This update adds a few options you can set in the config.yml to customize VoteParty a bit more:
Code (Text):
player_must_vote_to_participate: true
messages.did_not_vote: '&8&l[&b&lVote&f&lParty&8&l] &cYou didn''t vote to be able to participate
in this VoteParty!'
Setting this to true will require any player who is online to have voted at least 1 time to be able to participate in the current VoteParty.
If they did not vote and a party begins, they will recieve the did_not_vote message.
(This does not affect the /vp startparty command)
Players will only be checked if the counter reaches 0 and a party is started.
This list of voters resets every time a counter based (not command based) VoteParty is completed.
Code (Text):
broadcast_vote_recieved: true
vote_recieved: '&8&l[&b&lVote&f&lParty&8&l] &f%player% &ajust voted for the server
at &f%service%&a! &f%votes% &amore votes needed until a VoteParty!'
Setting this to true will send a broadcast when every vote is recieved. You can use the placeholder %player% to display the player who voted, %service% to display what site they voted on, and %votes% to display how many more votes are needed until a VoteParty begins.