great plugin! I'm loving the new update that includes the teleport time and no movement! I really recommend it!
Author's response
Thanks :D

Version: 1.0.4
Richtig gutes Warp-Plugin!
Endlich mal ein gescheites funktionierendes Plugin...
Das GUI sieht super aus, man kommt gut damit klar und für die Spieler richtig übersichtlich.
Author's response
Danke sehr :)

Version: 1.0.2
0 Fehler
Alles super,
MFG deanomus
Author's response
Danke :)

Version: 1.0.2
Wirklich cooles Plugin.
Habe schon sehr lang nach einem guten Warp Plugin mit GUI gesucht..

Ich hoffe es kommen regelmäßig Updates..

Author's response
Danke für deine Bewertung :)

Kannst mit Updates rechnen ;)

Version: 1.0.1
Awesome plugin. Tested it out and had a blast testing it. It was very unique to use for many server types!
Author's response
Thanks for your review :)

Version: 1.0.0
Cool Plugin but wish there was a config and was able to integrate with Essentials. Still Cool also I would change default language to English because most downloads are from English people. Just a thought
Author's response
Thanks for your review! The default language is english, but if you want to change it, go to the Language.yml :D

And what do you mean with "was able to integrate with Essentials"?

Exists in Essentials a warp-plugin too?

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 133,434
First Release: Sep 21, 2016
Last Update: Sep 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
153 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
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