Virtual Realty - Easy Plots and Advanced World Protection icon

Virtual Realty - Easy Plots and Advanced World Protection -----

Easy Plot Creation, Protection and Management with Shared Plots, too!

2.2.0 Now with even more world and plot protections!
First up, we added a new option to the config.yml - the ability to disable hostile mobs from naturally spawning in plots/areas!
That's right, how freaking cool is that? Now your players can rest easy on their plots and your protected areas, without the need to have to fill every dark area with lights.

Second up, we've added a 'Doors' open/close permission!
This allows you and your plot owners to set whether members or visitors to plots or areas can open or close its doors, giving lots of possibilities for creating secure or exclusive-access to rooms or buildings.

Thirds up, extra protections!
We've realised that if you've got permissions set to prevent players from placing/breaking blocks within a plot/area, you probably don't want them being able to damage anything else, too. So we've now included the following items/entities for protection from damage, too:
  • Farmland/crops
  • Paintings
  • Item Frames
  • Armour Stands
  • Flowers in Flower Pots

Oh, and we also prevent Smithing table, Cartography table and Loom access when Item Access is disabled for members/non-members!

All in, a veritable smorgasbord of handy-dandy improvements to this superb plugin! (plus a handful of teeny-tiny super-minor issues we spotted but we won't bore you with those) :p
----------, May 24, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,638
First Release: Aug 23, 2021
Last Update: Jan 9, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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