Virtual Realty - Easy Plots and Advanced World Protection icon

Virtual Realty - Easy Plots and Advanced World Protection -----

Easy Plot Creation, Protection and Management with Shared Plots, too!

2.1.0 Now with enhanced performance, more free features and plot separation options
Following on from our EPIC V2 update, we've decided to make the Plot Claim Item-related features part of the free base plugin suite of functions.
(The super-cool player GUI is still a paid feature though :cool:)

We have also:

Put safety first!
Added an "Are you sure?" stop-check on the removal of plots to reduce the chances of accidental deletion (we've also included a handy-dandy '-y' flag for those occasions when you genuinely want to delete a whole bunch of plots and don't fancy having to manually confirm each one :p)

Added debug info
To help you raise a support ticket even easier, we've added the command:
/vrplot debug
Which will help you provide us with the relevant installation info so we can best help to resolve any technical issue you may have (y)

Enhanced the 'Area' plot type creation
So that you can make super-large 'Area' plots (those non-destructive ones for protecting world assets like spawns or land), we've removed the 500 block size limit and also set the visual 3-axis marker to only display as far as your client's view distance is set, to ensure the best performance when doing so! (Pro-tip: the Dynmap integration really helps when placing large areas like these)
----------, Mar 18, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,638
First Release: Aug 23, 2021
Last Update: Jan 9, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings