VoteParty [New Vote Reminders & NuVotifier Bungee Support] [All-In-One Voting Plugin] [30% Sale] icon

VoteParty [New Vote Reminders & NuVotifier Bungee Support] [All-In-One Voting Plugin] [30% Sale] -----

Vote Rewards, Cumulative Voting, Parties, Leaderboards, Crates, Bungee, Reminders, and more! 1.8+

Performance Improvement

- This update is the result of a conversation with the library author of the command system that VoteParty uses. Up until now, the command library was looping through all online players to get their client locale. While this isn't very intensive, it was adding up. After reports of it taking up to 1% of a tick on the main thread when a server ~300 players online, I decided to reach out and they fixed this. I've had the same server that initially reported this confirm the issue no longer exists.
----------, Aug 31, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,956
First Release: Aug 26, 2014
Last Update: Jun 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
144 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings