+ Added: You can now place UgradeableHoppers beneath spawners to automatically insert
items that result in the usage of the butcher feature.
Requires the latest version of UpgradeableHoppers. This feature is optional.
+ Added: [#2180] Option to forcefully enable butcher mode for all spawners:
Code (YAML):
# For all spawners to have butcher mode enabled?
# This does save performance, since no living entities are spawned. This acts like a virtual spawner
# that doesn't spawn any entities, but still harvests their loot.
# If you disable this option again, then butcher mode will be set to the state each induvidual spawner had before
# it was enabled.
: false
+ Added: Chance to retrieve spawner on silktouch
Code (YAML):
# Chance to retrieve the spawner in percent.
: 100