VoteParty [New Vote Reminders & NuVotifier Bungee Support] [All-In-One Voting Plugin] [30% Sale] icon

VoteParty [New Vote Reminders & NuVotifier Bungee Support] [All-In-One Voting Plugin] [30% Sale] -----

Vote Rewards, Cumulative Voting, Parties, Leaderboards, Crates, Bungee, Reminders, and more! 1.8+

New Commands! New Features!
Good Afternoon,

It is my pleasure to bring you a new update to VoteParty. I first off wanted to express my appreciation to everyone for their patience on how long updates have taken recently, I am finishing my last semester of my undergrad in college and I've had literally no time to work on stuff outside of school.

Alright, let's get into the update.

A massive shoutout to @BlitzGamer88 for his support with some of these features coming into this update.

Username Regex Verification
Disabled by default to prevent any conflicts with current production servers, you can now (enable and configure in the config) a system that is designed to match usernames passed from voting websites to NuVotifier and then to VoteParty. If a username does not match what a typical Minecraft username would look like (i.e. D!nnerbone, Notch$), you can tell VoteParty to discard the vote and prevent doing any lookup logic for that player.


New /vp addvote command

This command will take over the old one and the old one has been renamed to addpartyvote. The old command will no longer take a player as a parameter since this can be done with the new command now.

The new command has a few parameters and looks something like this:
/voteparty addvote <player> <silent> [amount]
This feature comes due to amount of requests the plugin has had to allow adding votes to a player without giving them rewards.

Parties Tracker + Placeholders

This stores each party when it happens in a new file called parties.json. It stores them the same way votes are stored: by their timestamps. This way people can use placeholders to see how many parties triggered in the past day, week, month, year, and the total/alltime.

So, just like votes, we now have placeholders formatted like %voteparty_totalparties_TYPE% (daily, weekly, monthly, annually, all-time). These will be added to the wiki so you can see more about it.

Hope you enjoy these updates and have a wonderful day,
----------, Oct 22, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,956
First Release: Aug 26, 2014
Last Update: Jun 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
144 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings