VoteParty [New Vote Reminders & NuVotifier Bungee Support] [All-In-One Voting Plugin] [30% Sale] icon

VoteParty [New Vote Reminders & NuVotifier Bungee Support] [All-In-One Voting Plugin] [30% Sale] -----

Vote Rewards, Cumulative Voting, Parties, Leaderboards, Crates, Bungee, Reminders, and more! 1.8+

Hey folks,

Apologies for the delay in support updates, I honestly thought I had already pushed this, and life has just been crazy.

This update adds support for 1.20.5/.6.

As you know in 1.20.5 particles changed so I've switched over to utilizing XParticles given we already utilize XMaterials in some places of the plugin.

The default config has updated the particles from using "SMOKE_NORMAL" to just "SMOKE", but, utilizing XParticles it should just catch it automatically.

Other libraries the plugin utilizes has been updated (i.e. Adventure) to help ensure components continue to work.

Hope you are all staying safe out there.

----------, Jun 10, 2024

Hi all,

I appreciate your patience since the last update given how busy my life has been. I have a small update for you as I haven't seen many issues come to light since the last update.

This update adds support for 1.20.4 (even though it already did), it has now been tested against.

There is also a new config option for "post party commands", which are commands that will be executed after the party is over, similar to the "pre party commands" which get executed before a party starts.

Thank you,
----------, Mar 16, 2024

Quick and easy drop-in update for 1.20.X support.
----------, Jun 17, 2023

Hey all,

Quick and easy update for you today:

  • Implemented a config option to disable Vote Reminders (thanks @BlitzGamer88 )
  • Fixed a warning that appeared in console on the latest Paper builds for timings deprecation.
----------, Apr 16, 2023

Good Afternoon,

I'm excited to share with you all the latest changes in VoteParty.

NuVotifier Bungee Handling
Starting with this update, for those servers running under a proxy, you will no longer need to have NuVotifier on the backend servers for votes to be sent to your servers, and now can be placed only on the proxy itself. You can refer to the updated section in the config below on how it functions.

Code (YAML):
hooks :
    # This property represents whether or not to listen to NuVotifier for incoming votes.
    # If the backend is set to true, it assumes that the NuVotifier plugin is already enabled on the backend Spigot server,
    # and pluginMessaging does not need to be enabled. If the backend is disabled, pluginMessaging should be enabled to allow
    # NuVotifier to work on the proxy server. Additionally, make sure that the channel specified here matches the one set in
    # your NuVotifier configuration, and that the "method" in your NuVotifier config is set to "pluginMessaging".
: true
: false
: nuvotifier:votes
Vote Reminders
Starting with this update, you can now remind your players to vote for your server. You now have control on reminding players to vote if they have less than X votes in the past Y amount of time if you have more than X voting sites that your server is listed on. Please refer to the config below for more information.

Code (YAML):
    # This is how long (in hours) the plugin should check that it has been since a user has voted before reminding them to vote.
: 24
    # This is how many votes the plugin should check that a user has in the last X amount of time (defined above) before reminding them to vote.
    # For example, if you set the reminder interval to 24 hours, and the reminder threshold to 3, the plugin will check if the user has voted 3 times in the last 24 hours.
    # If they have, they will not be reminded to vote until they have voted 3 times in the last 24 hours.
: 3
    # How often in seconds should players be reminded to vote? (Default is 10 minutes)
    # Note: A FULL reboot is required for this to take effect if changed after the plugin has been loaded.
: 600
Last Month Leaderboard
Starting with this update, you now have access to a leaderboard that keeps track of the most votes players had in the previous month. This is great for tallying up the top voters in the previous month if your server gives out extra rewards for that.

Vote Top Command
The last month leaderboard feature led us to the final new addition to the plugin in this update, the /vp top command. The image below will show you how it functions.


Closing Notes:
This update has been long in the making and I'm finally able to share this exciting update with you all to make VoteParty that much more useful for you and your community.

I'd like to give a special shoutout to @BlitzGamer88 for his assistance with this update and making it as big as it is.

Hope you all are staying safe out there!

----------, Mar 18, 2023

This is just a quick fix for the previous version with the new command not showing up properly in /vp help.

Have a great day!
----------, Nov 3, 2022

Good Afternoon,

It is my pleasure to bring you a new update to VoteParty. I first off wanted to express my appreciation to everyone for their patience on how long updates have taken recently, I am finishing my last semester of my undergrad in college and I've had literally no time to work on stuff outside of school.

Alright, let's get into the update.

A massive shoutout to @BlitzGamer88 for his support with some of these features coming into this update.

Username Regex Verification
Disabled by default to prevent any conflicts with current production servers, you can now (enable and configure in the config) a system that is designed to match usernames passed from voting websites to NuVotifier and then to VoteParty. If a username does not match what a typical Minecraft username would look like (i.e. D!nnerbone, Notch$), you can tell VoteParty to discard the vote and prevent doing any lookup logic for that player.


New /vp addvote command

This command will take over the old one and the old one has been renamed to addpartyvote. The old command will no longer take a player as a parameter since this can be done with the new command now.

The new command has a few parameters and looks something like this:
/voteparty addvote <player> <silent> [amount]
This feature comes due to amount of requests the plugin has had to allow adding votes to a player without giving them rewards.

Parties Tracker + Placeholders

This stores each party when it happens in a new file called parties.json. It stores them the same way votes are stored: by their timestamps. This way people can use placeholders to see how many parties triggered in the past day, week, month, year, and the total/alltime.

So, just like votes, we now have placeholders formatted like %voteparty_totalparties_TYPE% (daily, weekly, monthly, annually, all-time). These will be added to the wiki so you can see more about it.

Hope you enjoy these updates and have a wonderful day,
----------, Oct 22, 2022

- Added support for Minecraft 1.19
- New /vp claimall command

Bug Fixes
- Switched to a new particle system provider to make particles more efficient on versions 1.12 and below

- Updated Adventure for 1.18.2 + Fix some LegacyComponent issues
- Updated all translations
- Attempt to pull a vote username from our local cache before getting information from bukkit to increase performance
----------, Jul 5, 2022

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug where party creates were not being given out in the correct worlds in some situations (shoutout to @BlitzGamer88 for finding it)
----------, Dec 30, 2021


VoteParty Modes
This update will include a new feature to allow you to modify how partys work. There are now 3 different modes.

1) "everyone" - everyone can join the party whether they voted or not
2) "daily" - everyone who voted in the past 24 hours can join the party
3) "party" - everyone who voted in this specific party can join the party

The config is defaulted to everyone, as that has been the normal logic of the plugin since we've gotten to this update.

Players that did not meet the requirements will be sent a message (configurable in the lang file)

- Added a placeholder to get all of the votes of all time on the server (%voteparty_votes_total%)
- Added support for 1.18
- Added support for Dutch

Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with disabled worlds not listening properly for crates

- Allow doubles to be used for percent changes in the config
----------, Dec 8, 2021


- This update is the result of a conversation with the library author of the command system that VoteParty uses. Up until now, the command library was looping through all online players to get their client locale. While this isn't very intensive, it was adding up. After reports of it taking up to 1% of a tick on the main thread when a server ~300 players online, I decided to reach out and they fixed this. I've had the same server that initially reported this confirm the issue no longer exists.
----------, Aug 31, 2021

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug preventing users from using the /vp setcounter command to reset the vote count back to 0

- Fixed a bug where you had to enable offline voting for parties in order to allow offline vote claiming. These now process separately so you can prevent votes from counting towards party if the user is offline and still allow them to claim votes if that setting is enabled
----------, Aug 5, 2021


- Implemented support for Minecraft 1.17.1

- Implemented a config option to set the interval on how often (in seconds) that player data is being saved

- Implemented a config option to tell the plugin to save a user's data on vote. This isn't really that big of a deal but some people have requested it in order to sync data faster than the normal interval that you configure.
----------, Jul 13, 2021

- Added support for Minecraft 1.17

Bug Fixes
- Fixed some issues with a dependency in the plugin that was clashing with the changes in ViaVersion 4.0.0
----------, Jun 12, 2021


- Ensure support on Java 16 (will continue to watch this after Minecraft 1.17 is released)

- Implemented a config option to send rewards to vote claim if the inventory is full. (Apparently some server owners just want to drop the reward if their inventory is full)


- Added an extra check for handling votes. There is a small chance that the communication between the vote website and NuVotifier messes up and it doesn't actually send a name of a player voting. This caused an error to occur in VoteParty. In this update, is the username passed in the vote is null or empty, it will simply fast return and leave a warning in console.
----------, May 30, 2021


- Implemented a brand new cumulative voting system! You can now reward players for voting a specific amount of times in the past day, week, month, year, and total! (Please keep in mind this feature is designed for players voting while online).

- Thanks to BlitzOffline for adding an official "annually" tag to the leaderboard. You can now do leaderboard checks by year instead of just all time

Bug Fixes

- Thanks to BlitzOffline for fixing a bug with the all time leaderboard date calculations. This now will properly grab the correct timeframe.
----------, Feb 18, 2021


- Added support for 1.16.5


- Be on the lookout for a new feature coming soo! Cumulative voting in in the works! Beta builds are being given out in the support discord for anyone who is interested in helping making this cool new feature a reality in the plugin!
----------, Jan 16, 2021


- Added support for 1.16.4
----------, Nov 3, 2020


- This update introduces optional bigadier support for commands (disabled by default). To my knowledge this just provides many colors, and it's been requested, so, I made it an option.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue where random party rewards and the permission-based party rewards were still being given despite being in a world that was specified to not give party rewards in.
----------, Oct 19, 2020

- Added support for Minecraft 1.16.3

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a rare bug when calculating time left in votes
----------, Sep 12, 2020


- Added support for 1.16.2

Bug Fixes

- Fixed names not updating in placeholders after a user has changed their username. This is a bug that has to fix itself over time as players log back in for the first time after this update.


- If a player's inventory is full when they vote, their rewards will be transformed into a usable /vp claim to be used when their inventory is not full

- When using /vp claim, if a player's inventory is full, it will throw an error saying that their inventory is full and they need to clear some space first
----------, Aug 17, 2020

We're back and we're blaming Blitz!

Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue where placeholders weren't being calculated correctly for the time after the 2.17 update. Please let me know if you still experience issues. (We are all in agreement to blame Blitz if it's still broken since he's the dedicated tester and confirmed it working)
----------, Jul 23, 2020

(HotFix) Fixed not loading for people not using Votifier

- Implemented the ability to set MULTIPLE COMMANDS per chance in the random rewards section for parties and votes. ( PLEASE MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR CONFIG JUST TO BE SAFE)

Implemented the ability to give extra rewards based on the website the player voted on! (I have started a list in the config of known service names for popular voting websites, please let me know if I'm missing any. (Note: This will only work for players who vote while online)

- Implemented the ability to give extra rewards to players if it's their first time voting!

- It was brought to my attention that the way the dates for the Leaderboard were implemented incorrectly. This update makes a big change for this. The way it currently has worked is it would get the past 24 hours / day / month from THE CURRENT TIME OF REQUEST. This new update will properly calculate the time different at the beginning of the day, week, and month.

- To make this update possible, the VoteReceivedEvent has been updated to pass in the vote from NuVotifier. You can see the updated event on the wiki.
----------, Jul 22, 2020


- The /vp help menu is now 95% customizeable via the lang files!

- Implemented RGB support and all that other fancy MiniMessage jazz to the plugin! This means you can create your own hovers and clicks and whatnot for any messages in the plugin!



- Code cleanup
----------, Jul 19, 2020


- Added support for 1.16.x


- Added permission node for /vp help (

- Updated json dependency to work on 1.16 clients


- In the near future, I am going to implement the ability to customize the help menu's colors.
----------, Jun 30, 2020


- Implemented offline vote claiming. If enabled, when a player votes offline, they will be able to do /vp claim when they login to claim their rewards!

- Added a config option to notify a player when they log in if they have rewards to claim

- Implemented automatic language file updates (please let me know if you have issues). Missing messages (typically new ones) will now be added if they are not in there.

- Added Dutch language support!

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug with particle hooks on specific versions of MC


- Updated French Translations

- Default vote saving time has been changed to 5 minutes

- Cleaned up the logic behind getting player votes in last X amount of time to possibly fix a few future issues

- Cleaned up backend user handling to be able to scale easier in the future

Shoutout to @Sxtanna for all his help!
----------, Jan 18, 2020


Today, I am proud to present to you the new and improved VoteParty.

A project that has been in the works for a while is finally ready to see the light of day and be shared among all of you.

I hope you take the time to read all of this as it will help you transfer from the old versions to the new one.

After reading everything that we have to say below, we also HIGHLY encourage you to check out the new wiki for VoteParty so you can make sure you are familiar with all the new content.

Wiki Link:


When you run the new version for the first time, I am going to assume you will NOT have anything related to the old version in your plugins folder.

The following should be removed:

1) VoteParty plugin folder
2) VoteParty jar
3) VoteParty PlaceholderAPI Expansion (plugins/PlaceholderAPI/expansions/VoteParty.jar)


After you've done all that, then you're ready to continue!

This update was no small task, in fact, there were almost 200 code changes along with decisions made in order to construct this new version from the ground up.

What is new?

Glad you asked, there's a lot.

1) VoteParty has reverted one big thing from the previous update which is that this jar will support MC Versions: 1.8.8-1.15.x
2) VoteParty uses a new configuration system that will allow you to make changes and allow us to update parts of it on the fly
3) VoteParty uses a new material system that (hopefully) should allow you to use material names across all versions of the game
4) VoteParty no longer will require NuVotifier ( AFTER THE FIRST STARTUP)

Alright, now that you're aware of how the backend has changed, let's talk about how things have changed for you as a server owner.

[Plugin Logistics]


One of the biggest changes in this update (at least in my opinion) is that after the first boot of the plugin, NuVotifier (Votifier) will be optional. We are aware that there are more plugins than Votifier that can handle the voting (some networks have custom ones). So, to allow others to work, we've changed how it works to make it completely optional. Keep in mind, if you disable the hook for Votifier in the config and you don't have another voting plugin, you will have to manually add votes (no idea why anyone would want to do that).

To make VoteParty still work, we've designed a custom event that fires when a voting plugin (such as Votifier) receives a vote. When the event fires, it will handle updating the votes and giving the rewards.

This also means that any plugin can also hook into VoteParty and fire this event (such as if they were using a custom voting plugin)

Pertaining to VoteParty and PlaceholderAPI, the hook (expansion) is now built into the plugin, that way when we do plugin updates, we can also do updates to the expansion without requiring you guys to do any extra work to keep updated.

[Vote Handling]

A big thing that was talked about in the rewrite was the ability to track the number of votes that players had. So, to handle that, we designed a system that allows you to check the player's votes within a specific time frame. Want to check how many votes a player has in the past 2 days? We got that. How about 7 days? We got that. How about 1 year? We got that.

(Please note that this data only starts tracking once you start using VP 2.0+)

Given that we have this data now, you can also expect some leaderboards to be implemented in the future.

[The New Help Menu]

You guys get access to the all-new VERY SEXY help menu.

Our biggest goal with this was to have easy user interaction with it. So, we decided to create a clean and crisp menu that is clickable and you can hover over the commands for more information on it!

[The New Chance Handling]

Throughout the time we took rewriting this, we noticed a couple of logistical issues that we wanted to patch up. So, we want to make it clear that when it comes to the random rewards that can be given out for voting and for the party, each command will now roll the chance number you provide out of 100. The total chance values of all the commands you provide DO NOT need to add up to any specific number.

[Improvements to Party & Voting]

One of the biggest requests that we received was the ability to have guaranteed rewards for voting and parties. That being said, you can now define a list of commands that will run NO MATTER WHAT (if enabled) on all players for the party, and on the player who voted when voting.

[Language Improvements]

One of the goals during the rewrite was to keep different parts of information in their own files to prevent clutter. That being said, all messages that the plugin provides have been moved to their own language file. Currently, we only support English, but we will be opening up submissions for other languages to be in the plugin by default. The default language will be configurable in the config.

[Closing Notes]

I want to take this time to give a couple of shoutouts for people who made this update possible.

1) @Sxtanna , you guys have this guy to thank for how clean this plugin is. He's an amazing developer, and he was the biggest backbone on this update, so 90% of this update should be credited to him.
2) @HelpChat Beta Testers, thank you so much for all your feedback and time you took testing this new update to provide suggestions that I would've never been able to think of on my own.

Make sure to join the Discord if you need help or have suggestions for future updates!


----------, Jan 12, 2020


This version will only work on 1.13+ as it uses the new Material API with no backwards compatibility for "data" in the config.

Older versions can be found in "version history" if your server is running pre-1.13 software.
----------, Jul 1, 2019


Updated dependencies to the Spigot 1.13 API.

Added /vp addvote <amount> command to add votes to the current vote counter.
----------, Aug 28, 2018


Fixed bug where multiple vote party crates scattered throughout the inventory would all be taken when a crate is used.

Re-added backwards compatibility with 1.8 servers for now.

Fixed spigot update checker
----------, Feb 13, 2018


Added support for Minecraft 1.11
----------, Nov 17, 2016

This version is only compatible with 1.9 as it utilizes the getItemInMainHand() method and also adapts to the changes in the 1.9 sound enum.

This will be the last version of VoteParty 1.x unless there are any breaking bugs that can not wait to be fixed.

VoteParty 2.0 has been a bit delayed due to a few other things but I will finish it soon :)
----------, Mar 2, 2016


This will be the last update VoteParty 1.x will get. I have been working hard on VoteParty 2.0 and I should have it ready within a week or so.

This final 1.x update adds 2 new configuration options:

disabled_worlds - ability to disallow players from participating in VoteParties when in a world that is in the disabled_worlds list.

allow_offline_votes - ability to allow or disallow votes from offline players contributing to the VoteParty counter.

This version also contains a few small bug fixes that I may have forgot about but nothing that will break or change functionality.

Spoiler for VoteParty 2:

This configuration is not final yet!!!
VoteParty 2 will allow you to create per world, per rank, and per permission based vote reward systems. This also allows for you to hook into every other voting plugin which tracks votes to give rewards based on how many votes a player has! There are many more new things coming for VoteParty 2 and this is just a sneak peek of the configuration I have been experimenting with...
Code (YAML):
check_updates : true
: 100
# will support all normal vote listener plugins that track player votes
: GAListener / UltimateVotes / SuperbVote / VoteRoulette / more later on
    # delay in seconds until party starts when vote goal is reached
: 10
    # actions performed when vote goal is reached
    # these actions are not specific to a certain player and are server wide
    # actions:
    #   [command] execute command in console
    #   [broadcast] broadcast a message
    #   [broadcastjson] broadcast json message
    #   [geffect] play an effect for every player
    #   [gsound] play a sound for every player
   - ' [command ] say party starting in 10 seconds'
    - ' [broadcastjson ] { "text": "party starting soon!" }'
    # name of this list
      # since there can be multiple lists, each one needs a unique priority
: 1
      # worlds this list is available in
     - world
      - world_nether
      # optional entry to require players have a permission node to access this list
      # as we have multiple lists, this high priority list will require a permission to obtain
      # rewards from it...
      # here we have separate rewards inside of this vip list
        #we will call this "100votes because players will need at least 100 votes to obtain rewards here"
          # the amount of votes vip players need to access these rewards
: 100
          # actions to perform for players who are getting these rewards when the party starts
          # the magical rewards
            # every reward in this list needs a unique name
              # all reward chances combined should equal 100.00
              # the more amount of chance, the higher probability to get that reward
              # if total amount of chance does not equal 100, there will be a chance to not get anything
: 50
              # actions to perform for reward "one"
             - ' [command ] eco give @p 1000'
              - ' [command ] give @p diamond 64'
: 20
             - ' [command ] eco give @p 10000'
              - ' [command ] give @p diamond 128'
: 30
             - ' [command ] eco give @p 12500'
: 50
         - ' [command ] give @p 50'
          - ' [message ] you get rewards from a special list for voting over 50 times!'
          - ' [effect ] helix'
         - ' [message ] The party is now over : )'
: 2
: 50
             - ' [command ] eco give @p 500'
              - ' [command ] give @p diamond 32'
: 20
             - ' [command ] eco give @p 5000'
              - ' [command ] give @p diamond 64'
: 30
             - ' [command ] eco give @p 6250'  
: 1
         - ' [command ] give @p 50'
          - ' [message ] You get normal rewards!'
          - ' [effect ] helix'
         - ' [message ] The party is now over : )'
: 1
: 100.0
             - ' [command ] eco give @p 500'
: 2
: 100
         - ' [command ] give @p 100'
          - ' [message ] you get rewards from a special list for voting over 100 times!'
          - ' [effect ] helix'
         - ' [message ] The party is now over : )'
: 3
: false
: 50
             - ' [command ] eco give @p 1000'
              - ' [command ] give @p diamond 64'
: 20
             - ' [command ] eco give @p 10000'
              - ' [command ] give @p diamond 128'
: 30
             - ' [command ] eco give @p 12500'
: 50
         - ' [command ] give @p 50'
          - ' [message ] you get rewards from a special list for voting over 50 times!'
          - ' [effect ] helix'
         - ' [message ] The party is now over : )'
: 2
: 50
             - ' [command ] eco give @p 500'
              - ' [command ] give @p diamond 32'
: 20
             - ' [command ] eco give @p 5000'
              - ' [command ] give @p diamond 64'
: 30
             - ' [command ] eco give @p 6250'  
: 1
         - ' [command ] give @p 50'
          - ' [message ] You get normal rewards!'
          - ' [effect ] helix'
         - ' [message ] The party is now over : )'
: 1
: 100.0
             - ' [command ] eco give @p 500'
----------, Feb 1, 2016


An exploit has been discovered where players can somehow spam fake votes and these votes would be counted towards the voteparty counter. I have disabled the ability to count votes towards the counter if the player voting is not online.
----------, Jun 6, 2015


Added pre party start command list and toggle option.

Removed the built in scoreboard system (for now) Don't update if you would like to continue using the VoteParty scoreboard that pops up when a player votes. This option will return in the future but for now it has been removed to fix compatibility issues with other plugins and also increase efficiency. Plugin runs 100x better without it!

Removed option which requires players must vote to participate as it was broken since votes reset on server stop / start of new party cycle. This system will also return in the next version but votes will be tracked and stored in a database. The system coming in the next version will also allow rewards depending on how many times a player votes!

Removed and cleaned up tons of useless code that was hanging around and wasn't needed. This reduced the plugin size and also improved efficiency by a lot!

Here is the updated config:

Code (Text):
# VoteParty 1.4 configuration file
check_updates: true
  total_votes_needed_for_party: 30
  max_possible_rewards_per_player: 150
  start_delay_in_seconds: 10
  use_no_luck_commands: false
  allow_duplicate_no_luck_commands: false
  max_no_luck_commands: 1
  - eco give @p 100
  - give @p diamond 6
  - give @p iron_ingot 12
  reward_command_delay: 1
  - give @p emerald_block 64;4
  - give @p diamond_block 64;4
  - give @p emerald_block 64;4
  - give @p diamond_block 64;4
  - give @p emerald_block 64;4
  - give @p diamond_block 64;4
  - give @p emerald_block 64;4
  use_global_pre_party_start_commands: true
  - broadcast Party will start soon!
  use_global_party_start_commands: false
  - broadcast Party Starting!
  - save-all
    enabled: true
    - flames
    - hearts
    enabled: true
    - glyph
    - hearts
    enabled: true
    - smoke
    - hearts
  use_crate: false
  material_or_id: 33
  data: 7
  displayname: '&b&lVote&f&lParty &7Crate'
  - '&aPlace me &e:)'
  broadcast_vote_recieved: false
  vote_recieved: '&8&l[&b&lVote&f&lParty&8&l] &f%player% &ajust voted for the server
    at &f%service%&a! &f%votes% &amore votes needed until a VoteParty!'
  broadcast_party_start: true
  party_broadcast: '&8&l[&b&lVote&f&lParty&8&l] &bA &eVoteParty &bwill begin in &f&l%delay%
  crate_added_to_inventory: '&8&l[&b&lVote&f&lParty&8&l] &bA reward crate has been
    added to your inventory!'
  no_reward: '&8&l[&b&lVote&f&lParty&8&l] &cAww you didn''t get any rewards this time!'
  did_not_vote: '&8&l[&b&lVote&f&lParty&8&l] &cYou didn''t vote to be able to participate
    in this VoteParty!'
  reward: '&8&l[&b&lVote&f&lParty&8&l] &bYour vote rewards have been applied!'
    voteparty: '&8&l[&b&lVote&f&lParty&8&l] &bVotes needed for party: &f%votes%'
    give_crate: '&8&l[&b&lVote&f&lParty&8&l] &bYou just got %amount% VoteCrate(s)'
    private_party: '&8&l[&b&lVote&f&lParty&8&l] &eEnjoy your personal VoteParty!'
    ignore_toggle_on: '&8&l[&b&lVote&f&lParty&8&l] &7You will no longer participate
      in VoteParties!'
    ignore_toggle_off: '&8&l[&b&lVote&f&lParty&8&l] &aYou will now participate in
  enabled: false
  max_possible_rewards: 1
  - eco give @p 10;0
  - give @p steak 8;0
  enabled: true
  - aa announce 1 &cOnly %votes% more votes until a VoteParty!
save: 30

This will be the last update to the 1.x version of VoteParty. I plan on releasing 2.0 sometime which will include many enhanced options such as vote tracking, rewards based on your votes, improved scoreboard integration, holograms, and much more!

Fixed errors that a few users were having due to rewards not being setup correctly.
----------, May 11, 2015

Fixed "fallback rewards" throwing errors when used.

This version contains both 1.8 and 1.7.10 jar files

Use the jar file for your server version.

You should not get this error anymore:
Code (Text):
[15:20:42 WARN]: [VoteParty] Task #574 for VoteParty v1.3.4.2 generated an excep
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: n must be positive
        at java.util.Random.nextInt(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_51]
        at me.clip.voteparty.PartyCommandHandler.issuePartyReward(PartyCommandHa ~[?:?]
        at me.clip.voteparty.PartyCommandHandler$
204) ~[?:?]
:71) ~[Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-1.7.9-R0.2-208-ge0f2e95]
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHea
rtbeat( [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-1.7.9-R0.2-208-ge0f2e95]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.MinecraftServer.v(
41) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-1.7.9-R0.2-208-ge0f2e95]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.DedicatedServer.v(
89) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-1.7.9-R0.2-208-ge0f2e95]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.MinecraftServer.u(
84) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-1.7.9-R0.2-208-ge0f2e95]
:490) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-1.7.9-R0.2-208-ge0f2e95]
28) [Spigot.jar:git-Spigot-1.7.9-R0.2-208-ge0f2e95]
----------, Jan 10, 2015
This update contains 2 .jar files

Use with Spigot 1.8.x

Use on Bukkit 1.7.10/Spigot 1.7.10-1.8 protocol hack

The VoteParty-Bukkit-1.7.10.jar does not contain any effects aside from fireworks!

The effects class was wrote for Spigot 1.8 and I am not going to rewrite it or attempt to make it compatible for 1.7.10.
The 1.7.10 version does contain all VoteParty features aside from that :) changelog

added /vp ignore command to ignore participating in VoteParties.

Requires permission voteparty.ignore to use.

----------, Jan 7, 2015
This version is experimental.

I have adjusted the reward system in an attempt to prevent players from not getting rewards during a VoteParty and the fallback rewards should now not be needed. Keep in mind, this system depends on how you setup your rewards, if you have all rewards set to a very high chance, it is likely you will not get anything depending on what you set the max_rewards_per_player.

No major changes have been made aside from the rewards system but this is to be considered experimental as I changed a few major things with how rewards are given. Please report any feedback you may have.
----------, Jan 1, 2015

Added a few new config options to allow you to reward players from a "no luck commands" list if they do not get a reward from the VoteParty commands.

These commands do not require a chance to be set to them, just simply add all the no luck commands in the list.

Code (Text):
  use_no_luck_commands: true
  allow_duplicate_no_luck_commands: false
  max_no_luck_commands: 2
  - eco give @p 100
  - give @p diamond 6
  - give @p iron_ingot 12
----------, Dec 24, 2014

Fixed the "fireworks" effect not working.
Also adjusted all other effects to not spam your screen.
I will be working more on these effects to add animations and other cool visuals soon!
----------, Dec 24, 2014

This update has a feature that was requested and I thought it was a good idea too :)

Added new config section to execute commands on vote!

This can be useful if you want to send a Title with your title plugin, or ActionBar announcement with your actionbar plugin :)

Code (Text):
  enabled: true
  - broadcast Only %votes% more votes until a VoteParty!
You can use the following placeholders in the on_vote_global_commands section:

player who voted

amount of votes until a party start

amount the counter is set to when it is reset

amount of votes received in the current VoteParty cycle

The website that was voted on
----------, Dec 4, 2014

Updated to the Spigot 1.8 API.

Only use 1.3 or higher if you are running Spigot 1.8!

Changed config around a bit.

Added new experimental effects: section in the config to display cool effects at certain times!
List as many effects you want!

Code (Text):
    enabled: true
    - flames
    - hearts
    enabled: true
    - glyph
    - hearts
    enabled: true
    - smoke
    - hearts
I am still working on tweaking all the effects and will hopefully have a set in stone list ready the next update.

So far these are all the effects you may use:
Code (Text):
I am still adding to this list and also tweaking the look of each effect. Let me know what you think!
----------, Nov 30, 2014

This version should fix compatibility issues with other plugins that utilize the scoreboard ex: HealthBar.
It should now revert back to the old scoreboard when the VoteParty scoreboard is removed.

Made sure update checking features are optional!

Adjusted the default config to not give players 500 dollars in the per_vote_rewards section!

Improvements to many internals that should increase performance!

Let me know if you have any issues!
----------, Nov 26, 2014
This version contains many small bugfixes and one uncommon error where chance would break for reward commands in your per vote rewards.
----------, Nov 12, 2014
This version adds a new config option to disable the SpigotMC update checking feature.

There were reports of some server hangs on startup when SpigotMC could not be reached to check for updates.

This update adds a config option to disable update checking if you do not want VoteParty to check if you are running the latest version.
----------, Nov 10, 2014
Added per vote reward options in the config.yml!

This has the same reward system as a VoteParty as far as chance and max_rewards

the format for reward_commands is:

setting chance to 0 will always give the player the item if it is randomly selected!

Code (Text):
  enabled: true
  max_possible_rewards: 1
  - eco give @p 500;0
  - give @p diamond 2;0
  - give @p steak 8;0
Also cleaned up some code and updated the API
----------, Nov 4, 2014

This version adds a new version checking feature that will let you know if an update is available when your server is started to ensure you stay up to date with all the latest VoteParty additions! also includes code optimization and a few small bug fixes!
----------, Oct 28, 2014

This version adds a new placeholder for messages:

%votesreceived% - shows the amount of votes received in the current VoteParty cycle.

This can be useful if you want to show the counter in the /vp message like so:

VoteParty Votes needed for party: 5/10

This placeholder will count up each vote until it reaches the votes needed to start a party!

This also adds a method in the VoteParty API to get the current votes received!

----------, Oct 21, 2014

This version should fix this error:
----------, Oct 19, 2014

This update should fix any problems where the VoteCounter would go below 0...

I added some additional checks to ensure this doesn't happen if you were
to set the saved counter to a negative number, also if the total_votes_needed is negative when the plugin is loaded/reloaded

----------, Oct 11, 2014

This version adjusts the internal working of the VoteParty to allow a party to be started with no party commands listed. This can be used if you want another plugjn to handle the rewards by setting the reward command from another plugin in the global party start commands.

In previous versions the global party start commands would not be executed if there were no paety commands listed. This was set to prevent voteparties that resulted in not giving rewards because the rewards were not setup.
----------, Oct 10, 2014

This update adds 2 new options to the config.yml

Code (Text):
  use_global_party_start_commands: true
  - broadcast Party Starting!
  - save-all
This runs commands globally when a party starts. There are no placeholders available for global_party_start_commands..
----------, Sep 30, 2014


This update fixes an error that would occur when using /vp reload when the VoteParty scoreboard is being displayed.

This version also contains a fix to properly send the rewards message after all rewards have been given to a player when a command delay is used. instead of sending as soon as the commands start to be executed for the player.
----------, Sep 29, 2014

This should fix any errors you may have gotten when players logout!
----------, Sep 21, 2014

This version should fix errors when players leave the server.
----------, Sep 20, 2014

This update fixes the /vp reload command.

In previous versions /vp reload would always update the current vote counter to the total_votes_needed_for_party. In 1.2.1 the vote counter will only be modified when using /vp reload if the total_votes_needed_for_party has changed.

This update also allows you to show the scoreboard permanently.
If you would like to enable the scoreboard to always be shown, simply set the display_time: to 0.
----------, Sep 19, 2014

1.2 contains a few important bugfixes that I have encountered while testing VoteParty.
This update also includes many improvements internally!

  • Fixed VoteParty removing a players non-VoteParty scoreboard when the VoteParty scoreboard has already been removed due to another plugin setting/updating the sidebar scoreboard before the VoteParty scoreboard remove timer is finished(ex: InfoBoard, EZRanksLite)

  • Fixed issue where /vp reload would not reset the vote counter to the value defined in the config under total_votes_needed_for_party:, instead it would always set the counter to the last vote counter that was saved if a vote counter has been saved before.

  • Fixed (potential) problems with tasks not being cancelled properly when the server is stopped/plugin is disabled. This should prevent memory leaks/future bugs.

  • In 1.2 I also organized/modified the entire code structure to allow myself more flexibility and organization when adding new features, or modifying/removing existing features.
This version has been tested since sunday with no problems so far. As always, if you happen to find a problem, or have a suggestion, let me know!
----------, Sep 17, 2014

This update fixes the vote broadcast message showing 0 when it should show the value you define when the VoteParty cycle starts over.
----------, Sep 12, 2014

This is a small update that fixes the last version introducing the reward command delay.

The previous version would only delay 1 time and execute all commands. This version will delay each command so they are executed x seconds apart if players happen to have multiple commands executed.
----------, Sep 10, 2014

This update adds a new config option to set a delay (in seconds) when the reward commands are executed!

If you choose to not use this, set reward_command_delay: 0
----------, Sep 10, 2014

This update fixes a few small bugs and also adds a new option to shoot fireworks above a player when they vote!
----------, Sep 2, 2014

This update adds a few options you can set in the config.yml to customize VoteParty a bit more:

Code (Text):
  player_must_vote_to_participate: true
  messages.did_not_vote: '&8&l[&b&lVote&f&lParty&8&l] &cYou didn''t vote to be able to participate
    in this VoteParty!'
Setting this to true will require any player who is online to have voted at least 1 time to be able to participate in the current VoteParty.
If they did not vote and a party begins, they will recieve the did_not_vote message.
(This does not affect the /vp startparty command)
Players will only be checked if the counter reaches 0 and a party is started.
This list of voters resets every time a counter based (not command based) VoteParty is completed.

Code (Text):
  broadcast_vote_recieved: true
  vote_recieved: '&8&l[&b&lVote&f&lParty&8&l] &f%player% &ajust voted for the server
    at &f%service%&a! &f%votes% &amore votes needed until a VoteParty!'
Setting this to true will send a broadcast when every vote is recieved. You can use the placeholder %player% to display the player who voted, %service% to display what site they voted on, and %votes% to display how many more votes are needed until a VoteParty begins.
----------, Sep 1, 2014

This should fix problems where if scoreboard is enabled, the tab list would show weird things...
----------, Aug 29, 2014

This version adds a new API class to allow you to hook into VoteParty and get the current VoteParty stats.

This is useful for servers who may have a custom scoreboard plugin and want to display VoteParty stats on it, rather than using the built in scoreboard features that VoteParty offers.

Here is an example of how you can use it:
----------, Aug 29, 2014

This update fixes a small problem where when no players are online and a vote is received, an error would occur due to the scoreboard trying to update with no players online.
----------, Aug 28, 2014

This is just a bugfix update. The /vp reload command was not updating to the new scoreboard settings from the config.yml if the scoreboard section was modified and reloaded.
----------, Aug 27, 2014

This version adds a new section in the config.yml

Code (Text):
  enabled: true
  display_time: 5
  title: '&bVote&fParty'
  message: '&eVotes needed'
The scoreboard will only appear when a player votes for the server, and only for the amount of seconds you specify. It also features a seamless system to prevent flickering completely, and also adjusts the display_time in a very efficient way when votes are coming in fast!
You can also change the look of the scoreboard too!

I also adjusted all of the default messages and added few other options in the config.yml

If you are upgrading from 1.0.1 it is (recommended) but not required, that you delete/regenerate the config.yml!
----------, Aug 27, 2014

This small update fixes a few errors I noticed while playing around with VoteParty.

This update also adds a config option that allows you to specify a delay when a party starts to allow players to have enough time to make sure they have room in their inventory to get their rewards!
----------, Aug 26, 2014

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,939
First Release: Aug 26, 2014
Last Update: Jun 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
142 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings