Virtual Realty - Easy Plots and Advanced World Protection icon

Virtual Realty - Easy Plots and Advanced World Protection -----

Easy Plot Creation, Protection and Management with Shared Plots, too!

1.4.0 Now with definable border materials, user commands, build limits and game mode options!
As the title says, this release sees four new features added:

Border Material Variables
The sizes.yml file now has border-material name and variation number setting to allow for specifying the border block type

User-level commands
/plot list
/plot tp [plotid]
Where /vrplot is an admin-level tool for managing every aspect of plot creation and assignments, your users can now view their actively-owned plots and tp to them, simply by using the /plot command

Set Limitations on Building Locations*
The config.yml now has a new option 'allow-outplot-build' line which is set to be true or false to grant players the permission, or otherwise, to build outside their defined plot

Optional switchable or forced game mode change*
The config.yml now has three new options to dictate if and how the game mode is to change when the player enters their plot:
# Set player gamemode to change when they enter their plot
enable-plot-gamemode: false
# Set which gamemode players change to when they enter their plot default-plot-gamemode: SURVIVAL
# Set forced change to plot gamemode when players enter their plot
force-plot-gamemode: false

*Important note - your old config.yml has been saved to config.yml.old and replaced with a new config.yml with the above new line options added - be sure to check their settings are correct for your needs!
----------, Sep 2, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,638
First Release: Aug 23, 2021
Last Update: Jan 9, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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