- Fixed: Drops when killing entire stack
- Fixed: Butcher mode adding NBT values to items
- Fixed: Mark stacked entities as spawned by spawner for /spawner admin killall
- Fixed: Butcher item and exp drops
You can now define item and exp drops for each entity in entities.yml
Code (YAML):
- STONE:1:2
# drops min one and max two stone
"1:2" drops min one and max two exp
- Fixed: GUI menu open error
+ Improved: Spawner spawn event for 3rd party stacking plugins
- Fixed: Order of entities from entities.yml
- Fixed: Hide item attributes in menu
- Fixed: Display of spawned entity with no-conditions enabled
- Fixed: Issue with stack knockback and other plugins
- Fixed: Entity type of vanilla spawner upon placement silktouch
- Fixed: Make monsters stacked despawn
+ Added: Option to kill whole stack
Code (YAML):
# Kill the whole stack, if one entity dies?
: false
- Fixed: Error on folia with entity merge and area limit
+ Changed: Provide spawn reason for entity spawning
+ Improved: Reduce amount of block state calls
- Fixed: Spawners spawning inside blocks in some setups - 2
- Fixed: Spawners spawning inside blocks in some setups
+ Added: Option to only stack entities from spawners
Code (Text):
# Only stack entities that were spawned by an upgradeable spawner?
only-spawner: true
- Fixed: Dont merge stacks in non spawner worlds
- Fixed: Argument translations for /spawner admin give
+ Added: Merge entities into stacks (entities.yml)
Code (Text):
# Merge entities into one stack
# Merge entities every specified interval.
# Can be disabled by setting interval to something lower than 1.
interval_time: 30s
- Fixed: Butcher mode drops
+ Added: Support for 1.20.5
- Fixed: Economy integration
+ Added: /spawner admin killall
+ Added: Options for butcher mode:
Code (YAML):
# Only supports UpgradeableHoppers: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/69201
# Require an upgradeablehopper to be placed underneath the spawner before butcher mode can be activated?
: false
# Should loot be dropped, if the upgradeable hopper is full?
: true
+ Improved: Removing stacked entities from cache at chunk unload posing performance issue
- Fixed: Mobs unaware lag in some cases
- Fixed: API issue from prev version
+ Changed: [#2505] Being able to disable nearby entities in levels.yml
- Fixed: [#2502] Issues with retrieving skin data for heads, etc. This finally removes errors printed by the server's API. Which might
occur if Mojangs API is down etc.
- Fixed: [#2477] Entity spawning on 1.20.1
- Fixed: get-confirm option
- Fixed: Spawning on 1.20 versions lower than 1.20.4
- Fixed: [#2484] [#2470] Entity spawning on 1.20.4
- Fixed: [#2477] Period entities on spawner replace
- Fixed [#2452]: Jockey disable
+ Improved: Item spawn location for butcher mode
+ Improved: Spawner load at chunk load
+ Added: Option to disable jockeys
Code (YAML):
# If disabled, no jockes will spawn at all. Not just from spawners.
# It's not possible to distingush if a jockes spawn as a result of an entity from an spawner.
: true
The old custom head textures are no longer supported by the server.
Therefore, you need to change any custom heads in your GUI and entities.yml files to the new
skin URLs.
If you don't do this, you'll receive lots of spam from the server in your console log.
- Fixed: Initial spawner status after placement
- Fixed: Max period amount hologram
+ Added: [Suggestion] Option to count stacked entities towards nearby entities limit
Code (YAML):
# Should the stack size be counted towards the nearby entities limit from levels.yml?
: false
- Fixed: Some stacking related issues
+ Added: [Suggestion] take limit.max-per-chunk into account at spawner conversion
- Fixed: Mined vanilla spawners with silktouch change entity type upon placement
+ Added: knockback option for stacked entities in stacking.yml
- Fixed: [#2355] Spawner stopping to spawn and need to be paused and resumed to spawn again
- Fixed: item stack not increasing in size making it look like spawner is paused after region reload
+ Improved: no ai set aware re applying at area load
+ Added: Option to disable entity push in stacking.yml
- Fixed: [#2367] Issue with ChunkLoadEvent
+ Updated: To latest Lands API
- Fixed: Startup error at disabling entity change item depending on config
+ Changed: spawner spawn event priority to better work with 3rd party plugins
+ Changed: Remove spider jockey etc.
- Fixed: Hologram not appearing after server reload in some cases
+ Changed: Only convert spawner on interaction if silktouch is disabled
- Fixed [#2371]: Drops for stacked entities
- Fixed: Error at /uspawner list
+ Added: Bedrock forms GUI menus for Bedrock players if floodgate is installed
This does NOT affect Java Edition players.
- Fixed: [#2344] Stacked entity stuck at amount 2
+ Added: [Suggestion] Spawners can now be paused by receiving a redstone signal
Code (Text):
# NOTE: These settings require server reload / restart.
# Should spawners stop spawning if they're powered by redstone?
pause-on-signal: true
- Fixed: [#2337] Spawner continuing to spawn despite being paused manually
- Fixed: Experience not dropping on every kill with stacks
+ Improved: Filter drops for stacked mobs
- Fixed: [#2357] [#2360] Error at entity spawn
+ Added: Support for Minecraft 1.20
- Fixed: [#2313] Spawn location invalid if spawner surrounded by blocks
+ Added: Option
# Scan areas for passed limits each interval.
interval_time: 30s
+ Changed: [#2321] default 3rd-party-stacking to false
- Fixed: [#2313] Entity spawn on top of block gets stuck
+ Added: [Suggestion] Modify max stack size
# Max stack size
# 0 means unlimited
max-size: 500
- Fixed: [#2308] Max entities per period not resetting on server restart
- Fixed: [#2308] Resuming manually paused spawner does not spawn entities
+ Added: [#2283] Some debugging related to world load
+ Added: [#2283] Kill stacked mobs all at once if they die because of falling into void
- Fixed: [#2283] Entity stacking disabled state
- Fixed: [#2283] Butcher mode
- Fixed: Invalid build causing issues from previous version
- Fixed: [#2318] Spawn interval of some spawners is not correct
+ Added: [#2318] Some debug messages regarding spawning
# Configure logging
# We might ask you to enable this, when you submit a bugreport.
debug: false
- Fixed: [#2292] Not being able to place hoppers on superiorskyblock islands on which a player is trusted was only-land is enabled
- Fixed: Manually pausing spawner is not persistent
+ Improved: EpicSpawners migration
- Fixed: only-land option
This version is not compatible with older versions of UpgradeableHoppers.
If you have UpgradeableHoppers installed, please update to the latest version.
+ Added: Support for UpgradeableHoppers filter item delete feature when placing hopper underneath farm
This version is not compatible with older versions of UpgradeableHoppers.
If you have UpgradeableHoppers installed, please update to the latest version.
+ Added: [#2249] Option for 3rd party entity stacking
Code (YAML):
# If this option is set to false, spawners will only spawn the maximum amount of nearby entites.
# That means, if maximum nearby entities is set to 10, the spawn amount can't be higher than 10.
# This option needs to be enabled, if you use a stacking plugin other than UpgradeableSpawners itself.
# If you're not using any stacking featuere you can disable this option to make sure that spawners
# don't spawn more entities at once than their max. nearby entities amount.
: true
- Fixed: [#2276] Issues with entity equipment and possible abuse in "duping" items in combination with stacking
+ Added: Support for max nearby entities if no-conditions is enabled
+ Changed: Re-apply meta-data to spawners at first chunk load
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now customize the name of stacked entities
name: '{entity} &7- &6{amount}x'
{entity} will be replaced with the entity name from entities.yml.
- Fixed: Spawner status placeholders in menu not parsing
- Fixed: Internal stacking cache leading to wrong association
- Fixed: [#2223] Hopper connection
+ Improved: [#2226] Drecrease block state update amount
+ Updated: Hopper integration with UpgradeableHoppers
+ Added: Hex color support for entities.yml
- Fixed: [#2238] Silktouch with 3rd party plugin
+ Improved: [#2226] Delete spawner if block is removed by 3rd party plugin without any
possibility to detect it
+ Updated: Latest Lands API
Requires latest version of Lands, if you have Lands installed.
- Fixed: CachedRequirement modification for levels
Merry Christmas!
- Fixed: [#2219] Item name and lore
+ Added: Silktouch chance failed message
- Fixed: [#2218] Entity saving
- Fixed: [#2219] Silktouch chance
+ Updated: To the latest Lands API
The "no-conditions" option has been moved from the config.yml to entities.yml to allow this option to be set per entity type. If you currently have this option enabled, make sure to re-enable it in entities.yml by following the example posted in the changelog.
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now toggle no-condition for each entity type in entities.yml
Therefore, this setting has been moved, and you might need to reconfigure it. Example:
Code (YAML):
: Pig
: 5000.0
: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTI3ZWM0NTllYzhiYTM1YWY5YmI0YzdlMDQ5YzdjZThkMjM0NTAyNWJjNDc0NDY2NDdhNTFiODE0YjMwOWRiOCJ9fX0=
# '/Spawners get' will give a pig spawner. You can just remove this option and place it somewhere else to change the default entity.
: true
# Should spawners of this entity type to have butcher mode enabled?
# This does save performance, since no living entities are spawned. This acts like a virtual spawner
# that doesn't spawn any entities, but still harvests their loot.
# If you disable this option again, then butcher mode will be set to the state each induvidual spawner had before
# it was enabled.
# Always force butcher?
: false
# Should a spawner, with this entity type selected, always spawn entities? That means that there are no spawn conditions, except the levels from levels.yml (except player_range).
# All spawners will be able to spawn in air and underwater. There are no restrictions.
# NOTE: This option required server reload / restart.
: true
If you used item economy or exp levels as economy, you need to enable it again after updating.
+ Added: [Suggestion] Use player experience instead of just levels for eco
+ Added: Strict comparison for item eco
Code (YAML):
# Player experience
: false
# Item currency is used when all other economy options are disabled or unavailable.
# The currency item can be edited in the GUI language file at the "currency" item.
# If enabled, only items that have the same name, lore etc. will belong to the currency.
# Not just items of the same type or items with the same model-data.
: false
- Fixed: [#2211] Menu not opening because of missing butcher item
+ Changed: Moved force-butcher to entities.yml
Allows you to set it per entity type
Code (Text):
name: Pig
cost: 5000.0
skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTI3ZWM0NTllYzhiYTM1YWY5YmI0YzdlMDQ5YzdjZThkMjM0NTAyNWJjNDc0NDY2NDdhNTFiODE0YjMwOWRiOCJ9fX0=
# '/Spawners get' will give a pig spawner. You can just remove this option and place it somewhere else to change the default entity.
default: true
# Should spawners of this entity type to have butcher mode enabled?
# This does save performance, since no living entities are spawned. This acts like a virtual spawner
# that doesn't spawn any entities, but still harvests their loot.
# If you disable this option again, then butcher mode will be set to the state each induvidual spawner had before
# it was enabled.
always: false
- Fixed: [#2180] Param names
+ Added: You can now place UgradeableHoppers beneath spawners to automatically insert
items that result in the usage of the butcher feature.
Requires the latest version of UpgradeableHoppers. This feature is optional.
+ Added: [#2180] Option to forcefully enable butcher mode for all spawners:
Code (YAML):
# For all spawners to have butcher mode enabled?
# This does save performance, since no living entities are spawned. This acts like a virtual spawner
# that doesn't spawn any entities, but still harvests their loot.
# If you disable this option again, then butcher mode will be set to the state each induvidual spawner had before
# it was enabled.
: false
+ Added: Chance to retrieve spawner on silktouch
Code (YAML):
# Chance to retrieve the spawner in percent.
: 100
- Fixed: Error on saving new spawner
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now manually pause a spawner in its menu
Also this adds some more information on why spawners are paused.
- Fixed: DB issue
- Fixed: [#2195] Issue with spawning if spawn amount is 1
+ Changed: Save spawner immediately if upgrade menu closed and changes were made, async ofc.
+ Added: Option to disable stacking for vanilla spawners as well:
Code (Text):
# Should spawned entities be stacked?
enabled_2: true
# Should entites, spawned by vanilla spawners, be stacked too?
# NOTE: This option requires server reload / restart.
vanilla: false
- Fixed: [#2182] Entity stacking not completely disabled for vanilla spawners
- Fixed: [#2178] Reducing stack amount did not call entity death event for 3rd party plugins
+ Added: [Suggestion] Entities are now being stacked. Whenever a spawner spawns entities, they will now be stacked if possible.
If it can't find an entity of this type in a radius of 8 blocks, then it will spawn a new entity and stack the rest.
- You can disable this in stacking.yml.
- The remove-ai option has been moved to stacking.yml as well and it's state defaults to false.
+ Changed: [#2154] Spread no-condition spawns more evenly on more tasks
Entity stacking is coming soon as well.
- Fixed: [#2151] Not being able to disable period_amount upgrade by setting period time to 0
This should also fix spawning issues with servers, having that set to 0.
+ Added: [Suggestion] Option to cancel vanilla spawners spawning entities
Code (YAML):
# Allow vanilla spawners to spawn entities?
: true
+ Added: [Suggestion] Option to blacklist AI removal
Code (YAML):
: false
# Here you can add entity types that should keep AI.
# List of entity types: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
+ Added: Option to allow/ignore cancellations of entity spawns, because of 3rd party plugins
Code (YAML):
# Should entity spawn cancellations from 3rd party plugins be allowed?
# While disabling this option might be helpful, if you want to exclude upgradeable spawners spawn rate from being
# limited by 3rd party plugins, it might have unintended results with, for example, stacking plugins.
: true
+ Added: Debug option
Code (YAML):
# Configure logging
# We might ask you to enable this, when you submit a bugreport.
: false
- Fixed: Entity type name not applied in main menu from entities.yml
- Fixed: [#2089] Unknown message for teleportation progress
- Fixed: Incompatibility with executable items
+ Improved: Evaluation of spawn location when no-conditions enabled
+ Improved: Spawner saving procedure
This change is experimental. I'm not able to test compatibility with all 3rd party plugins that exist.
+ Improved: Spawn event handling
Entities are no longer spawned pre spawn, no need to .remove it if cancelled
- Fixed: [#1998] Wrong spawn loc if no-conditions disabled
+ Added: API: getSpawner
+ Improved: Compatibility with entity stacking plugins
- Fixed: Minor issue with no-conditions leaving one spawn in edge cases
+ Changed: Adjust spawn height for spawn task
- Fixed: Error at filtering player
- Fixed: Spawn in block when spawn task enabled
- Fixed: logging option toggle
- Fixed: Pagination error
Please don't worry about when this plugin will add 1.19 support. It's designed to run just fine on new versions. An update with version specific additions will be posted once 1.19 is released.
+ Added: Option to disable api event logging
Code (Text):
# Should UpgradeableSpawners log cancellations of events. This happens if 3rd party plugins cancel these events.
# By having this option enabled, you can always check if a 3rd party plugin cancelled a spawn for example.
api-events: false
+ Added: Option to always use default translation
Code (Text):
# Force default language? This will make changes to language files impossible and will always use the default.
# This will always replace existing strings with the default ones.
# You should only use this option if your language matches "en-US".
force-default: false
+ Added: Chat and GUI language files now accept the
alternative file name format <plugin>-<chat | gui>-<language>.yml
- Fixed: Entity type display skin in main menu
+ Added: [Suggestion] Option to ingnore all spawning conditions:
Code (Text):
# Should a spawner always spawn entities? That means that there are no spawn conditions, except the levels from levels.yml (except player_range).
# All spawners will be able to spawn in air and underwater. There are no restrictions.
no-conditions: false
+ Added: Persistent no AI with water pushing:
Code (YAML):
# Should spawned entities from an upgradeable spawner have AI?
# If set to false, these entities will not move, but will still be pushed by water.
# This helps to improve server performance.
# NOTE: This setting requires server reload / restart.
: false
- Fixed: [#1924] No AI option in combination with WildStacker
This version migrates your language files into a new format. Existing translations are kept. Please take a backup of your translation files anyway.
This update is a complete overhaul of the GUI menu framework. It contains several improvements and
suggestions that we received in the past. While this version has been tested, there might still be
minor issues that might affect the usability of a menu.
+ Added: PlaceholderAPI support for all GUI menus
+ Added: You can now define multiple slots for items in menus
+ Added: You can now define entry ranges for list menus
+ Added: You can now define common items to be set in each menu
+ Added: Define commands to be executed on item click
+ Changed: Make level arguments at /uspawner admin give optional
- Fixed: GUI not creating
+ Added: Individual confirm message for /spawner get
- Fixed. Max stack amount for WildStacker
The command framework has be refactored.
- All admin (!) commands have been moved to /spawner admin
- The tab completion has been improved and consistency across all commands is ensured.
- The permissions for /spawner admin <subcmd> subcommands have changed.
- Example: /spawner admin give Permission: uspawners.admin.command.give
- It follows the same format for each sub command of /spawner admin. No further explanation needed.
+ Added: Option to limit stacked entity amount
Code (YAML):
# -1: Disable stacking completely.
# 0: Unlimited stacked amount of entities.
: 0
+ Changed
All admin related commands have been moved to /spawner admin <subcmd>
- Fixed: Entity stacking with WildStacker
+ Updated: French locale by Nogopra
- Fixed: levels.yml reading when Turkish OS language
+ Added: Merging of spawned groups for wildstacker
+ Added: Integration with WildStacker that will spawn large groups of entity-amount to one entity instead of many
+ Improved: Default GUI file format
This update adds two new permissions which are required to be set, if you want players to receive the spawner item on spawner break
and if you want players to be able to upgrade their spawners.
+ Added: [Suggestion] "uspawners.drop-item" permission
description: Drop the spawner item when players break the spawner.
+ Added: "uspawners.upgrade" permission
description: Only allow players with this permission to upgrade their spawners.
+ Added: [Suggestion] Option to override xp drop of entities spawned by an upgradeable spawner
Code (YAML):
# Set amount of experience drops, if an entity dies that has been spawned by an upgradeable spawner.
# Use -1 to disable this option.
: -1
+ Added: Override spawn amount manually to ensure a consisted amount of spawned entities per cycle
+ Added: Option "spawner.vanilla.claim.on-spawn" to convert spawners to USpawners when they spawn an entity
+ Added: spawn_amount upgrade (optional).
+ Updated: French locale fr-FR - by Nogapra
+ Added: [Suggestion] /hopper admin migratedb <target> command
Example: Migrate data from SQLite to MySQL.
- Fixed: [#1676] Possible issue with same level values for two different levels (not confirmed)
- Fixed: Butcher mode bypassing max entities per period limit
- Fixed: [#1669] Spawner breaking drops exp
- Fixed: Tab completion null error
- Fixed: {amount} placeholder not parsing for get.dropped message
- Fixed: uspawners.bypass.delete not allowing to bypass silktouch requirement
- Fixed: Possible spawner duplication, if target got untrusted from untrusted region
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now parse placeholders from 3rd party plugins in chat messages via PlaceholderAPI.
This currently does not include GUI menus. Lands will only integrate into PAPI if you have any PAPI placeholders in the language file.
+ Added: /spawners about command (admin)
+ Changed: [Suggestion] 'eco-format' now defaults to '$#,###.00'
All currency symbols have been removed from the default language files.
Current installations are not affected by this change. Only new users.
If you however, regenerate your language files to default make sure you update your eco-format option.
If you use item based economy, please make sure to edit the new currency item to your liking.
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now specify custom model data for item based economy. For that, a new item has been added in the gui file.
+ Added: French translation (fr-FR)
Thanks to
@Nogapra for contributing his translation!
- Fixed: Invalid default translation for the /spawner listperms command
- Fixed: Permission changes to groups of Luckperms wouldn't immediately be applied to the players limits
+ Improved: Permission calculation only triggered when explicitly needed
+ Improved: Handling of GUI language file configuration mistakes that lead to items not being displayed
+ Improved: GUI menu setup is now even faster, due to moving collision checks to at load and not creation
- Fixed: Help message for /spawner listperms
- Fixed: Wrong listener priority for spawner spawn listener
- Fixed: [#1526] Able to claim spawners in areas where player is untrusted
+ Added: Do not allow any damage caused by entities that were spawned with no-ai enabled in config
+ Added: Hologram offset option
# Y offset - adjust the height
offset: 0
- Fixed: Not possible to generate 50% chance of drop as max is exclusive
+ Added: Do not allow teleportation of entities that were spawned by uspawners
+ Added: You can now configure what mobs should drop if butcher mode is turned on:
Code (YAML):
: Blaze
: 5000.0
: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjc4ZWYyZTRjZjJjNDFhMmQxNGJmZGU5Y2FmZjEwMjE5ZjViMWJmNWIzNWE0OWViNTFjNjQ2Nzg4MmNiNWYwIn19fQ==
- 'BLAZE_ROD:1:1'
- Fixed: Too hight spawn rate if butcher mode enabledp
- Fixed: Issue with event handlers
+ Added:
Lands -> Delete spawners when player gets untrusted (Lands version 5.15.2+ required)
- Fixed: Issue with silktouch
- Fixed: Issue from last version
- Fixed: Error at spawner resume call
+ Added: Butcher option
To prevent your players from toggling this option, just add "enabled: false" to the corresponding item in your gui file.
# Default settings. These only apply to new spawner creations.
# Available: BUTCHER
default-settings_list: []
+ Added: More no-ai options
# Should spawned entities from a upgradeable spawner have AI?
# If set to false, these entities will not move or do pathfinding.
# This helps to improve server performance.
# NOTE: This setting requires server reload / restart.
enabled_4: true
# Should entities still be able to get pushed around by water or other entities?
water-pushing: true
+ Added: Cache holo status and only update if any required change happens
- Fixed: If allow-region-members enabled, they could remove the spawner
- Fixed: Load at chunk load event
- Fixed: Error at removing pathfinding goals for entities on chunk load
- Fixed: Minor issue with level calc for Lands
+ Added: NoAI: On paper the mobs now still can be pushed around by water etc.
+ Added: {cost} placeholder for spawner item in player_list menu
+ Added: Option to allow region members open spawner menus
# Supports: Lands (
https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/53313), SuperiorSkyblock2, BentoBox
# Allow players, which are trusted in the region where the
# farm is located in, to break blocks, place blocks and
# interact, if they're allowed to do so in the region?
allow-region-members: true
+ Added: NoAI: On paper the mobs now still can be pushed around by water etc.
+ Added: {cost} placeholder for spawner item in player_list menu
+ Added: Option to allow region members open spawner menus
# Supports: Lands (
https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/53313), SuperiorSkyblock2, BentoBox
# Allow players, which are trusted in the region where the
# farm is located in, to break blocks, place blocks and
# interact, if they're allowed to do so in the region?
allow-region-members: true
- Fixed: GUI click dropping items
+ Added: Auto correct invalid spawn intervals from levels.yml
- Fixed: CMI holograms
- Fixed: Wrong interval for spawner limiter task
- Minor performance improvements
- Fixed: Spawner limiter task on 1.17
- Fixed: Potential cause for server crash at teleportation
+ Added: Support for Spigot and Paper 1.17
Java 16 is supported too. You can still use lower Java versions without any issues (however Spigot, Paper 1.17 requires Java 16).
- Removed: Outdated entity from entities.yml: PIG_ZOMBIE
- Fixed: Not able to set empty lists in config
The complete config file update mechanisms have been recoded. It aims to fix multiple minor issues which
could have been annoying sometimes. Please report any issues to via pm or Discord.
- Fixed: Potential issue with database metadata / looking for farm id at startup
- Fixed: Potential issue with 3rd party plugins unable to deserialize saved spawner item
- Fixed: NEARBY_ENTITIES and PLAYER_RANGE have wrong order at /spawner give
+ Added: Option to only show holograms if the spawner is paused: only-paused
- Added: /spawner give <player> <type> [amount] [levels...] command
- Fixed: Spawner did not save purchased entities to the item itself
- Fixed: Missing loadbefore entries in plugin.yml
- Fixed: Error at spawner limiter task
- Improved: Error handling at limiter task
- Fixed: Holograms did not disable in some cases
- Fixed: Period amount not ending in some cases
- Fixed: Holograms did not disable in some cases
- Improved: Only count entities for area limit, that were spawned by a upgradeable spawner
- Fixed: Spawner save error if prev. db versions
- Added: Option to set holo height
# Hologram above the spawner to show stats about the levels and entity type.
enabled: true
height: 3.45
- Changed: Allow breaking of spawners if silktouch fails, but only drop item if silktouch is correct
enchantment: '&cWarning: You can''t mine this spawner without the silktouch enchantement on your pickaxe. &7You won''t receive this spawner.'
permission: '&cWarning: You''re not allowed to mine this spawner with silktouch. &7You won''t receive this spawner. &8Permission: uspawners.silktouch'
- Added: Save purchased entity types for each spawner
Each spawner can have it's own purchased spawners types. So players can regulary change the entity type.
- Added: Holograms (optional)
- '&eEntity: {entity}'
- 'Interval: {interval}'
- 'Spawns per period: {period}'
- 'Nearby entities: {nearby}'
- 'Player distance: {distance}'
- '&cSpawner paused:'
- 'Too many entities in the'
- 'area of this spawner.'
- ' '
- 'Max. entities: {max}'
- '&cSpawner paused:'
- 'Spawned maximum amount of {max} entities'
- 'in the current period of {period}.'
- ' '
- 'It will be active again in: {reset}'
- 'You can upgrade the period'
- 'spawn amount in the menu.'
- Fixed: Teleportation cost returned 0 in some cases.
- Fixed: No teleportation delay
- Fixed: Issue with wildcard recognition in worlds option
- Fixed: Issues with max entities per period
- Added: Wildcard support for worlds in config
- Fixed: Silktouch not dropping item
- Fixed: Levels duplicated on converted spawners
- Fixed: Issue with levels economy at /spawners get
- Changed: No longer drop spawner item if set disabled by 3rd party plugin
- Fixed: Issues with 3rd party plugins that might not cancel the event correctly
- Added: No longer enforce entity PIG to be a type /Spawner get
Set any entity to be the default entity:
Code (YAML):
: Pig
: 5000.0
: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTI3ZWM0NTllYzhiYTM1YWY5YmI0YzdlMDQ5YzdjZThkMjM0NTAyNWJjNDc0NDY2NDdhNTFiODE0YjMwOWRiOCJ9fX0=
# '/Spawners get' will give a pig spawner. You can just remove this option and place it somewhere else to change the default entity.
: true
- Fixed: Change saver not executing in some cases
- Added: Remove one spawner on placement if in creative mode
- Fixed: possible incompatibility with persistent data holder (not confirmed)
- Added: Economy display option
# Set the format of all economy related displays.
# NOTE: This setting requires server reload / restart.
eco-format: '#,###.00'
- Fixed: Spawner block not getting removed in combination with the silktouch option
- Fixed: model-data not applying to spawner item
- Fixed: Error which saved into the spawner items from previous version
- Improved: Spawner limiter task
- Fixed: Issue with mining older spawners
- Silktouch mine option
# Should spawners only be able to be mineable with a silktouch pickaxe?
# NOTE: If enabled, players still need the uspawners.silktouch permission to mine the spawners. Players with the uspawners.bypass.delete permission can bypass this and mine it without any pickaxe.
# If disabled, players can delete and get the hopper by using shift plus left click.
silktouch: false
enchantment: '&cYou can''t mine this spawner without the silktouch enchantement on your pickaxe. &7You need to enchant it first with silktouch.'
permission: '&cYou''re not allowed to mine this spawner with silktouch. &8Permission: uspawners.silktouch'
- Database will now determine if a spawner should be saved even if it's loaded
This will help prevent data loss in case of a server crash.
It will only be saved if any changes have been made on the spawner.
- Error handling
- Entities.yml file is missing heads on first time usage
- Missing head textures to default entities.yml
- Piglin and Zombified_piglin to default entities.yml
- NoAI delay to let entities fall down
- Database load speed and less space usage
- Save speed
- epcispawners importer (/UpgradeableSpawners admin import epicspawners)
- 1.16.2 Support
- BentoBox support
- When spawner is paused due max spawns upgrade, upgrading the value did not resume the spawner immediately
- Database
- Clickable text messages (applicable to every chat message)
- Option to set spawn amount per upgradeable interval
# Set the amount of mobs the spawner should attempt spawn per upgradeable interval.
# NOTE: The actual spawning is handled by the server. That means if there is not enough space around the spawner,
# it might spawn less to prevent issues.
mob-amount: 3
- Hex color placeholders {#FFFFFF}
- Region provider empty issue
- Lands support
- SuperiorSkyblock support
# Supports: Lands (
https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/53313), SuperiorSkyblock2
# Allow players, which are trusted in the region where the
# spawner is located in to use the spawner?
allow-region-members: true
- Vanilla eggs not changing entity type, even if enabled in config
- 1.16 compatibility
- When clicking on an entity in the entity change menu, it would set the head in the corner of the inventory if you did not have enough currency to pay
- Economy in money withdraw for entity purchase
- Upgrade purchase
- Latest GUI handler for bugfixes and improvements
Just forgot to mention in the last update that you need to add this to your levels.yml to let the new upgrade work correctly:
Code (YAML):
# Spawn amount
# Set how many mobs attempt to spawn in each period.
# The period can be configured in the config file.
: 2
: 0
: 4
: 5000.0
: 5
: 8000.0
: 7
: 1000.0
Also you can add more levels incremental yourself.
# FIXED Error on player initialisation
+ ADDED Period Spawn amount upgrade
# FIXED Spawn interval formatting on spawner item
# IMPROVED Database format
+ ADDED Setting to claim (convert) vanilla spawners on interaction:
# Should vanilla spawners be converted into upgradeable spawners when a player interacts with them?
# NOTE: It is not possible to convert vanilla spawners without player interaction since the server does not
# provide a way to indentify the owner without interaction.
enabled_2: false
# Should the convert be allowed, even if the player reached his maximum amount of upgradeable spawners?
ignore-max: false
claimed: '&7You successfully claimed this vanilla spawner and converted it into a upgradeable spawner.'
# FIXED Wrong permission node on /spawner get
Note: We will process new feature updates as soon as possible after we finished our current feature update for Lands.

# FIXED NPE on upgrade when player did
not have enough money to pay the upgrade
# UPDATED To latest menu and messages version
# FIXED Error on spawner interaction
+ ADDED Only-owner placement option
# Allow only the owner
# of the hopper item
# to place it down.
only-owner: true
+ ADDED Entity-change option
# Allow changing the entity type of a upgradeable spawner?
# If you also want to disable eggs, make sure to disable the setting below (vanilla.egg).
# You can also disable specific items in the GUI menu by adding enabled: false to the item configuration in the GUI language file.
entity-change: true
+ ADDED No AI setting for spawned entities
# Should spawned entities from a upgradeable spawner have a AI?
# If set to false, these entities will not move or do pathfinding.
# This helps to improve server performance.
entity-ai: true
+ ADDED /Spawners reload command
# FIXED Paged menu response
# FIXED Typos in GUI, thanks to
@Verum !
+ ADDED Korean language files by
Thank you for your contribution!
+ ADDED Asynchronous pagination menus
# FIXED Entity name changes in entities.yml do not reflect ingame
+ ADDED German (de-DE) translation by
Thank you for your contribution!
+ ADDED enabled: false parameter to entities.yml to disable entities.
Alternatively you can just remove the entity from the file to disable it.
+ ADDED Automatic head skull retrievement from: minecraft-heads.com on first time usage
To apply this you will need to delete your current entities.yml
This is only executed, if the entities.yml is generated for the first time (so you need to delete it to apply this, if you want to).
You can still however apply your own skull data.
+ ADDED Egg setting:
# Allow changing the entity type of the spawner with a spawn egg?
egg: false
egg: '&cYou''re not allowed to use this egg to change the spawners entity type. &7You can do that in the spawner menu.'
# FIXED Some typos in default language file
If you have any suggestions for improvements or you have any issues, send me a message via pm! I would be happy to help. 
+ ADDED Automatic head skull retrievement from: minecraft-heads.com on first time usage
To apply this you will need to delete your current entities.yml
This is only executed, if the entities.yml is generated for the first time (so you need to delete it to apply this, if you want to).
You can still however apply your own skull data.
+ ADDED Egg setting:
# Allow changing the entity type of the spawner with a spawn egg?
egg: false
egg: '&cYou''re not allowed to use this egg to change the spawners entity type. &7You can do that in the spawner menu.'
# FIXED Some typos in default language file
# UPDATED To latest version of the plugin.