Virtual Realty - Easy Plots and Advanced World Protection icon

Virtual Realty - Easy Plots and Advanced World Protection -----

Easy Plot Creation, Protection and Management with Shared Plots, too!

Change Log:
- Updated to 1.21.4, this version may not work below 1.21.4
- Implemented existing premium addon for player GUI within the plugin, now included in the base plugin
----------, Jan 9, 2025

That's pretty much it! This version adds support for Minecraft 1.21.1
----------, Sep 1, 2024

This update fixes which was causing the plugin to throw an error in certain conditions.

Remember, if you find any problems you can either flag them up in our Github issue tracker or our Discord
----------, Jul 5, 2024

Yeah so our dev forgot to switch off the debug messages!

This release will correct that minor oversight while he spends some time in the corner thinking about what he did!
----------, Jun 25, 2024

As the title says, adds support for 1.20.6 and 1.21 Minecraft!

Plus some minor bug fixes added in for good measure.
----------, Jun 24, 2024

This release adds 1.20.4 support plus:

Players can now use the /plot leave command to not only remove themselves as members of other people's plots, but also to abandon their own plots they no longer want!

(Don't worry, it tells them when they're doing it for their own plot and asks them to confirm that they wish to proceed before actually removing them as the plot owner and clearing any other members from it)

There's also some more performance tuning improvements thrown in for good measure!

Have a great 2024 Everyone!
----------, Dec 31, 2023

We've got a whole bunch of performance enhancements which greatly improve on the resource usage as well as:

1. Player being notified when a plot lease is due to expire
2. Allowing owners to TP to an expired plot so they can renew it easily
3. Plot members can now remove themselves from plots they are added to

Awesome, right? :D
----------, Nov 25, 2023

This is a fix to 1.20.2-related errors that were cropping up due to NBTAPI updating. Plot claims were placing but throwing a console error and leaving a 'draft' claim item in the player's inventory, this has now been resolved.
----------, Nov 21, 2023

A user recently reported that the commands.yml command and help text aliasing wasn't functioning fully for the language changes they needed to make.

This version corrects that and also ensure the autocomplete reflects the aliased commands as well!
----------, Nov 2, 2023

As usual, it does exactly what it says on the tin.

Supports 1.20.2
----------, Oct 17, 2023

As usual, it does exactly what it says on the tin.

Supports 1.20.1 along with some minor bugfixes.

If you are running the GUI add-on, please make sure to upgrade to this latest release.
----------, Jun 27, 2023

Does exactly what it says on the tin.

Supports 1.19.3
----------, Dec 15, 2022

No more /plot draft and /plot stake - It's all in the action, baby!

Click for 'Claim Mode'
Now you need only action the plot claim item you are holding to enter 'Claim Mode' (right-click) and depending on whether you are in open land, an existing available plot, or one you already lease, you can:
Or extend the lease
simply by using up the claim item (left-click) and typing 'YES' to confirm and complete!

Not only, but also...
The /plot kick and /plot add commands now show the relevant members/plots in the suggestions list, plus boundary display and plot remove/restore both see performance improvements AND grass spread and leaf decay inside plots has been fixed!

And finally...
Placing/breaking blocks along the boundary line of '--natural' plots has been fixed, too!

You are so very welcome :cool:

(Big shout-out to our awesome dev Plytki!)
----------, Dec 7, 2022

Yes, Folks you read all those 'P' words right!

Player Plot Placement Permissions
With this release you can exclude or include particular Worlds, allowing you to limit which worlds you want your players to be able to place their plots in. But what is more, it doesn't stop you as Admin from placing plots in these worlds and then any that are marked as available can then be claimed by players with Plot Claim Items of the same size type if you so wish!

More Mob Prevention
We've added in another option for disabling those pesky mobs from spawning inside plots and areas. Previously it was just for Monster mobs but we spotted that some PIA mobs, like Slime aren't classed as Monster mobs but are definitely hostile!

So now you can set the config so that no mobs are permitted to spawn inside plots and areas, problem solved!

You're Welcome!:D
----------, Oct 21, 2022

Pleased to bring you some super new features in this release utilising the Plot Claim Item!

Plot Lease Extension

Now your players can extend the lease on their plots by simply standing inside a plot they own, while holding a Plot Claim Item of the same size type (e.g. Small, Medium or Large) and by executing the usual /plot draft and subsequent /plot stake command, they will be asked if they wish to extend the lease of the current existing plot by the number of days the Plot Claim Item is set for!

Plot Assignment
Using the same method as described above, but when standing inside an Available plot, they will be asked if they wish to assign the current existing plot to themselves, ensuring a lively real-estate development and acquisition process!

This means that now Plot Claim Items can be used by players to create new plots in the world, to extend their leases or to take ownership of an existing plot which is marked as 'Available' :cool:

Command Aliasing and Multi-Language Enhancements
Inside the commands.yml you will now find the ability to completely rename all the player and admin-level commands to suit your own needs or language preference.

Oh and one minor additional change is that we have set permission defaults to always allows players to interact with NPCs and Entities when in plots they don't own. We couldn't think of a reason why there'd be a need to prevent that. :)

Remember, you can always join us in our discord server if you need any help or assistance!
----------, Sep 15, 2022

Just a minor feature improvement this one.
We spotted that when granting players our handy-dandy Plot Claim Item there wasn't any response message displaying on either delivery or failure, which can be frustrating, so we've just added them.

Now when you grant a player a plot item and it succeeds in adding it to their inventory both you and the player see a confirmation message. Likewise, if it can't be delivered due to lack of space in the player's inventory, or they are offline you are given a heads-up about that, too!

Nice :)
----------, Aug 23, 2022

This update is only really needed if you're running a pre-1.13 Minecraft server as it corrects a few bugs and improves on material definitions for defined plots. But otherwise if you prefer to be running the latest plugin version regardless, feel free to install it on later versions, too.

Back soon with more feature additions, though! (y)
----------, Jul 22, 2022

This update is just squishing a teeny tiny bug one of our users noticed in their 1.19 install.

----------, Jun 14, 2022

This update just sorts a few minor bugs and you're also good to go on upgrading your server to 1.19!

That's it. We'll get back to work designing and planning for some awesome new big-hitter features scheduled for coming releases :D
----------, Jun 9, 2022

First up, we added a new option to the config.yml - the ability to disable hostile mobs from naturally spawning in plots/areas!
That's right, how freaking cool is that? Now your players can rest easy on their plots and your protected areas, without the need to have to fill every dark area with lights.

Second up, we've added a 'Doors' open/close permission!
This allows you and your plot owners to set whether members or visitors to plots or areas can open or close its doors, giving lots of possibilities for creating secure or exclusive-access to rooms or buildings.

Thirds up, extra protections!
We've realised that if you've got permissions set to prevent players from placing/breaking blocks within a plot/area, you probably don't want them being able to damage anything else, too. So we've now included the following items/entities for protection from damage, too:
  • Farmland/crops
  • Paintings
  • Item Frames
  • Armour Stands
  • Flowers in Flower Pots

Oh, and we also prevent Smithing table, Cartography table and Loom access when Item Access is disabled for members/non-members!

All in, a veritable smorgasbord of handy-dandy improvements to this superb plugin! (plus a handful of teeny-tiny super-minor issues we spotted but we won't bore you with those) :p
----------, May 24, 2022

Following on from our EPIC V2 update, we've decided to make the Plot Claim Item-related features part of the free base plugin suite of functions.
(The super-cool player GUI is still a paid feature though :cool:)

We have also:

Put safety first!
Added an "Are you sure?" stop-check on the removal of plots to reduce the chances of accidental deletion (we've also included a handy-dandy '-y' flag for those occasions when you genuinely want to delete a whole bunch of plots and don't fancy having to manually confirm each one :p)

Added debug info
To help you raise a support ticket even easier, we've added the command:
/vrplot debug
Which will help you provide us with the relevant installation info so we can best help to resolve any technical issue you may have (y)

Enhanced the 'Area' plot type creation
So that you can make super-large 'Area' plots (those non-destructive ones for protecting world assets like spawns or land), we've removed the 500 block size limit and also set the visual 3-axis marker to only display as far as your client's view distance is set, to ensure the best performance when doing so! (Pro-tip: the Dynmap integration really helps when placing large areas like these)
----------, Mar 18, 2022

Super-excited to bring you this all-new V2! :D

Natural Plots

Now you can create plots without floor or border materials, where the natural terrain remains unchanged (with the usual saved schema for the 'remove' command to later restore it back to its natural beauty even if built on!)

Protected Areas
Do you have existing areas in your world with features you want to protect or stop plots from being placed within? Using the new plot size called 'Area' it will, non-destructively, define the given plot as a protected area where you can even set specific permissions for your players when they enter it, so they can, for example, activate levers or doors, but not place or break blocks!
(the 'Area' plot does not save a schema so its removal will not delete the structures within) :cool:

Visual 3-Axis marker
When creating plots, you will now see a 3-axis boundary marker displayed for several seconds, showing the full 3d layout of its boundaries.

Plot Claim Item
Now you have a plethora of options for how you distribute plots within your world, through creating them yourself or by way of issuing your players with Plot Claim Items so they can go out into your world and stake their claim where they choose! You define the plot specifications, including how long it will be leased for (optional) when it is created and then easily distribute/sell/lease/trade/award these claims to your players through any third-party plugin capable of issuing console commands. (e.g. Shopkeepers/Quests/Autorank)
Using the new '/plot draft' command while holding a Plot Claim, your players will be shown the visual 3-axis marker of where the new plot would be placed, once they are happy with its location they create the plot with the new '/plot stake' command, thereby using up the plot claim item. They can even sell, trade or gift unused plot claim items to other players!

Player-level GUI
Let your players easily view and manage their plots with this handy panel. From being able to activate the visual field at will and tp to any of their plots with the click of an icon, as well as hover-on plot info, they gain access to a fully flexible array of permission options for each plot, non-members entering the plot AND each member of each plot o_O YES! Truly granular permission capabilities! ( Requires GUI license key)

All this and we've thrown in a whole bunch of command-line help and assistance, while also fixing some small bugs we'd spotted, but that's just between you and me ;)

Do join us in our discord server if you need any help or assistance!
----------, Mar 8, 2022

As the title says, this release sees support for the latest 1.18 version of Minecraft :)

(We also fix an issue found on piston expansion in legacy versions, too!)
----------, Dec 26, 2021

This version brings the following enhancements:

Improved world protection
When using the
Code (Text):
it now prevents spawning entities and manipulation of item frames, glow item frames and armour stands

Added an option to show plot id using %plot_id% in messages file

So that you can display the plot ID number to the player when they enter/exit the plot, for example

Change of DB from H2 to SQLITE

For improved performance and smaller file size
----------, Nov 21, 2021

Um, yeah, about that - whoops it seems the last update had a tendency to overwrite the config.yml back to the installation defaults, which is fine if you haven't changed anything but something of an issue if you have!

Apologies, but here's the fix for that!

----------, Sep 25, 2021

As the title says, just a little fix to include gamemode switching for members of a plot to automatically switch into the default plot gamemode as specified in the config.yml when they enter it.

Also, we reworded the previous config.yml line 'force-plot-gamemode':
# Set forced change to plot gamemode when players enter their plot
to be a little clearer on what it does by changing it 'lock-plot-gamemode' instead:
#Lock gamemode to plot default when player enters their plot (disables '/plot gm' command)
----------, Sep 23, 2021

As the title says, this update adds multi-language support to the plugin's messages!
(let us know if you need your local language added to the /messages folder)
Code (Text):
# Set your wanted language (locale)
locale: en_GB
As requested as recently as yesterday, now your plot owners can add other players as plot members with permission to build, too!
All included in the player-level /plot command
----------, Sep 22, 2021

This feature was requested by a user just after we released the 1.5.0 version so we're putting it out now rather than waiting for the next update :)

As the title says, Virtual Realty now includes additional protection inside plots for entities such as item frames, glow item frames and armour stands, as well as protection from arrows and other projectiles.
----------, Sep 19, 2021

As the title says, this release brings integration into your Dynmap page to give you the option to highlight Virtual Realty plots and be able to click on them to show their ID number and ownership information.
You can even specify which highlight colours to use and what type of plot to highlight:
Code (Text):
# Enables dynmap plots highlighting
enable-dynmap-markers: true
# Choose which type of plots should be highlighted on Dynmap page | Choose from: { ALL, AVAILABLE, OWNED }
dynmap-type: ALL
    color: '#80eb34'
    opacity: 0.3
    color: '#ffbf00'
    opacity: 0.45
Plot creation has been optimized for improved performance and the text now includes the PlotID number for easy reference

We also added the option to have a sound on plot enter/exit!
Code (Text):
# Enables plots enter/leave sounds
plot-sounds: true
Note: If you missed the 1.4.0 update and are now updating to this version, please be aware of the additional features and yml variables that were introduced, read all about it here:
----------, Sep 17, 2021

This update adds full support for Java 16 and also includes a minor bug fix on custom plot creation where unspecified floor material was spawning Grass instead of Grass_Block.

Note: If you missed the 1.4.0 update and are now updating to this version, please be aware of the additional features and yml variables that were introduced, read all about it here:
----------, Sep 8, 2021

As the title says, this release sees four new features added:

Border Material Variables
The sizes.yml file now has border-material name and variation number setting to allow for specifying the border block type

User-level commands
/plot list
/plot tp [plotid]
Where /vrplot is an admin-level tool for managing every aspect of plot creation and assignments, your users can now view their actively-owned plots and tp to them, simply by using the /plot command

Set Limitations on Building Locations*
The config.yml now has a new option 'allow-outplot-build' line which is set to be true or false to grant players the permission, or otherwise, to build outside their defined plot

Optional switchable or forced game mode change*
The config.yml now has three new options to dictate if and how the game mode is to change when the player enters their plot:
# Set player gamemode to change when they enter their plot
enable-plot-gamemode: false
# Set which gamemode players change to when they enter their plot default-plot-gamemode: SURVIVAL
# Set forced change to plot gamemode when players enter their plot
force-plot-gamemode: false

*Important note - your old config.yml has been saved to config.yml.old and replaced with a new config.yml with the above new line options added - be sure to check their settings are correct for your needs!
----------, Sep 2, 2021

As the title says, this release sees two new functions added:

'TP to' function
/vrplot tp [plotid]
Ops can quickly teleport to a plot in the plot list by just specifying its PlotID number

'Info Click' function
When viewing the plot list (/vrplot list) simply click on any plot line and the info for that plot will be displayed

You're welcome! :)
----------, Aug 25, 2021

As the title says, this addresses some issues which could have been encountered with the required H2 db storing the plot details, with it now compiled within the plugin instead.

----------, Aug 24, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,638
First Release: Aug 23, 2021
Last Update: Jan 9, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings